
Tycoon University, Chris Rowe – Options GPS

(6 customer reviews)

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Options GPS

Trading Options is the Best Way to Get Very Rich, Very Quickly

One ‘Breakthrough Secret’ After Another…

Options GPS is by far the most powerful collection of options strategies you’ll ever see. The secrets you’ll learn are the secrets that helped propel some of Philadelphia’s own floor traders – options market-makers – to incredible success for their respective firms. These same secrets have been adapted for individual investors to use these professional-level strategies in personal-sized portfolios.

Make no mistake about it. These secrets alone could help you to make more money in just a few months than stock investors earn in a full year. In Options GPS, you’ll learn that the old adage “it takes money to make money” isn’t necessarily true. It’s what you do with the money you have – reducing your risk and positioning yourself for stock-sized returns – that sets you along your path to options investing success!

Hands down.

Where else is it possible to double and triple your money in a matter of weeks? Where else is it not unusual to make two, five, even seven times your money in a month or two?

Now I know what you may have heard. “Options are risky.” And, “most people who trade options lose.”

That’s true – sort of. What I mean is that most people who trade options don’t understand the 14 secrets.

So they lose. Often. And BIG.

But it’s really not as hard as you might think to learn what you need to know to play options and win.

With Options GPS, you will have access to tools that previously, only professional traders knew how to use.

And, if you keep reading, you’ll discover that it’s really not as hard as people make it out to be.

Here’s the thing. The key is having the right foundation of knowledge. And Options GPS will build that foundation for you … and make the process surprisingly simple.

But don’t take my word for it …

Need $8,000? Make a Trade …

That’s what Dennis Avner from Salt Lake City, Utah, did. In one month, he made $8,000 using the strategies he learned from our options instuctors.

Our instructors taught professional traders on the floor of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange as well as regular people like Dennis … individuals who knew nothing about options before they met us.

Dennis, whose reason for learning options had more to do with “wanting to generate a little extra cash flow,” nevertheless quickly found out that he could earn much more than that.

After putting what he learned from our instructors into action in the fall of 2008, Dennis says he made $8,000 – “more than enough to pay for every options course I’ve ever taken” – in a single month.

My point is this:

Most people who try their hand at trading options might stumble into a trade like this once in a while, but not before losing their shirts a bunch of times first.

(That’s what many of our subscribers write in to tell us they used to go through before taking our courses.)

Why put yourself through that when you can learn a few simple secrets … from the best teacher in the business …

Were You Up 85% in 2009?

Dave Neely was, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

This self-described “ordinary guy” – a sales and tech support worker in the automotive supply industry – began his options education in August 2007.

“I have no background in business, finance or economics. I just have a dream to support myself and my wife through trading the markets,” says Dave.

Dave Neely

I have no concern over what the market does, I’m confident I can handle any situation that comes up I have my risk controlled, I have my profits locked in. And I pick the right strategy for the current conditions.”

“I’ve been through a number of trading education programs, including one very large, well-known and very expensive program. What I found is that [while] there is some useful information, there’s some information that, well, it doesn’t quite meet the road … the theory doesn’t quite pan out when you’re trading real time markets. Then there’s some flat-out bunk, especially when it comes to options education.”

Despite his disappointment with other sources of education, using the options strategies he learned from our instructors – the very same 14 profit strategies you’ll find in Options GPS – Dave was up 85% in 2009.

That’s not even the best part …

“That’s total return on my portfolio,” he adds, “but I’ve only had about half of my available cash in the market at any one time. So, to me, [those are] outstanding returns, and much better than anything I’ve gotten in the previous five years of trading.”

Finally – as if his success weren’t impressive enough already – Dave goes on to say …

“My best trade to date is still a work in progress. I have a position in BAC that has returned over 400% so far. Using a variety of techniques you’ve taught me, I’ve been able to ride the current trend from the beginning. To make matters even better, and again, following your lessons, I’ve locked in much of the profit and have none of the original risk left in the trade.”

You Could Make 247%, 313% or More on ONE TRADE

More Subscribers Profit from IFII

Alex N., Toronto, Canada
2 Trades, October 2008, for $105,000!

All the good folks at Tycoon have increased my knowledge and awareness of trading principles greatly. I am at a point now where I am seriously considering trading for a living and have been replacing my salary at a steady pace for the last 6 months. Terrific education and a great service.”

Graham Martin, Southampton, England
$2,076, up over 50% in 2 weeks!

The reason why, with such a busy life, I got into share and option trading was not to make money, but to keep my mind active with half an eye on my retirement years. I find it fun and the income I’ve earned is a nice bonus. I think everyone should have a hobby, but that hobby should earn them money.”

William E., La Paz, Bolivia
110% gain in 3 weeks!

My lifestyle has greatly improved. I have a new home and, at 76, I have come to love investing with options because I can sleep well at night knowing that I’m not risking my retirement.”

Phil B., Indianapolis, Ind.
247% gain in 3 weeks!

I have a much better understanding of the market and some of its drivers. As a result, I trade more confidently and with a greater knowledge. I’m not afraid to trade!”

Giovanni Sbrogio, Madrid, Spain
92% Gains!

I have learned lots of things I could never have imagined by myself or it would have taken many many years for me to find out, even if maybe I wouldn’t have been able to get that.”

Earla A., Leesburg, Fla.
Tripled her investment!

Don’t be discouraged by old age, inexperience, limited time or a lack of past opportunities. Keep at it and you can learn to trade like a pro!”

Martin Moynahan
Myrtle Beach, S.C.
13%-50% gains!

I can see this becoming my 3rd career and leading me into my 2nd retirement and financial independence.”

The stories you just read from Dennis Avner and Dave Neely are impressive examples of what regular, everyday people can achieve with options when they’re armed with the right knowledge.

But there are more – literally thousands more – who wrote in to us, or posted videos of their stories on YouTube for everyone to see. Their stories have motivated us, to say the least, as we’ve been putting Options GPS together for you.

More than that, their stories are inspirational, and we hope they inspire you to make a choice today that could, quite frankly, improve your life in ways you can’t imagine.

Take Michael Colynuck and Jon Fujita for example, both of whom have taken IFII courses and credit their introduction to options strategies for some very impressive results.

Mike, who is a currently unemployed computer programmer from Victoria, British Columbia, came to us seeking strategies for long-term growth.

After studying the options information and other key principles laid out in my “Internal Strength System” course, he sent me the following list of recent trades …

APX Put +100% CCJ Put +140% MER Put +73% OIH Call +139% and 64% RIO Put +324%

But just as inspiring to me as hearing the details of Mike’s winning trades, has been to hear how his entire outlook on trading has changed since learning the right (read: smart) way to trade:

“Place your faith in the data, not on your gut or a hot tip,” Mike says. “The stock market doesn’t owe you anything and doesn’t care whether you win or lose on a trade. Do not trade with emotion.

“I no longer make guesses [in my trading] and then stress out while riding a losing trade to the bottom, where I used to sell out. I now make confident, unemotional trades based on the facts, and take smaller losses when it goes the wrong way with a lesson learned, not a sad story to cry over with my friends.”

And then there’s also Jon Fujita, a physician from Honolulu, Hawaii, who is learning options so that he can retire sooner and with more in the bank.

Jon’s been studying and trading with us for about one year now, and credits IFII with what he’s learned so far and for several winning trades, including one that earned him a whopping 313% profit.

Jon admits he learned a lot from IFII: “I now invest only when the odds are greatly in my favor instead of relying on hunches or tips from others,” he said. “I think that Options GPS will further help me by teaching me to limit my downside risk.”

$1 Billion in Income … And Counting

Discover the Secrets the Pros Know

Only by taking the Options GPS course will you learn – directly from the source – how to cash in on all of the advantages options provide.

This is the same course taught to individual market-makers, the guys who stand on the floor of the exchanges around the country, trading options every day.

Why would anyone want that knowledge?

Because it’s your money. If you want to increase cost efficiency … get better returns … generate income … protect your portfolio … limit your risk … lock in your profits … and profit in any market environment – then you need to learn how the pros do it.

I’ve already told you what amazing experts we have, and I’ve shared a few stories from our students to prove it.

What else can I say about our experts…

  • They helped transform many floor traders into leaders in the options industry
  • They understand option theory inside and out – and have the rare talent to teach everything they know to other people
  • They can communicate clearly to people with zero prior investing experience in a classic ‘everyman’ style

I’ll tell you who else: nobody. But our instructors’ contributions can’t possibly be summed up in a list of accomplishments or be properly measured by a few success stories.

(Don’t get me wrong, we’ve taught a lot of so-called “experts” how to trade options the right way as well – experts who won’t allow their names to be listed here for fear that their clients will no longer see them as geniuses if they knew that their “magic” amounted to nothing more than the 14 simple strategies we teach.)

The bottom line here is that you can add your name to our ever-growing list of success stories because, right now, here, today, you have the opportunity to learn all 14 powerful options trading secrets that IFII has uncovered.

These are secrets that can take you from wherever you are today, and afford you the luxury of as much money and free time as you desire.

Natural Born Teachers

As soon as we launched Options GPS, reviews poured in from options experts and some Tycoon Report readers who are familiar with many of the other programs out there. Just take a look at a few …

“I’d recommend Options GPS for anyone interested in learning how to invest with options. From the absolute novice to professional traders, this course has it all.”
– John Person, Founder, National Futures

“Wow! This Options GPS series is a very sophisticated production that takes what is so often dry information and makes it exciting and engaging.”
– Roland M., Options GPS Student

Everything You Need To Know

In just a moment, I’ll take you through everything you’ll get when you order Options GPS today.

But first I just want to tell you what makes Options GPS so special: In this system is literally everything you need to know to make as much money as you want with options.

This is the product I needed when we started out investing … this is the product our parents needed when they gave their hard-earned money away to greedy and incompetent brokers.

I have spent many an afternoon wondering what my life would have been like had I been exposed to something like this early in our careers.

While we can’t turn back time and shorten our own learning curve “Back to the Future” style, we CAN put all the best trading secrets we’ve perfected over the years into a thorough, concise, “learn-as-you-go” program and offer it to those who need it the most: individuals like you.

That’s why …

We Invested an Unprecedented $1,000,000 in Your Education

For us, options trading is no longer difficult. We paid our dues early in our careers, learned a lot of expensive lessons the hard way, and had to piece together our strategies one at a time until we found the perfect balance.

But teaching what we know – in a way that’s simple enough so that someone who’s only ever bought and sold shares of stock can understand and use – is very difficult indeed.

To put this all together and create something we’d both be proud of was going to take a lot of time. (In the end, it took us more than a year of work to create.)

It was also going to take a lot of money. And in this economy, there aren’t many businesses that can afford enormous capital outlays for new products and services, IFII included.

But we believe in the power of our message … and we believe in our mission to help individual investors like you. We’re also perfectionists, and if our names were going to be on this, it had to be something we’d be proud of.

After more than a year of writing … countless meetings with the top educational consultants in the business … six weeks of filming … another six weeks of editing … and three weeks of production, Options GPS finally made its debut.

All told, we invested more than $1,000,000 in Options GPS, and we know that once you have it, you’ll see why it was worth every penny.

We left nothing out – everything you need to trade options profitably is in this course.

And, more importantly, it just plain works.

We promised ourselves before starting work on Options GPS that no one would ever see this course if it wasn’t the absolute best ever created on the subject of options trading.

Today we can say, with every fiber of our beings and on each of our reputations, that Options GPS is …

‘The Best Course on Options … Ever’

“I’d recommend Options GPS for anyone interested in learning how to invest with options. From the absolute novice to professional traders, this course has it all.”
– John Person, Founder, National Futures

Experts Come to Us When They Need Educational Resources

We love it when students and industry pros rave about the Options GPS course…

But perhaps the greatest testament to our success is the fact that, when industry pros need to train their staff, they come looking for educational resources from IFII! That’s because our subscribers are fast gaining a reputation for having the ability to master investing and trading techniques at a very high level – and all the skills necessary to turn their portfolios into money machines.

Of course, it doesn’t hurt that each and every one of us – Chris Rowe, Costas Bocelli, Ed Pawelec, Teeka Tiwai and others – involved with IFII – are Wall Street and trading-floor veterans who live and breathe the markets every day. When we have something new to teach our students, they are eager to implement the professional strategies that they learn at IFII immediately!

If you are looking for the fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn how to make money from options you need look no further than Options GPS.

Options GPS is the best work I’ve ever done. And that’s REALLY saying something.

But why? What makes it different from anything else that’s been put together in the past?

First, as you would expect with a million-dollar budget, we made sure the video and audio production values were top-notch.

Second, over the past year – the course has been updated, revised and retooled based on feedback from professional educators and focus groups alike. Now it’s easier than ever to learn the art of options trading, thanks to some new, exciting and innovative teaching techniques that ensure the most crucial lessons of the program stick like glue in your mind.

Just look at what you’ll be able to do with the secrets you discover in Options GPS:

  • Begin making profits and avoiding losses right off the bat, as you’ll learn what an option is, the theory behind it, and how options work.
  • Establish positions more safely than directly through the stock alone. And if you don’t feel like parting with your stock, you can benefit even more from the moves your stocks make.
  • Get paid to own an option even when you’re bullish on a stock that’s standing still, or even experiencing a slight pullback.
  • Hedge your account against disasters like we saw when the stock market crashed not too long ago, and avoid disastrous events in your portfolio.
  • Lock in your profits to protect what you already have and to remove the fear of loss.
  • Increase your cost-efficiency using the power of leverage.
  • Make your options trades work harder for you … for better-percentage returns.
  • Use options as a risk-management tool.

Third, it’s amazing how many traders don’t know this … and why most of them fail:

  • Discover what the ‘stock replacement strategy’ really is, and there’s a lot more to it than just substituting an option for a stock.
  • Find out the secret to protecting your portfolio, whether individual stock, options or even mutual funds.
  • See how to make money easily to the upside, easily to the downside, and even which little-known strategies to use if the market stagnates and goes sideways.
  • And most importantly, discover how to generate income so you can start living the life you deserve.

You’ll learn all these and many, many more powerful options trading secrets, profit techniques, and masterful insights into the art of investing … and you’ll be able to start using them almost immediately after placing your order.

There’s No Hurry. You Can Go Entirely At Your Own Pace

15 Reasons Options GPS is the Best Options Education Available

  1. It’s the most comprehensive and usable collection of proven secrets, tips and techniques.
  2. It provides you with the essential building blocks that are the foundation of a solid options education.
  3. Only 1 in 100 educators are invited by IFII to teach. The course was created by two of the most-respected names in options education.
  4. You set the pace. Whether you watch one lesson a week or one per day, the Options GPS system is flexible enough to fit into your busy (or not-so-busy) schedule.
  5. You get the ongoing support of the Options GPS online community available to you 24/7, through public forums and private study groups.
  6. You learn the strategies that have enabled professional and individual traders alike to harness the power of options … taught to you in a way that is easy-to-understand and done in “plain English” and not “trader-speak.”
  7. Your participation in the Options GPS community earns you points that you can redeem for valuable prizes designed to enhance your options education.
  8. Our reputation for producing top-notch investor education is unsurpassed. That’s why so many of the world’s most respected brands, small businesses, and entrepreneurs trust IFII to teach their customers how to invest.
  9. Your success is IFII’s benchmark.
  10. Your education does not stop with adding Options GPS to your investment arsenal. Your ongoing engagement, feedback and participation via the Options GPS community are encouraged long after you’ve finished watching the online component of the course.
  11. 11. We’ll show you how to reach your financial goals in the time frame that you designate. Devote as little or as much time to your portfolio to generate the returns you want to see.
  12. Take 30 days to decide whether Options GPS is right for you. If you decide it isn’t your cup of tea, give us a call within 30 days, no questions asked.
  13. Options GPS is the result of a blockbuster production schedule; a year in the making, shot by a full educational production team, overseen by educational learning consultants. When all was said and done we spent $1,000,000 to bring you this course.
  14. We include powerful proprietary options tools we’ve developed to help you identify the best options opportunities for a given trade.
  15. In a short time it has become the fastest, easiest, and most fun and engaging way to make money from options.

Options GPS was designed to have “something for everyone” …

From novice investors who are ready to start the learning process …

To individuals who have traded a few options already but are ready to make winning trades (or, more of them!) …

To those who have used options for years but are looking for the best techniques and strategies to really get the kind of returns they want and deserve – consistently and without all the painful mistakes.

Before we set about creating the Options GPS educational system, our team reviewed a number of other courses and found that most were severely lacking in explaining the fundamental building blocks of options.

On top of that, they weren’t arranged in an order that makes sense to someone who might be approaching the options markets for the very first time, or someone who is trying to fill in the blanks that they just weren’t taught.

As soon as you sign up, you’ll be directed to our online community where you can meet others on the journey with you, ask questions, test-drive some of the tools, learn from others who are (or who have been) where you are right now on your journey.

And that’s just the beginning of your educational experience …

After each lesson, we encourage you to visit the Options GPS community and take the quizzes provided after each lesson. More importantly, we want you to pass the quiz before moving on to the next lesson.

There’s no set time frame in which you “must” finish the lessons, the quizzes or even the course itself. What’s important is that you are comfortable with the material you’ve learned before you build upon it.

And remember, the community is there to help! Once you get on the road to understanding options, there will always be new students right where you were, waiting to learn from your experiences!

So, even – and maybe “especially” – if you’ve never traded an option before, Options GPS prepares you to approach the starting block, armed with the skills and know-how to not only enter positions with confidence, and manage them skillfully and successfully.

And you can take as much (or as little) time as you need to learn, as this self-paced system not only aims to help you to reach your financial goals, but to do so in the time frame that best suits you.

In total, you’ll receive 20 lessons that have been carefully arranged and designed to teach you everything you need to know to become a successful options investor or trader, with additional videos and classes available online to enhance your educational experience.

While this may seem like a lot of information, remember, just as you are working toward the freedom to spend your time the way you want, you also have the ability to spend as much or as little time each day on your education.

Many of us spend 40 hours (or more!) a week in a job where we learn nothing to further our financial well-being.

Think about it: Even if you took 2 weekends to focus on Options GPS, you would finish the course and be well on your way to changing your life forever. If you can’t do that, don’t worry …

When you receive your Options GPS course, you will find a convenient guide to completing the course within 30 or 60 days. These are suggested schedules, but the bottom line is, take as much time as you need to digest and even review the material before moving on to the next lesson.

So, don’t worry about needing a Ph.D. or feeling compelled to be a full-time student.

Your Success is How We Measure Ourselves

Sharing our wealth, by equipping individuals with the insights and strategies that have made the “fat cats” even fatter, is our passion.

But it’s our members’ success stories that prove, time and again, how individuals benefit from having access to techniques that the “Big Boys” on Wall Street have jealously guarded for years.

You’ve seen some of them, but we have hundreds of letters and dozens of video testimonials, from subscribers thrilled with the opportunities that our options teaching has given them.

For accountant and entrepreneur Graham M. of Southampton, England, options provide another steady stream of income. And what this former buy-and-hold investor enjoys is how quickly those profits can come – he made 50% profits in 3 weeks!

Betsy B., a retired physical therapist from Denver, N.C., tells us that she spent a lot of money in search of the best options education, but never quite found the system that worked for her until she found Options GPS. She told us while everyone she knew lost money during the market slide of 2008, she found her herself up $20,000!

And Robert D., a physician from Richmond, Va., in search of consistent cash flow, contacted us with his story. He told us that he used the techniques he learned to trade during the 2008 market collapse at it developed. He made a killing, but felt almost guilty making so much money as the market imploded.

And these are just a few of the success stories we’ve received. More arrive every day.

A 100% Unbridled Commitment to Your Success

It’s one thing to have a program jam-packed with all the information you need to become a top-notch, highly successful options trader…

But it’s another thing to know that, anytime you’re stuck or need some encouragement or advice, help is just a mouse-click away.

Not only did we agree to hold monthly webinars but we hired usability and educational learning consultants to make sure we created a companion web site to make sure no one would be left behind.

The Options GPS web site is the only educational options resource filled with quizzes, commentary and a classroom community to assist you with any questions you have.

When you succeed we succeed. If you are serious about living the investor lifestyle too, we’ll do everything in our power to help you reach this goal.

In fact, we receive thousands of e-mails every week from individuals just like you …

  • People who’ve had their portfolios chopped in half …
  • Parents who’ve had to choose between sending their children to private school or paying the mortgage …
  • Seniors who have been forced to delay their retirements indefinitely or return to work from out of retirement …
  • Individuals with mounting medical expenses and no way to pay for them …
  • And people who have lost their jobs or have been notified that a pink slip is likely coming soon.

As heartbreaking as the stories can be, what stands out to us most are the number of people who tell us about the dreams they have or, worse, used to have. Many people are toiling away in jobs that cause them health problems, working long hours that keep them from their families, just waiting for their chance to really start enjoying life.

Again, that’s why we created Options GPS:

For every single person who knows his or her life needs to change … and that these changes need to start TODAY.

And if that’s the case, I’d love to see you – you owe it to yourself to – give Options GPS a try for 30 days.

Sure, there’s money to be made from properly constructed and executed options investments. As much money as you want to make, actually.

But it’s not about the money, really. It’s about freedom, happiness and a general sense of relief that you can have or do anything you want, whenever you choose.

So please …

Take this Opportunity to Create the Lifestyle You Deserve

The stock market turbulence of the last two years might have rocked your portfolio to its core, but it’s time to take what you have left and put it to work.

Many say that “it takes money to make money.”

But when you know how to use options, that’s not necessarily true. You can take a portfolio of any size … and make it work just as hard as an account two or three times its size.

When it comes down to it, though, it’s not really about money. It’s about peace of mind – about living an “investor lifestyle” that’s filled with choices.

It’s about finally getting an intellectual AND financial return on your education.

Even better, it’s about enjoying that return and sustaining that lifestyle once you’re where you want to be!

What’s the Cost of this Lifestyle-Transforming Knowledge?

Time and time again, I’ve heard how much people have lost in bad trades or to bad brokers. I’ve also heard how much money people have spent on their education to try to get ahead.

It makes me wonder, how much money are you losing by not knowing the 14 strategies in Options GPS – truly the only things you’ll ever need to learn to make as much money as you want trading options?

The answer to all of the above is “a lot,” I suspect …

It used to be that the only way you could get a bona fide options floor trader’s education was to actually be on the floor of a stock exchange. But in this electronic age, where most trades are handled on computers and many of the trading pits have become ghost towns, there’s only one way to get trained like an options floor trader: from a former options market-maker … in the comfort of your own home!

It’s no exaggeration when I say that this opportunity is priceless.

And even though we spent seven figures for you – building Options GPS – investing in your education, I’m not going to ask you to break the bank to use it. The cost of Options GPS – which retails at $4,995 – is just $1,995 for Tycoon Report members who order today.

Options GPS with Sector Hunter

For investors looking f

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– Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed, we’ll also send you a download notification email separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from imcourse.net.
– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC+8).

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5 reviews for Tycoon University, Chris Rowe – Options GPS

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6 reviews for Tycoon University, Chris Rowe – Options GPS

  1. Dominic (verified owner)

    I enjoyed the interactive elements of the course.

  2. Ryan Griffin (verified owner)

    The instructor’s knowledge and passion for the subject were evident.

  3. Isaac (verified owner)

    The content was engaging and easy to follow.

  4. Zohar (verified owner)

    The content was engaging and easy to follow.

  5. Brittany Mitchell (verified owner)

    This course provided a solid foundation. Highly recommend for beginners.

  6. Kaden Arabic (verified owner)

    I learned so much from this course. Highly recommend!

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