
Michael Bolduc – Success Coaching Certification

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Michael Bolduc – Success Coaching Certification

Price: $1750
Sale Page: coachingcertification.com/sales-page8694287
Archive: archive.is/cFwJ3


Do you want to earn over $10k a month quickly by becoming a top coach with official partnership with the world’s #1 coach to set & achieve goals? WE WILL NOW LIMIT TO 80 APPLICATIONS!…

Create the “legend that transcends the existing legends.” This is what happened when we focused on this theme…

When you complete all 42 jigsaw pieces, we guarantee that you will become the best coach in the country who earns the most.Next, we explain this in more detail.

The First Week – Introduction

  • What were the words that changed Michael’s life? What was the turning point for a guy whose mom was murdered by his dad, got dysphemia, who was kicked out of his foster parents’ house, and who was cutting the grass on a golf course for minimum wage? The life-changing words will definitely change your life as well.
  • This is what differentiates success from failure! If you think your life is not going well, that’s because of this: the secret that made Michael succeed, which has become a fundamental core of his life and also the basics of the science of achievement is just to do xxx to give yourself power…
  • Make the impossible possible! A technology that makes a difference in a blink! When Michael visited doctors and therapists to cure his dysphemia, every professional told him that was “impossible”; however, after he tried doing this, he could cure his symptoms!! This method will absolutely help you solve the issue that you think is impossible now.
  • Tips for becoming a professional coach in a minute! What is O.P.E? Through trial and error of becoming a professional coach, it would take you at least 10 years to reach your goal; however, if you practice this O.P.E, it is not even impossible to become successful in much less than 10 years— in only 7 days!
  • The reason Michael continued to be confident during the seminar when the March 11 earthquake occurred. It is not the incident that controls us, but it is the XXX towards the incident that does. If you realize this truth, you would be able to control your emotions even if a magnitude 9.0 huge earthquake happens.


  • The average salary of coaches with 5 years of experience is only $30K a year. Why can’t they earn more? The reason is that they aren’t capable of coaching themselves. Then, what is the best way to become a coach with over a $100K income a year? This is what differentiates success from failure! If you think your life is not going well, that’s because of this: the secret that made Michael succeed, which has become a fundamental core of his life and also the basics of the science of achievement is just to do xxx to give yourself power…
  • The secret to actualize the goals you set! Almost everybody, including you, has tried setting goals and achieving them. But the majority give up in the middle of the process. Here, we show you the magical questions that make you actualize the goals without giving up on them.
  • What is the way to succeed in coaching and the 9 obstacles? Here, we go over the possible obstacles you might encounter (Can I really be a coach? I cannot get clients. I cannot get results.) when you try to be a successful coach. At the same time, we guarantee that these challenges are something you can definitely overcome.
  • The difference between a low-income coach and a high-income coach is the leadership! What do great leaders do? The 5,000-year-old maxim will tell you what is different between the low-income coaches and high-income coaches and the average leaders and the great leaders.
  • A must-see tip when you need to hire a coach or a consultant! The method to distinguish real coaches from fake ones. If you learn this method, you can not only save your time and money on the scams but can also avoid the danger of limiting your possibilities. Interacting with real coaches will make you more successful.


  • What are the 4 levels of learning, the “law of repetition,” and the “law of Measurement?” Here, we will teach you the principles that make your clients step up the stairs of success and unconsciously make a habit of succeeding. With this training, you will greatly help your clients achieve their goals.
  • The myth “make somebody you admire your role model!” It is very dangerous to carelessly think that you can see the successful people around you as your role models. Why? Because there are cases in which they are unaware of the reason of xxx. We will teach you who you should see as a role model.
  • The method that cured a schizophrenic person by having him do this for only 10 minutes a day. Even if you are not schizophrenic, this method will fill you with motivation, wipe out your fears, and transform you into perfect condition.
  • What is the difference between the students who can produce results and those who cannot? The reasons for this difference are quite simple. But not a lot of people stick to these reasons. If you follow this fact, you will definitely get amazing results.
  • Can you declare to yourself that you are intelligent? This is the first step for becoming successful. “I am stupid,” “I tried everything but failed after all…” We have a skill to change those who say these words in the blink of an eye. This skill will benefit both you and your clients.
  • This is the most efficient content you want for getting more clients! If you do not have this content in your ads, you better incorporate it! This boosts your success rate of getting clients without a doubt.
  • What is it that a coach who cannot lead clients to success does not do? Well, it would make a lot of sense to you if you learn this. All of us must have done this to ourselves; however, many coaches do not do all of this for their clients! You have to practice this with your clients now!


  • The shortest path to becoming a master of coaching. The method to transplant Michael’s success map into your head. We will teach you how to overcome obstacles in the process of becoming a better coach by giving you Michael’s mental map.
  • Why did Michael decide to challenge the current industry of self-empowerment? Michael has seen a huge flaw ever since he began to Invest in those empowerment seminars and home study courses. What is the huge hole in this industry? And why is it that Michael’s seminar can produce successful people? We will reveal this truth to you.
  • The technique to succeed by borrowing power from the genius! In this lecture, Michael will be a role model for a person who can win in the morning for those who are really bad at waking up early. With this, you will become an even more capable and efficient coach.


  • The science of achievement is cutting-edge technology. The world’s best-selling book, “Think and Grow Rich,” has given birth to numerous successful people but has turned out to have missed some points…But don’t worry! Michael has succeeded in filling this gap to make you successful with a 100% guarantee.
  • What are the 3 beliefs that make you invincible and able to achieve goals? In other words, if you don’t have even one of these 3 beliefs, you will not succeed.

Second Week


Mind-blowing words from Michael that challenge existing coaching philosophy! Some coaching schools teach things like “the clients already have answers. So coaches only have to ask them.” But Michael sees this approach as “totally wrong.” Why is it wrong?


  • “Well, I don’t have any experience.” This is the O.P.E that makes clients realise that such a thing doesn’t even matter. In fact, a lot of clients say this to their coaches. They will realize how absurd this sentence sounds and that there is no obstacle for them when you deliver this answer. Michael will tell you.
  • The real reason Einstein is genius. Do you think Einstein is a genius? All of us would answer yes because he discovered the theory of the Century; however, that is not the true reason. This is the reason he is genius…
  • The lack of xxx that coaches who don’t get clients have in common. We tend to question whether the client can succeed or not when we hire the client. You wouldn’t get the client if you take a certain action by ignoring this question. We will teach you a necessary tip for getting clients!
  • The skill to listen to others with a 100% focus. Be careful if you think you are one of those who tend to think about their own presentation while they are supposed to listen to others. We will teach you how to listen, which is a crucial skill for becoming a better coach.


  • 5 reasons people hire coaches. There are no more than 5 reasons people hire coaches. By learning those five reasons and identifying which one your candidate has in his/her mind, you can create a rapport that fits the candidate’s orientation. Thus, the candidate would trust you more and have a much higher potential for becoming your client.
  • Check point to avoid hiring scum. There was a guy who offered cooperation for Michael. He verbally said it was easy to gather people to attend Michael’s seminar, but in the end, he couldn’t gather enough people and had to cancel it. Michael could instantly discern his impotence, but how did he do it?

Third Week


  • What are the 16 steps to get good clients without advertising too much? Here, we will show you all 16 steps that Michael uses to get clients. These steps always make candidates want coaching. Learn the steps, and practice them with your candidates!
  • Questioning is the secret to controlling a conversation! But how do you answer when your clients ask a question? It is the questioner who controls the conversation. Therefore, you always need to ask questions and control the conversation as a coach, but here, we will guide you in how to answer when you are asked questions by your clients.
  • What is the Peak State, the first of the 16 steps? This is what you have to do before meeting your client candidates. Regardless of how good your coaching skills are, you cannot miss this step. This is the method that makes Michael a top coach.
  • 4 self-questionings that maximize your influence over clients. If you can’t focus on coaching, your clients will have a hard time achieving their goals. This course will show you 4 questions that make you an expert in assisting your clients in achieving their goals.
  • One of the coaching skills you should master! What is mind reading, and what should you be careful of when you use it? This course is designed to tell you the things you should keep your eyes on when you use mind reading. The more you feel confident about reading clients’ minds, the more you should be aware of this.
  • Easy method to increase the success rate of mind reading. Though it is dangerous to rely on mind reading, if you can increase its success rate, your client candidates will definitely lean toward you. Here, we will teach you an easy way to increase the success rate.
  • An important phrase that makes candidates believe they need to hire a coach. Michael always has a strategic intention when he asks questions of the candidates. On the other hand, unsuccessful coaches often ask random questions. Here, we will teach you one important phrase you need to strategically get clients.
  • Paradox? The candidate’s answer is “not” important. Usually, we think that the candidate’s answer is important to consider and we should appropriately deal with it. But Michael completely denies it. