
William Tingle – Ultimate Subject To

(6 customer reviews)

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William-Tingle-Ultimate-Subject-To-1William Tingle – Ultimate Subject To


Are you a just starting out in real estate investing with limited cash, experience, or good enough credit to qualify for financing? Are you a more experienced investor who is tired of buying properties the conventional way, qualifying for loans and renting to tenants who only want to rent, use and abuse your property? Do you want to start building wealth and have cash flow now from real estate investing?

Would you like to buy properties no matter what your credit is like without ever having to talk to a banker?

Have you been studying real estate investing for months or even years and for some reason simply can’t get up the confidence to pull the trigger? Do you feel like the other courses you have bought leave out those “little details” that make all the difference?

Are you terrified of not knowing how to handle seller calls or of missing a step when signing up a deal? Are you waiting for that course that will explain all of the unknowns and help you build the confidence to go into a meeting with a seller knowing that you will walk out with a signed contract on a great deal that will put cash in your pocket?


This is the most thorough, most complete course of its kind. It is the “ULTIMATE” subject-to course available ANYWHERE! Here are some of the things you’ll learn:

* How to buy “subject to” step by step!
* How to buy homes with absolutely no credit or proof of income!
* How to get sellers to beg you to take their properties!
* How to create immediate cash flow with no landlord headaches with lease options!
* How to create years of cash flow by providing the financing for your buyers!
* How to avoid the “due on sale” clause and make any loan an “assumable” loan!
* How to close the deal on the “kitchen table” without a title company or an attorney!
* How to use Land Trusts to avoid “Due on Sale” issues!
* How to increase your profit by using “wraps” or use a lease option and “be the bank”!

And much, much more!

“I have said it in the past, and I will say it again. There is no one in this country that is better in the Subject-To arena of real estate investing than William Tingle. He has built the best business model for investing in this field of anyone else I know.”

“In addition to that, William is an investor who upholds the highest standards of ethics and morals- something that I rarely find from others.”

“I’m proud to call William a friend of mine and I would highly recommend his teaching to EVERYONE!”

Stephen Cook Investor-Author Baltimore, MD

Hi, my name is William Tingle and I have been a real estate investor for over 4 years. In that time, I have bought, sold, rented, lease optioned, land contracted, flipped, rehabbed and sub2’ed over 100 houses. In my opinion, subject-to is the fastest, easiest, cheapest and for me, one of the most fun ways of taking actual ownership of properties out there. You can buy without cash, you can close without an attorney or title company, and your exit strategies are endless! You can rent it, sell it for cash, owner finance it for years of cash flow, lease option it, whatever you like.


You can sub2 pretty houses, apartment houses, junker houses, mobile homes, commercial property, practically ANYTHING out there! Any property you could buy conventionally, you can get the deed on!

I have put a system in place that will simplify the whole process for you will walk you through, step by step, how I left my career of 20 years after only 12 months of part-time real estate investing.

I have studied all types of investing and have come to the realization that buying subject-to existing financing has all of the upside of any other purchase method with virtually no negatives!

When you buy properties “subject to” the existing financing……………………….

* You own and control the property……….
* You claim all the tax benefits………..
* You profit from the appreciation ………..
* You profit from the principal pay down……………
* You collect all the cash flow…………..

………but you never have to talk with a banker, you never have to personally guarantee a loan and you never have to qualify for any stinkin’ mortgage!

Someone else went through all of that brain damage for you!

I can’t tell you how great it is not to ever have to set the alarm clock, to just be able to wake up when I am fully rested. My boys play soccer and I never have to miss another game or a practice. When was the last time you were able to take off during the day, just you and your spouse and enjoy a leisurely, 2 hour lunch like my wife and I did today, lingering and talking as long as you would like, having an extra cup of coffee, not having to rush back to work, feeling sorry for all of those around you who were watching the time, having to hurry back to a JOB.

Imagine being able to take off from the middle of November every year through the first week of January, enjoying the holidays and able to travel to see everyone without having to divide your time because you have to rush back home. I can remember being in the restaurant business and having to close on Christmas Eve and drive for several hours to see family, have Christmas dinner and then leave to drive back and be home to work the day after Christmas. Not anymore.

I wish I could describe to you the incredible feeling of knowing that I am financially independent and will never again have to worry about being “downsized” or my company being bought out or being replaced. My financial destiny is in my hands, not someone else’s.

I no longer have to fool myself by saying I spend “quality time” with my family, we spend time together each and every day. When I travel, they travel, right there in the plane or on the ship with me. Last week we visited Baltimore, this week we are packing for our Alaskan cruise.

“There are so many self-proclaimed gurus popping out of the woodwork these days that it’s hard to know who is for real. William Tingle is the REAL DEAL. He is one of the few, hands-on investors that does real deals and walks his talk. Read anything he writes and listen to everything he says.”

Attorney William Bronchick Aurora, CO

Get started today!

Buying subject-to existing financing is the most efficient use of your time and money. Not only can you do it “no money down”, but you also get to leverage the borrowing power of others or their credit. I have personally bought over $6,000,000 worth of real estate subject-to over the last 4 years. That’s $6,000,000 worth of other people’s credit and borrowing power!

I have put all of the things I have learned over my investing career in these 300+ pages of material. It is all here for you to use to build the future that you and your family deserve.

You’ll Learn:

Step-by-step how to easily “take over” your seller’s payments and property in the safest and easiest way possible!

* How to find sellers who are literally willing to “give” you their properties!
* How you can close fast (in less than 48 hours if needed!)
* How to stay in control of the deal at all times and why this is crucial!
* How to get motivated sellers to call you and beg you to take their property!
* How to avoid potential pitfalls of subject to deals!
* How to use land trusts to avoid the due on sale clause!
* How to find “Subject to” deals!
* The most common seller objections to sub2 and how to handle them!
* How to find private sources of funding for your deals!
* How to flip your deals for cash!

And much more!

PLUS you’ll also get a FREE bonus Disk containing all the documents and contracts you need to safely buy subject to the existing financing. Here’s a list of some of the forms you’ll get on your bonus Disk:

* Purchase & Sale Agreement (when Buying)
* Warranty Deed
* Quitclaim Deed
* Assignment of Contract (Flipping Deal)
* Limited Power Of Attorney
* Land Trust
* Appointment of Successor Trustee
* “The Ultimate” Disclosure Letter to Seller
* Acknowledgment of Assignment and Release of Liability
* Authorization to Release Information
* Authorization for Direct Payments

And much more!

“William’s contribution to the Subject-To arena is long over due. I’m glad he finally decided to put what’s in his head into a format the rest of us can benefit from. William’s expertise and contribution to the field of Subject-To will absolutely guarantee the serious and novice investor an exciting and amazing method of generating income that is simply hard to believe unless you are actively involved. I would absolutely recommend this course to everyone that is serious about real estate and to consider this information as a must have. It’s a tool they cannot afford to be without! It would be like a carpenter without his saw!”

“Thank you for sharing your expertise with us, I have no doubt of this courses’ place on the shelves of all serious investors.”

Mark Root Investor Lancaster, OH

Don’t miss your opportunity to be one of the first to get this information packed course at our super introductory price.

Most courses on this topic sell for $595, $695 and up to $995 each and for the potential freedom the information they provide can mean to you, they are a bargain. I have decided, however, to price my course within easy reach of EVERYONE who wants to have the information so my price for my course is only $349.00.

At only $349.00, this course that lays out every detail, step by step of how to set up and run your sub2 business like a well oiled machine is an absolute steal but I am going to make it even better for you. For a limited time, I will be offering this material for the unbelievable price of only $297.00! My publisher is telling me that I am crazy but I want everyone who wants financial independence for themselves and their family to have an opportunity to have this material.

“This is by far the best Subject-To course that I have ever seen. As a new investor, I was focusing on flipping and wholesaling but this course has added a whole new dimension. It is easy to follow, easy to understand and the best part is, it is realistic and doable, not just a bunch of “pie in the sky” like some other material. Just follow the outline and success is not far behind.”

“All I want to know is what took you so long. It is AWESOME! Thanks!”

WJ Lowe III Real Estate Agent & Investor Macon, GA

If the cost of a detailed, step by step subject-to course has been the issue for you in not getting started toward your financial goals, that is no longer the case.

Don’t think you can’t afford it! You can’t afford not to have it!

Are you willing to spend $297.00 for all the information and tools you need to be able to leave that 9 to 5? To be able to travel and live as you please? To be able to spend your time with your family as opposed to working for a boss? Are you tired of being so busy making a living that you don’t have time to make money?

Don’t miss this opportunity! Make the decision NOW to get out of the rat race. If you have the desire, this course will provide you with the information you need to change your life.
Order now and get my entire “Ultimate” system of how to find, negotiate, buy and sell properties subject-to existing financing for only $297.00.

There will never be a better time to become financially free than right now. What are you waiting for?

“William has personally helped and guided me in the process of becoming a full real estate
investor in a very short time. The methods and techniques he teaches along with your own
diligence and creative thinking will surely bring you the same success.”

“Read the book, apply the knowledge and reap the rewards!”

Darren Howell Investor Macon, GA

Preface xiii
My Story xiv
Ethical Investing xiv
A Word on Financial Freedom xv
Why I Wrote This Course. xvii
About The Author xviii
Will This Work In My Area?.1
Differences in Foreclosure Process.1
Differences In Use Of Land Trusts.2
What This Course Will Do For You.3
What This Course Will Not Do For You.4

CHAPTER 1 – page 9

Is It Legal?.9
Why Does It Work?.9
The “Due on Sale” Clause.10
Risks Resulting From The “Due on Sale” Clause.11
Others Risks In “Subject to” Transactions.12

CHAPTER 2 – page 19

Getting Started.19
Where Do You Want To Be?.21
Goal Setting with Little or No Cash or Credit22
Giving Sellers Notes For Their Equity.23
Von Ron Drive, 3/2.5 detached home, 1600 sq. ft.24
Nassau Place, 2BR/1BA detached home, 1100 sq. ft.25
Goal Setting with Cash and Credit26
Beware Holding Property Costs Money and Time.26
Setting Your Goals.27
Lifestyle Changes As A Shortcut To Achieving Your Goals.29
Should I Incorporate?.31
Setting Up Your Office.31
Must Have’s.31
Good To Have’s.33
Putting Together Ways to Come Up With Cash.34
Credit Cards.35
Bank or Other Institutional Financing.36
Friends & Relatives.37
Hard Money/Private Money.37
Questions for Hard Money Lenders.38
My Hard Money Lender40
Assemble Your Team..40
Mortgage Broker41
Pest Control.43
Insurance Agent.43
Miscellaneous Team Players.45
What’s A “Good” Deal?.45
Benchmarks Change.46
But Sellers Don’t Give Away That Kind Of Equity!.47
Woolfolk Street, 3BR/1BA detached home, 1400 sq. ft.48
Always Buy if the Price Is Right!.49
Tax Consequences.50
Dealer Status.50
Claiming Interest Deductions.50

CHAPTER 3 page – 53

What is a Motivated Seller?.53
Motivation, Motivation, Motivation.56
But Who In Their Right Mind Would Deed Me Their House?.56
Examples Of Motivated Sellers.57
Warner Robins, GA: 3BR/2BA, 1400 sq. ft. (Picture #1 on CD).57
Macon, GA: 3BR/1BA, 1200 sq. ft. (Picture #2 on CD).58
Macon, GA: 4BR/2BA, 1600 sq. ft. (Picture #3 on CD).60
Macon, GA: 3BR/2BA, 1600 sq. ft. (Picture #5 on CD).62

CHAPTER 4 – page 65

Finding and Contacting Motivated Sellers.65
Targeted Mailings.67
Sellers with Empty/Abandoned Properties.69
First Step – Creating a List.69
Second Step – Working the List.69
Targeting Abandoned Properties – Sample Result.70
Do I Need To Be An Expert Negotiator?.71
What Should My Letters Say?.71
Sellers with Expired or Soon to Expire MLS Listings.72
Should I Get My Real Estate License?.73
First Step – Creating a List.74
Second Step – Working the List.75
Sellers with Expired / Soon to Expire Listings – Sample Result.76
Obtaining Releases From Listings – The Agent’s Perspective.79
Sellers In Foreclosure.79
Doing Your Homework.80
First Step – Creating a List.81
Benefits of Collecting the Information.83
Second Step – Working the List.84
Sellers in Foreclosure – Sample Result.85
Persistence Pays Off – Sample Result #2 (Picture #8 on CD).85
Sample Letters.87
My Experience.88

CHAPTER 5 – page 89

Prompting Motivated Sellers to Call You.89
Classified Ads.91
Ads in the “Freebie” Papers.93
Bandit Signs.93
Promotional Items.96
Business Cards.97
Car Magnetics.98
Other Advertising Tools.99

CHAPTER 6 – page 101

The Phone Is Ringing…Now What?.101
My First Calls.103
Screening for Target Area.103
Screening And Negotiating With Sellers.104
Questioning To Determine Motivation.104
Make THEM Convince YOU to Buy.107
Some Tips For Spotting Unmotivated Sellers.109
Prescreening Isn’t Perfect.110
But I’m Still Not Sure What to Say When Someone Calls.111
Setting an Appointment to Meet with the Seller.112
Preparing for the Meeting.113
Down and Dirty – Your Initial Meeting with the Seller.115
Another Closing Secret – Talk Motivation Before Specifics.115
Negotiating The Deal.116
Answering Questions / Overcoming objections.118
Most Frequent Questions From “Subject to” Sellers.120
“Take It or Leave It” Attitude Has Its Advantages.124
Example: Johns Road (Picture #9 on CD).124
Example: Morgan Drive (Picture #10 on CD).126
Always Meet Face to Face.128
Overview Of A Typical Seller Encounter.129

CHAPTER 7 – page 133

Signing The Documents -.133
One Step Closer To Paydirt.133
Buying Paperwork Checklist.135
Purchase and Sales Agreement (a.k.a. Sales Contract).136
Finding A Problem With The House Post-Closing.137
Land Trust Addendum to Contract.139
Authorization To Release Information.139
Limited Power Of Attorney.139
The “Ultimate” Disclosure document.140
Closing Documents from Seller’s Purchase of Home.140
All Correspondence from Lenders and Attorneys.141
Coupon Book Or Statement From Lender.141

CHAPTER 8 – page 143

Due Diligence.143
Searching The Title.145
Learning To Do It Yourself.145
When To Hire A Professional.146
Questions To Answer When Searching A Title.147
Be Thorough!.148
What If I Miss Something?.149
What About Chain Of Title?.149
Saving Money.150
Do I Need Title Insurance?.150
Verifying Tax Payments Are Current.151
Verifying The Mortgage Information.152
Kitchen Table Authorization And Verification.153
List Of Items To Verify.154
Pest Inspection.155
Home Inspections.157

CHAPTER 9 – page 159

Closing with Your Seller.159
How to Close.161
Deciding Whether You Should Close Yourself.161
Seller Concerns About “Kitchen Table” Closings.162
Closing Costs.162
Where to Close.162
Required Documents.163
Warranty Deed.163
HUD-1 Settlement Sheet.164
Tax Form..164
Due On Sale Disclosure.164
Seller’s Affidavit.165
Final Steps With The Seller.165

CHAPTER 10 – page 167

A Few Words On Land Trusts.167
What Is A Land Trust?.169
Why Use A Land Trust?.169
Creating A Land Trust169
Using A Land Trust The Tingle Way.170
Selecting A Trustee.173

CHAPTER 11 – page 175

Deciding on an Exit Plan.175
Four Possible Exits Defined.177
Sell With Owner Financing.177
Sell for Cash.179
Sell On Lease Option.179
Always Know Your Exit BEFORE You Enter.181
Remain Flexible.185
Retailing – An Exit For Properties That Need A Lot Of Work.186
The Cat-Dog House : A “Subject To” Junker (Pictures #11-15 on CD).186
Renovate And Resell…Or Hold?.189
Earn Your Down Payment – Lease Option Exit With A Twist.189
EYD Program – Example.190
EYD Program – Warning!.191

CHAPTER 12 – page 193

How To Find Your Buyers.193
Buyers Lists In General.195
My Buyers List.196
Attracting Buyers.196
Yard Signs And Directional Signs.197
Yard Signs.197
Directional Signs.198
Ads In The Major Newspaper.199
Buyer’s Info Line.200
Phone System and Setup.201
Caller ID..201
But I’m Not Good With Computers.202
Postcards To Apartment Complexes.204
Open Houses.205
Referrals From Satisfied Buyers.208
Promotional Items.209
Agent Referral Program..209
Mortgage Broker Referral Program..210

CHAPTER 13 – page 213

Screening Buyers.213
Phone Screening.215
Checking Them Out217
Second Test219
Taking Their Application.220
Handling Deposits.221
Rejecting Buyers.221
Verifying Their Information.221
Three Things You Absolutely Must Verify.222
Credit Reports.223
Where To Obtain Them..224
Former Landlords.224
Job History.225
Screening Retail Buyers When Selling FSBO..226
On The Phone.226

CHAPTER 14 – page 229

Completing the Paperwork to Sell.229
Cash Sale Paperwork.231
Rental Paperwork.231
Lease Option.232
Amount Of Option Consideration.232
Monthly Payment.233
Rent Credits.233
Sales Price.233
Remain Flexible.233
Lease Option Paperwork.235
Deposit Receipt/Agreement.236
Option Consideration Disclosure.239
Option Term.239
Lead Paint Disclosure.240
Lease Option Disclosure.240
“Don’t Pay, Don’t Stay” Disclosure.241
Rent Payment Information.241
Earn Your Down-Payment Agreement (if applicable).241
Maintenance Agreement.242
Credit Reporting Agency Numbers Sheet / Credit Repair.243
Completing The Documents With The Tenant/Buyer.244
Lease Option Recap.244
Land Contracts.245
Beating A Bad “Wrap”.245
Setting The Rate.246
Adjustable Rates.247
Setting the Term.247
Using Land Contracts To Convert Tenant/Buyers To Owners.248
Land Contract Settlements.248
Land Contract Paperwork.248
Sales Contract.249
Land Contract Addendum.249
Land Contract.249
Limited Warranty Deed to Buyer.250
Bill of Sale to the Buyer.250
Quit Claim Deed from Buyer to Seller.250
Escrow Instructions.251
Truth in Lending Disclosure Statement251
Lead Paint Disclosure.252
ILC Promissory Note From Buyer To Seller.252
More On Land Contract Documents.252

CHAPTER 15 – page 253

Staying in Control.253
Staying in Control with Lease Options.255
Using The Term As A Control Measure.255
Actively Manage The Property.256
Be Friends With The Tenant/Buyers.257
Setting A Deadline To Buy.257
Miscellaneous Lease Option Dealmakers.258
Staying In Control With Owner Financing.258
Getting Out From Under Your Thumb.258
Options Available To You On Balloon Dates.258
Miscellaneous Land Contract Dealmakers.259
Staying In Control When Selling For Cash.259
Handling Appraisals.260
Handling Inspections.261
Taking a House Back.261
Appendix : Forms.265
Initial Buying Paperwork For “Subject To” Deals (Chapter 7).267
Purchase Closing Paperwork For “Subject To” Deals (Chapter 9).285
Lease Option Paperwork (Chapter 14).303
More Lease Option Paperwork.359
Land Contract Paperwork (Chapter 14).375
Land Trust Forms.421
Marketing Materials – Buying.439
Marketing Materials – Selling.455
Miscellaneous Forms.463

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William Tingle - Ultimate Subject To1

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6 reviews for William Tingle – Ultimate Subject To

  1. Dylan (verified owner)

    Great value for the price. Highly recommend!

  2. Joshua Collins (verified owner)

    I learned so much from this course. The instructor’s knowledge is impressive.

  3. Jessica Ward (verified owner)

    The practical examples made a huge difference. Great course!

  4. Allison Butler (verified owner)

    The course was very thorough and detailed.

  5. Dylan (verified owner)

    The content was engaging and easy to follow.

  6. Amy Cooper (verified owner)

    Good service.

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