
Perry Marshall – MAZE 2.0 : Stealth Autoresponder Machine

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Perry Marshall – MAZE 2.0 (Bronze) Stealth Autoresponder Machine

Price: $1497
Sale Page: www.perrymarshall.com/maze/
Archive: archive.is/sWzUS


MAZE 2.0: Stealth Autoresponder Machine

Under-the-Radar Methods that Build Trust & Authority BEFORE and After Opt-in

Mobile, Social & Video are Strangling Your “1.0” Sales Funnel. You’re 2 Years Behind. 2 Weeks from Now You Can be 2 Years AHEAD – with Minimal Work

Introducing: Maze 2.0
or “Your Plan for Surviving the Death of the Web”


  • Maze 2.0 Orientation Module

On this call I’ll give you my latest insights into Maze 2.0 and PPC 2.0.

I’ll fill you in on all I’ve learned since we launched Maze 2.0. I’ll provide additional context, tell you some enlightening “back stories,” and give you some examples so you can get the most bang for your Maze 2.0 buck!

Don’t miss this session. It will help you tie everything together. It will help make all the insights “click” so you get the “a-ha” moments your business needs to survive and thrive in the “post-web” world!

  • Maze 2.0 Question & Answer Module

Maze 2.0 is a graduate level class in online marketing. This is not ABC 123 stuff.

So, after you’ve been through all the “onslaughts” you’re bound to have questions.

Bring ‘em on. We’ll open up the lines and I’ll answer as many as I can.

I want to make sure you get the most out of Maze 2.0, so speak up! And get the answers you need to make your marketing funnel work in the brave new world of Maze 2.0.


  • How to leverage the “Hidden Autoresponder” systems of social media.
  • How to implement Virtual Auto-Responders before they land on your site, then Virtual Auto-Responders when they land on your site.
  • The Swiss Army Knife approach to social media Pre-Autoresponders.
  • How to build your case, before the opt-in, like a lawyer presenting your case from different angles and approaches. They show up pre-sold, pre-convinced, pre-persuaded.
  • Marketing tactics for the age when Branding and Direct Response merge…if you don’t respect this shift in the cosmos you will lose lots of $$$.
  • How to convert traffic at a higher rate by honing in on your ideal targets before they get to your AR sequence.
  • Why your autoresponders still need to be written FIRST before you deploy your social media “pre-autoresponders”



Here’s the problem:

There are so few channels you’ve gotta worry about:


So what’s the problem?

Well, the problem is, your customers and prospects are scattered across ALL of these channels. Covering them all is all but impossible except for billion dollar corporations and as you know, even those guys do it badly.

So what do you do?

That’s why I’ve created “Resurrection of the Web” – Social Media and Maze 2.0

I’m going to give you a comprehensive Maze 2.0 strategy, the 2018-and-beyond sales funnel, that covers 80-85%. Beautifully, elegantly, and with as little work as humanly possible. Buying you much needed time so you can catch up with the new web.


“Foundational Autoresponder Principles”

Back near the turn of the 20th century, when inventors were racing to see who could be the first to design an airplane that would actually fly, there were two schools of thought.

First, the well-known men of science (like Alexander Graham Bell and Stanley Langley) focused all their attention on building powerful engines.

Second, Orville & Wilbur Wright focused their attention on designing an aerodynamic “system.”

In other words, instead of just pumping big, dumb power through the system, the Wright brothers made sure the plane had what it took to get off the ground…and stay off the ground!

The other guys strapped more and more powerful engines on to heavy, clumsy, earth-bound contraptions. It seemed they were merely trying to figure out how to crash in more and more spectacular ways.

And we know who won the race.

Your autoresponder sequences are what make your sales funnel fly. If you can design an “aerodynamic” autoresponder sequence, you don’t need big dumb traffic. You don’t have to pump streams of expensive traffic through your heavy, land-bound sales funnel.

No, suddenly the traffic you pump through your jet engine converts at a higher rate. And that means you can buy better, more expensive traffic. You can buy your competitors traffic. You can dominate your industry.

Get your autoresponders humming and the sky is the limit…

  1. Jonathan Mizel once told me, “Every message I add to the end of my autoresponder sequence gives me a $10,000 raise.” A powerful principle is at work there.
  2. Dr. Glenn Livingston is known for his extraordinary market research. Succeeding in 14 markets out of 14, a 100% success rate – unheard of even in Harvard Business School. Yet the silent, uncelebrated secret to Dr. Livingston’s success is: autoresponders. He crafts dozens of laser-targeted messages that tirelessly work for him. Glenn builds and extraordinary level of trust, quietly, stealthily, reliably, building his fortune… automatically.At a mastermind meeting, Dr. Livingston told us, “If a guy’s been getting great content from me for 2 years, he feels as though he knows me: then suddenly him paying me $1000 an hour for a phone consultation is no problem.”
  3. Today, no sales letter stands on its own. Fully 2/3rds of your effectiveness is in the follow-up you build around it.
  4. Autoresponders add a comforting element of stability to your whole business. If you have a 1-year autoresponder sequence and suddenly you lose all your traffic for a week (let’s say your rankings suddenly drop or your ads get disapproved), your sales won’t drop to zero. They may hardly drop at all, at least in the short term.To the extent that such an interruption does impact your sales, you may in fact be able to compensate by hitting your list the very next day with a special offer, and you experience no loss at all. This will only be effective, however, if you’ve built the level of trust and rapport that a well-designed Autoresponder strategy can give you.

Here’s What You’ll Get in Onslaught 3:
The Autoresponder Maze Strategy…

How to design your sales funnel to accommodate those who want the drip-drip-drip of Chinese Water Torture, yet also engages the ones who want to drink water from a fire hose, FAST.

