
Racheal Cook – Sweet Spot Strategy

(4 customer reviews)

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Racheal Cook – Sweet Spot Strategy


Price: $1997 
Sale Page: www.yoursweetspotstrategy.com/
Archive: archive.is/nSW6s


Ready for More Ease and Less Stress?

Entrepreneurship can be easier. I can show you how.


Then Why Do So Many Women Entrepreneurs Struggle to Create Successful Sustainable Businesses? Why do statistics show that 75% of women reached less than $50,000 in annual revenues? If you’re like most of our students, you may be –


So buried in busywork that your business leaves you feeling too scattered and overwhelmed to work on the big picture projects essential for your growth.


Trapped in the feast or famine cycle, where you’re always in hustle mode and unsure of where the next client is coming from.


Using so many “tips” and “tactics” that it feels like you’re throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks – and your results reflect that.


Working way too hard for way too little ROI {and you know you simply can’t sustain this pace or work any harder}.


Unintentionally stunting your business growth because you’re pulled in too many directions, with too many ideas that keep taking you off course


You can see right through the promises made by all the “turn your passion into a lifestyle biz” gurus… complete with a 4-hour work week running your empire with a margarita and a laptop from your beach chair.

You dream of a real deal, legit, knock-your-socks-off-because-you-love-it-so-much business. One that doesn’t resolve around the latest hot marketing tactic, but rather builds on the solid, amazing service you already provide to your 1:1 clients.

A business that generates predictable, sustainable revenue that will not only support you, but create your allows you to finally experience the FREEDOM that entrepreneurship promised.

It’s time to move from maintaining a promising business {because you’ve already got that down, and you’re so OVER spinning your wheels, feeling overwhelmed, or working too hard for too little return} to predictably profitable business that fits the big vision you had when you started all this in the first place.

Despite the ‘Six-Figure Success’ Hype…


75% of Women Entrepreneurs Earn Less Than $50,000


Only 25% of Women Entrepreneurs Break $50,000


Just 12% of Women Entrepreneurs Hit $100,000 +

Women-owned businesses represent nearly HALF of all businesses according to the 2010 US Census, but 75% reached less than $50,000 in annual revenues with only 12% of women entrepreneurs breaking $100,000 in annual revenues. It doesn’t have to be this way!


If you didn’t get your MBA {and rest assured, we know not everyone wants to do that} you likely haven’t been how the puzzle pieces of a business fit together or how to think like a CEO.

Which means you’re not sure what you should focus on to grow and scale, finances and cash flow may give you hives, and you’ve probably been lured by online “gurus” to believe that more marketing will solve everything that’s wrong in your business. It won’t.

Marketing is not the end-all-be-all one-size-fits-all band-aid solution to business growth. Marketing is one piece of the intricate puzzle that forms a profitable, sustainable business you can grow and scale to support you. It takes more than marketing to grow a successful business. It takes strategy.

We believe that you CAN break into that top 12% {and if you’re already there, you can streamline and simplify so that making $100,000 or more per year feels sustainable and freeing}. A huge part of our mission is to help make that 12% number BIGGER – to fill it with smart, passionate, ambitious heart-centered women who are driven by something greater than themselves.


Wake up each day knowing that not only is your calendar this week filled with dream clients, but you’ve got a waitlist for the next available openings.

Turn your experience and expertise into a product, program, or service that allows you to reach and serve more people {and stop trading dollars for hours}

Increase your profits so you can finally build a strong support team to handle all of the busy-work {no more stressing over booking appointments, follow up emails, or updating the bookkeeping}

Work less while earning more than enough to live a comfortable lifestyle {imagine being able tosavor your success with more family dinners, girls nights out, and the occasional massage}

But how? How do you build a thriving business without drowning in the day-to-day minutiae, spinning your wheels figuring out a more profitable income stream , or feeling burned out and overwhelmed trying to do everything yourself?



An online mastermind experience where women entrepreneurs design predictably profitable businesses and create success on their terms.

Sweet Spot Strategy immerses you in the art and science of building a profitable, sustainable business.

On the surface? It’s about business and marketing strategy.

But really? It’s about YOU doing YOU in your business and consciously designing a business and a lifestyle doing work that you LOVE.

You’ll emerge with the empowered mindset of a CEO and the discerning skill-set of a business leader – with a clear focus on where to invest your time and energy, how to build the best team for growth, and confidence managing revenues and cash flow.

I started Sweet Spot Strategy five years ago to help solopreneurs to grow businesses that brought in reliable revenue and sustained the lifestyle they desired.

Word spread quickly and over the last 15 classes we’ve welcomed health coaches, life coaches, creativity coaches, meditation teachers, virtual assistants, web designers, tarot card readers, yoga teachers, colon hydrotherapists, OB-GYN doctors, financial planners, yoga studio owners, copywriters, photographers, bloggers, spiritual teachers, documentary film makers, wellness warriors, fitness experts, naturopathic doctor, doulas, parenting coaches, holistic healthcare centers and more!

Hundreds of students and five years later, I know this program works.

If you offer a service, coaching, or information AND you’ve got some experience working 1:1 with clients, or you’re transitioning from a professional environment into your own business, you’ll love Conscious Business Design!

I’ll walk you through a deeply personalized, transformational process to tune into your deepest desires, biggest dreams, and unlock your potential to do your biz your way.

What Will You Walk Away With?

Here’s What’s Inside Sweet Spot Strategy::

Sweet Spot

By understanding your strengths, stage of business growth, and business goals, you can optimize your business by focusing on the best strategies for you and your business.

Dream Clients

Once you deeply understand your dream clients, you’ll eliminate the guesswork about the right offerings and marketing strategies to grow your business.

Business Design

Leverage your experience and expertise by crafting the exact products, programs, & services your clients have been waiting for you to offer.

Mindful Marketing

Design and implement a simple 3-part marketing system that consistently attracts new clients into your business.

Stress-Free Sales

Take all the stress out of the sales process by making your business by invitation only so you never have to sell yourself again!


From the appointment to wrapping up your work, with a solid customer experience plan you’ll increase your client retention as well as boost referrals and testimonials.

Module 1:: Discover Your Business Sweet Spot


Before we dive into designing your business mindful marketing plan, we’ll go through a process to discover your business sweet spot. You’ll learn…

  • Why passion alone is not enough to create a thriving and sustainable business {and discover the missing pieces to the profit puzzle}
  • How to determine the best business model for your unique talents and desired lifestyle {so you can stop wasting time on unprofitable unsustainable income streams}
  • How to reverse engineer your lifestyle design plan to ensure your business is designed to fully support your life {instead of squeezing life around your business
Module 2:: Dream Clients


Ready to not only work exclusively with people you adore… but also have a wait list? Once you unlock these secrets, you’ll attract perfect-for-you clients like bees to honey. You’ll learn…

  • Why attempting to appeal to everyone is actually repelling the exact clients you could help the most — and how to quickly course correct
  • Copywriting secrets to discovering the exact needs of your peeps in the language that resonates most with their deepest desires
  • My proven method to getting inside the heads and hearts of your peeps {essential info so your programs and services to get scooped Module 3:: Business Design


Time to turn your expertise, talents, and passion into programs + services your peeps can’t wait to enroll in. Here you’ll create offerings so irresistible, they sell themselves! You’ll learn…

  • Exactly what types of programs + services your peeps are searching for RIGHT NOW and how to create an experience they can’t wait to sign up for
  • Why “stair-stepping” the release of your programs could actually put you out of business — and how to fast-track your success
  • How to get paid to test your ideas for programs + services {even before you’ve officially created them}
Module 4:: Mindful Marketing


Imagine Marketing that FEELS GOOD. That authentically communicates the transformation you provide to your community {ick free}. That you can be proud of! That’s the core of Mindful Marketing. You’ll learn…

  • The Universal Principles of Mindful Marketing that you must master to grow your business both now and in the future {the tools might change — but these foundations are timeless}
  • Which marketing tools & strategies are in alignment with YOUR SWEET SPOT {so you can finally stop forcing yourself to do things that feel gross or inauthentic}
  • How to sustainably layer different marketing strategies to create a snowball effect {that continues to work FOR you even if you take a business savasana once in awhile}
Module 5:: Stress-Free Sales


When Mindful Marketing is done right — you never have to sell yourself again. When your business is designed around your sweet spot, suddenly your business is by invitation only… ensuring that everyone you work with is a 100% perfect fit. You’ll learn…

  • How to avoid wasting your time with free sessions that never turn into clients
  • The big mistake most entrepreneurs make that could be leaving up to 70% of your profits on the table — and what to do instead
  • Which invitation methods work the best for your unique communication style + personality {so you can enroll peeps into your products, programs, and services with ease}
Module 6:: Customer Experience


With a clear customer experience plan, you’ll have everything you need to keep your clients coming back for more {and sending referrals your way}. You’ll learn…

  • How to elegantly onboard new clients so they stay excited and engaged about your work together.
  • The most important part of establishing and building a relationship with your clients while enforcing your boundaries.
  • How to wrap up your time together with a bow, while laying the foundation for additional opportunities to work together.
  • The easiest way to stay in touch with happy clients and encourage more referrals and testimonials.
  • How to effectively segment and maintain your client database so that you can easily identify more opportunities to work with former clients.

Your Exceptional Support System

Being in business for yourself doesn’t mean being in business by yourself! Inside Sweet Spot Strategy, you can count on us to provide accountability, guidance, and encouragement, when you need it.

Your Mentor

Learn results-oriented frameworks, systems, and best practices to grow your business from an award winning business strategist and MBA.

Online Mastermind

Elevating your business to the next level isn’t always easy. That’s why we’ve built this entire program around a community for accountability and support.

Success Team

Our students adore our tireless support team who ensure that no question goes unanswered and you have an incredible experience.

Plus… Lifetime Membership to Sweet Spot Strategy

You read that right! After graduation, you get lifetime access to the Sweet Spot Strategy program & community. As long as we run this program, you’ll be part of it. Whether you meet a Business BFF your first week, find some dream clients, or attend the various alumni calls, trainings, and workshops, you’ll be part of this special group of women that make Sweet Spot Strategy so special.

Is Sweet Spot Strategy For You?

After graduating hundreds of students over the last 5 years, I’ve seen that the students who get the most out of SSS are those who have some experience in their chosen field already under their belt –

You’re ready for Sweet Spot Strategy if…


You’re making a lateral move from employee to entrepreneur in the same field {for example you’re a designer who is leaving an agency to start your own business}.


You’ve been doing your chosen work on the side and you’re ready to make it your full-time gig.


You’ve completed {or nearly finished} in-depth education or training in your field which includes working with clients, or


You’ve been working for yourself {as a freelancer or solopreneur} and you’re ready to stop hustling and grinding so hard and startmaking your business more profitable and sustainable.


You are ready to come to the table with a viable business idea + experience you can run with!

Sweet Spot Strategy Is The Answer


Design a predictably profitable business. Our founder, Racheal, has done this while being sole breadwinner for her family of five and she has taught 100s of entrepreneurs over the last five years to get off the revenue roller coaster!

Dramatically increase your impact {and yes – your income!} in the world by leveraging your experience and expertise and turning them into profitable products, programs, and services your clients actually want.

To finally feel in control of your business and marketing with a customized system to consistently attract clients into your business, without rushed last minute promotions that diminish the value of you or your brand.

If you’re an action taker who is ready to roll up your sleeves, upgrade your business + marketing skills, and implement like crazy to make a massive difference for your business for years to come… we can’t wait to help.

Student Experience

One of the best parts of Sweet Spot Strategy? It’s designed to fit your life.

We get it – you are a busy entrepreneur who is also leading a beautifully full life! That’s why each of the lessons are designed to be grab and go, so even if all you have is 20 minutes {the average length of each lesson}, you can dive in and upgrade your business skills. PLUS – our community actively supporting one another 24/7/365!

:: MONDAY ::

We start our week with a CEO Date – a time for you to jump in the group and share exactly what you are working on this week to move your business forward for support and accountability.


Spend 20 minutes listening to a new lesson to help you work on your goals and download the templates, action plans, and checklists that will accelerate implementation.


Partner up with your new Biz BFF {we’ll help you find one} for peer-supported encouragement, accountability, and masterminding new ideas for your business.


Racheal conducts LIVE office hours where you get your questions answered and Racheal’s eyes, smarts, and heart on your business.

:: FRIDAY ::

We start and end our week with accountability! Share your wins and your progress this week with the community.

4 reviews for Racheal Cook – Sweet Spot Strategy

  1. Brandon Foster (verified owner)

    I found the lessons to be very practical and applicable.

  2. Megan Anderson (verified owner)

    The practical examples made it easy to understand the concepts.

  3. James Rodriguez (verified owner)

    The practical examples made it easy to understand the concepts.

  4. Bryan (verified owner)

    Good quality.

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