
Ryan Deiss – Google Friendly Landing Pages

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Google Friendly Landing Pages

ATTENTION MARKETERS: The Google Slap has turned into the Google Knockout PUNCH that QUADRUPLED my leads and doubled my sales from PPC overnight.

Google Basically Told Me:

“Screw You!”

“How the biggest insult ever forced me to create a motion squeeze page Google loves like a fat kid loves cake”
Watch This 2.5 Minute Video

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I knew it was gonna be a bad day when I saw Google had just SLAPPED me with poor quality scores for a site I had advertised with them for over a year!

They wanted $10 a click!…

$10 bucks a click! From me…a loyal customer.

Because I spend more money with Google than I care to share publicly, I called my ad rep and asked for an exception, or at least a second look.


Here’s the true story of how I clawed my way back from $10.00 clicks all the way down to $0.05 by uncovering the secret sauce Google is REALLY looking for in a landing page.

From The Desk Of
Ryan Deiss
Friday, 8:23 AM

There aren’t too many days that start off so badly you feel like a round of shots at 9:00 am. A couple months back I had just such a day!

Its pretty easy to get used to watching orders fly in day after day when your Google PPC ads are running at 6 or 7 cents. Almost too comfortable…

So when you wake up and see that suddenly ALL of your ads for an established and previously human-approved PPC campaign suddenly cost $5.00 per click… and are INACTIVE FOR SEARCH… well let’s just say you won’t need coffee to get your heart rate up that morning.

(But you might need aspirin after slamming your fist against whatever firm, non-movable objects you can find. Don’t ask me how I know.)

Here’s what I saw when I woke up that morning:

I’d been running ads to this site for MONTHS with no problems. It had been approved by LIVE moderators over and over again.

And suddenly the traffic was shut off… putting a SERIOUS clamp on sales.

I HAD to figure this out.

If I didn’t, the amount of cash and new customers lost would be mind-blowing… a MAJOR blow to my business strategy not to mention my bank balance.

My first reaction was unbridled panic, but after a few deep breaths I was able to think clearly again. So…

I picked up the phone and called my ad rep. THEN I panicked.

Surely Since I’m A “Hotshot” That
Spends A “Fortune” On PPC, I Can Just Call Up
My Ad Rep And Ask For An Exception, Right?

If only it were that simple…

Still it was worth a try.

I got my rep on the phone and tried to explain: We’ve been through all their hoops. We use ultra-targeted keywords for our site. No pop-ups or other obvious reasons for a slap…

I asked her…

“Could you PLEASE take another look at my site to see that it’s OK or possibly make an exception?”

She promised to get back to me. And boy did she ever.

“Your current landing page quality needs to be improved to run on the Google network…”

“…Our market research shows that low quality sites lead to a poor user experience, and unhappy users are less likely to click on Adwords ads. Therefore improving the landing page quality for your sites will help your business.”


My heart dropped. We had already used all our known techniques and tactics for creating a landing page that Google likes.

What had changed?

I had no idea. But still…

Nothing Prepared Me
For What She Said Next…

All jokes aside about being a “hotshot” or spending a “fortune,” I do spend a lot of money on Google Adwords. Enough that I’m not willing to throw that number out publicly.

So you might think I’d have some pull if I threatened to take my business elsewhere right? That’s what I thought too!

You would be 100% WRONG! Just like I was.

I was completely caught off guard by what my Ad Rep ended her email with…

“You may wish to consider other forms of online or offline advertising if you do not find the return on investment you are looking for.”

Google just told me, a long time client who spends (in my opinion) a LOT of money with them, to SHOVE OFF. They flat out told me to take my business somewhere else.

And I guess it makes sense. Google makes $1,000,000,000.00 per MONTH from advertising. And even though it seems to me like I’m spending a fortune with them… it’s just a drop in the bucket to Google.

Here is the email that Kathy (my Google rep) sent back to me after our little phone talk.

So Is That It? Does The Google Slap
Mean You’ll Have To Buy Traffic Elsewhere?

NO! Absolute not… 

Well not if you know how to beat Google’s slap.

A while back I may have given up, but now I know better.

You CAN beat the Google Slap IF you can figure out what Google wants in a landing page. I’ve figured it out!

(HINT: If you read this letter from beginning to end I will do more than just show you how to to the same thing.)

The hard part is (or was in my case)… no surprise… figuring out what the heck Google wants.

Google makes an art out of being vague. They’re not just going to come out and tell you what makes a high quality landing page. (Well, they ALMOST will if you push them enough and know what to listen for. You’ll see in a minute.)

Google does have a “Landing Page Guidelines” page that makes a half-hearted attempt to let you know what they’re looking for. (well kinda, sorta, in a round about way but not really..)

They tell you what is “allowed” and what is “not allowed.” And the latter MUST be followed.

Then they tell you what they “like” and “don’t like”, and no one’s sure what violating the latter means…

a slap? Maybe, but no one can say for sure.

My team and I devoured their landing page guidelines and revamped our pages to fit their specifications. Surely that would work, right?

Nope, it didn’t. So I got my ad rep back on the phone. She was obviously overcome with joy to hear from me again!

I almost feel bad now… I must have franticly gone off for several minutes telling her all the changes I had made to the site… and how SURE I was that I now had a high quality landing page!

She didn’t budge (shocker right?!). Google still considered our landing page to be low quality.

After more pleading she apparently started to feel bad for me. Apparently she wanted to help. That’s when she FINALLY let it slip.

That’s when she said…

Google Ad Rep: “Ryan, you know
you don’t even have any ________.”

Secret #1 spilled. And it was something most marketers who focus on MAKING MONEY wouldn’t even think could make a difference.

But apparently, Google wants to see this “magic” element on your landing pages.

(And they want to see it done the right way too. Seriously, if you mess this up you WILL get slapped. But doing it right takes only a few seconds longer.)

I honestly don’t know if she was allowed to share this information with me or not. I have to assume she was, but believe me… I was really pleading with her at this point.

It was working. The “magic” element was just the first major change she spilled the beans about to me. The second was even BIGGER!

Google Ad Rep: “You might be
better off if you just ________.”

This secret she shared with me will absolutely, fundamentally CHANGE THE WAY you do PPC forever.

It has changed my business drastically… because it’s THAT IMPORTANT to Google.

It’s important to them for all the wrong reasons. What I mean is it shouldn’t be important at all. If you ask me, I think Google is acting kinda like a little baby on this one!

What’s more, most Internet Marketers would NEVER guess what they’re looking for…

Finally, she went ahead and told me the most important change that I needed to make to my Google landing pages.

I Implemented Her Suggestions
And Defeated The Slap!

Now it wasn’t as simple as flipping a switch. We made the changes she shared with us and saw our conversion rates plummet (at first).

But we got the traffic source turned back on. Our $5.00 “Inactive For Search” ads turned in to 4 cent, 5 cent and 10 cent ads.

After we restored traffic, we started revamping the page to get our conversion rates back to where they were pre-slap.

It took a lot of time and money, but we finally got our conversion rates back up. (I’ll share with you how we did this so you don’t have to spend the countless man hours or thousands of dollars like I did).

You Can Do It Too When You Know
How To Create Google Friendly Landing Pages…

It cost me A LOT of money to figure this out. The only reason my Google Ad rep even gave me 10 minutes of her time was because of how much money we spend with Google. (And still, that was only worth 10 minutes of her time.)

But you’re not going to need your own Ad Rep to call on the phone. You’re also not going to have to beg and plead to have them share the secrets with you.

There is a FORMULA to creating landing pages that Google loves. I’ve got it.

And I want to give it to YOU.

This is the Tested and Proven ‘Slap-Proof’ Squeeze Page Template that I spend THOUSANDS of dollars testing and perfecting! I’m gonna give it to you…

Find Out Step By Step How To
Outmaneuver And Dodge The Google Slap…

  1. Google HATES these types of landing pages… even though they’re VERY popular with Internet Marketers.
  2. This quick check can reveal if Google thinks you’re wasting visitors’ time.
  3. This change to our websites decreased sales (at first)… but was ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY for defeating the slap.
  4. It’s downright IMMATURE- but we have to deal with Google’s decision to look down upon this common business model, and slightly change our strategies.
  5. Why content may be king with organic search results… but is absolutely NOT king with landing pages. (Yes, this is probably contrary to what you thought you knew.)
  6. Google only approves of using PPC to achieve 1 of 3 goals… and I’ve decided only ONE OF THEM is worth striving for.
  7. These 3 common words are almost GUARANTEED to earn you a slap. Are they on your landing pages?
  8. My proven, 4-step formula for creating landing pages that can escape the Google Slap.
  9. How using images like this can win you an immediate slap… and how they can push your quality score through the roof when used correctly.|
  10. These 5-minute PPC SEO techniques will help your landing pages easily pass automated quality checks (the bots).
  11. An almost instant way to find out if Google doesn’t think your keywords are targeted enough.
  12. 3 devastating quality score KILLERS that have a 5 minute fix.
  13. Adding this simple extra element to my landing pages DOUBLED conversion. (It’s so stupidly simple I didn’t even WANT it to work, but still not many people know about it.)
  14. The ACTUAL HTML DOCUMENT of a Google Friendly Landing Page so you can use it as a template.
  15. A powerful technique I BLATANTLY COPIED from Eben Pagan (David Deangelo) that is perfectly suited for our new landing page strategy.

If You Want To Pay Under $5.00 Per Click, Then You
Must Learn How To Create High Quality Landing Pages…

Not knowing this information brought my business to a grinding hault. Our major traffic source, Google Adwords, had been SHUT OFF all because I didn’t know how to play the game.

I know many marketers who are experiencing the same thing. The SLAPS are getting WORSE. And very few people know how to create a landing page that can maintain 4 and 5 cent clicks.

So that begs the question…just what is access to this level of information truly worth?

  • If you’re an ADVANCED marketer who spends a good amount of cash on PPC, you may be able to call your Ad Rep and get them to spill the beans (you may not). Then, if your rep tells you, you could have your team pour over the Landing Page Guidelines trying to decipher what they really mean.

    Of course, both of these methods don’t guarantee you’ll find the answer. And that’s the answer I’ve already found!

  • If you’re an INTERMEDIATE marketer, this is an absolute no-brainer! You probably already know what a Google Slap can do to your traffic. All it takes is one review of your landing page, especially if it’s a live person, and your ads can be slapped.

    Of course, if you’ve already experienced the slap, you already know the answer. You need this information right away.

  • If you’re BRAND-NEW and you don’t have your site up and running yet, the benefit to you is that you won’t WASTE TIME creating sites that I can guarantee will get slapped.

    I can tell you from personal experience that figuring this stuff out on your own is both frustrating and expensive.

    Frankly, I’m envious of you because you’re able to avoid most of the “start-up pains” by just following this simple guide. In fact, I bet there would be a lot more success stories out there if everyone was able to get it right like you are about to-the first time!

So really, the question of “worth” varies depending on where you are in this business.

Either way, I think it would be safe to say that access to “Google Friendly Landing Pages” is worth at least $500 to ANYONE who’s interested in making money online.

In fact, it would be a no-brainer at twice the price!

That’s why you may be surprised to learn that I’m giving access to the “Google Friendly Landing Pages” for FREE.

That’s right…free!

How Can You Get “Google Friendly Landing Pages” Explained in These Three Videos for FREE

Claim Your Copy Of “Google Friendly Landing Pages” By Clicking Here

In case you were wondering…YES, there is a catch.

You see, while I am willing to part with these “Google Friendly Landing Pages” for free, I’m not just gonna hand them out willy-nilly.

For starters, it cost me a pretty penny and a lot of time to figure out the secret to beating the slap and I’m not about to part with them for nothing. I’m a generous guy, but I believe in fair compensation. If you’re one of those who thinks everything should be free, please leave this site right now.

The only reason I even got my ad rep to share some of these secrets is because I’ve invested a substantial amount of cash paying for clicks…

…but you’re about to have full access to the exact secrets for FREE!

You’ll discover EXACTLY what she told me about creating high quality landing pages… PLUS what our team found out by decoding the vague guidelines and testing our findings.

Claim Your FREE Copy of Google Friendly Landing Pages by Clicking Here

Why Am I Giving Away A Huge Competitive Advantage?

Good question. For one, if you know me I don’t fear competition, I embrace it.

So I have no problem sharing with other Internet Marketers what is working for my business and what isn’t.

In fact, for more than the last year I’ve been letting other entrepreneurs have an INSIDE LOOK at my entire business. They see exactly how I set up profitable continuity programs, cash-in on upsells, use banner ads (yes, banner ads) to generate a ton of traffic and much, much more.

And all this valuable information is housed inside my “Total Access Club” where you can get all of our tactical reports, trainings and even marketing tools and software.

I think you will agree it is the ultimate web marketers treasure chest. Now you get to try it out risk free and get your copy of Google Friendly Landing Pages FREE just for giving my Total Access Club a test drive.

Google Friendly Landing Pages Will Help You Beat The Google Slap or I’ll Pay You $100 Cash!

Sign up for Total Access Club now and get Google Friendly Landing Pages Free!

If the techniques we’ve discovered for beating the Google Slap don’t work for you or if for any other reason (or no reason), you decide Total Access Club isn’t right for you, just email us at any time within 30 Days, A FULL MONTH and I’ll buy back your membership for $100 cash. ($3 more than I charged you to start with)

Plus I’ll insist you keep Google Friendly Landing Pages just for giving Total Access Club a fair evaluation.

This Guarantee is good for 30 days from today. That’s A FULL MONTH to put us to the test, use the information, put it to work and stake your claim to success – all the risk is on me!

Here’s What YOU Get Inside “Google Friendly Landing Pages”

Google Friendly Landing Pages:
Training Videos
FORMAT: Streaming Video

In this 3 part video training I walk you through “Google Friendly Landing Pages”, The “Google Squeeze Page Template” as well as a bonus training video on what I like to call “Sandwich Pages”. I’ll decode exactly what my Google ad rep revealed, exactly what I did to beat the slap and the exact theory behind why I did it.

Google Friendly Landing Pages:
FORMAT: Instant Access PDF Report

The Google Friendly Landing Page handouts go hand in hand with the training videos and make sure there is no confusion as to what I’m showing you or how to apply it.

Print these out and get ready to take notes translating to immediate profits.

Google Friendly Landing Pages:
My Tested & Proven “Slap-Proof” Squeeze Page Template

This is the EXACT squeeze page template that I use for all my campaigns that has literally not only dropped my cost per click but double my profits. I spent thousands of man hours and allotted a big chunk of my marketing budget to get it calibrated just right…so you don’t have to.

Get download Ryan Deiss – Google Friendly Landing Pages at Forimc.com right now!

Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20090326111524/http://www.googlefriendlylandingpages.com/

Delivery Method

– After your purchase, you’ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.
– Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed, we’ll also send you a download notification email separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from imcourse.net.
– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC+8).

Thank You For Shopping With Us!

6 reviews for Ryan Deiss – Google Friendly Landing Pages

  1. David Williams (verified owner)

    I appreciated the clear and concise instructions.

  2. Megan Ford (verified owner)

    Very fast delivery.

  3. William (verified owner)

    The content was engaging and easy to follow.

  4. Robert (verified owner)

    The content was well-presented and easy to understand.

  5. Ashley Parker (verified owner)

    The instructor was very knowledgeable and approachable.

  6. Dylan (verified owner)

    The content was engaging and easy to follow.

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