This is CRUCIAL. On my own email list I have people who get an email every month or two. I have people who get 1-2 emails almost every day. And EVERY level of involvement in-between.

For the most part no two interested people who subscribed to my email list six months ago got the same emails from me. What they got was customized to their tastes, preferences and actions – and they didn’t even know it. This is the secret to a hot, profitable email list that is largely immune to economic or market conditions.

I’ll show you how I construct my Maze sequences to “rack the shotgun” and segment my hyper-responsive customers so that I’m speaking directly and frequently to the ones who are most ready to buy.

Everybody thinks of me as the Google Adwords guy, and yes, AdWords is the #1 way I collected my opt-ins.

But my Autoresponder Mazes are the real secret to my success.

How to Segment and Qualify Before They Get Your Emails:

Scorecard Sales Funnels…

My Autoresponder maze strategy was state-of-the-art internet marketing 6 years ago. Racking the shotgun in email messages, then segmenting your lists according to who is most responsive, then adjusting the frequency and content so that every reader gets exactly what and how much they need…

You had to do all that “manually” back then.

But now you can do all of that BEFORE they get a single message from you…for less than a few hundred dollars!

We’ll show you how to craft your own Scorecard Sales Funnel like my IsFBforme.com quiz to sort your prospects into low/medium/high quality BEFORE you start marketing to them.

This is the 80/20 of racking the shotgun in email marketing. It’s racking the shotgun before you rack the shotgun. It can cut your lead-to-sales time in half.


My Copy Expert, John Fancher, Will Hand-Craft Your Emails For You

If you’ve been in Planet Perry for any length of time you know John. He used to be my secret weapon. Now he’s my not-so-secret weapon.

  • The first copy John ever wrote for me was autoresponder email messages.
  • John was one of the copywriters at the $4,000 Autoresponder Seminar
  • John’s 99 Questions to Jumpstart Your Email Marketing Brain has been downloaded by over 7,000 Planet Perry readers.
  • John is my personal copywriter. 99% of the promo emails you get from me are crafted by John
  • Even some of my long-term estudiantes cannot tell the difference between me and John on the page…heck, my son can’t even tell the difference!
  • John has written for Richard Koch, Glazer-Kennedy, Infusionsoft and many others.
  • John only writes for a small handful of high-paying clients these days…nearly impossible to get on his calendar
  • John’s easily in the top 3-5% of working copywriters….top 1% if you include all the wannabes who just attended their first AWAI conference.

6 years ago when we introduced Autoresponder Bootcamp, John wrote the copy for the Gold members. Everyone went home fat and happy. So, imagine the quality of copy you’ll get with 6 more years of experience and skill under his belt.

For GOLD level students, John will sit down with you and write 7 autoresponders for you.

He’ll quiz you about your business and your customers, explain every persuasive element, and endow your copy with magic words.

Before the course is over, your messages will be uploaded and working for you.

Three different levels, one to match your unique situation:

  • Access to All 3 Maze 2.0 Webinars. 180 minutes of the most cutting-edge “Post web” marketing insights (see above).
  • You’ll get 10 email persuasion templates. Ten of my best emails ready for you to fill-in-the-blanks and send to your list. Copyright free.
  • swipe file of 175 emails from my own Autoresponder system.
  • 99 Questions to JumpStart Your Email Marketing Brain…can’t think of anything to write about? Never be at a loss for ideas again. Over 7,000 Planet Perry members have used this guide to generate ideas for email messages.
  • Autoresponder Guide…step by step guide for writing your Autoresponder sequence. Don’t know where to start? This guide will make it simple to craft your sequence.
  • Email checklist…handy list of questions for reviewing your emails BEFORE you send them out…eliminate 99% of the mistakes most marketers make.
  • Invisible Streams e-book by Perry Marshall, Rod Brant and Drew Bischoff…written over 7 years ago, but the principles hold true to this day…how to rack the shotgun, identify your hyperesponsives and make

Maze 2.0 Silver: $1997

  • Everything in Maze 2.0 Bronze.
  • Access to 6 Months of Team Action Group Coaching Calls Hosted by John Fancher. 30 Minutes of Instruction, 30 Minutes of Q&A. John goes deep with you on a foundational principle of email marketing and then takes your questions.
  • 30-Minute Consultation with John Fancher prior to writing your Autoresponders. Get off on the “write” foot! John will help you outline your sequence and answer any questions you have about the course material.
  • John critiques your 7-part autoresponder sequence. After you’ve written your sequence, John will show you how to tighten it up so it sings and dances and brings in the dollars.
  • Fab 4 Email Promotion outline. An inside look at how we execute our email promotions. How to lead your customers through the psychological buying states to attend your webinars or live events or buy your products. Easily adaptable into a profitable AR sequence as well.
  • Scorecard Sales Funnel (DIY version). Most email marketers suck at two crucial skills: disqualification and segmentation. Scorecard Sales Funnels shows you how to sort your prospects into low/medium/high quality BEFORE you start marketing to them. This is the 80/20 of racking the shotgun in email marketing. It’s racking the shotgun before you rack the shotgun. It can cut your lead-to-sales time in half.
  • DVDs and MP3s of my $4,000 Autoresponder Seminar.

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5 reviews for Perry Marshall – MAZE 2.0 : Stealth Autoresponder Machine

  1. Nicholas (verified owner)

    I appreciated the clear and concise explanations.

  2. Daniel (verified owner)

    This course is a must-have for anyone looking to learn this topic.

  3. Melissa Green (verified owner)

    In-depth coverage of the topic. I learned a lot!

  4. Leo (verified owner)

    The practical exercises were very helpful.

  5. Brian Ward (verified owner)

    A valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their skills.

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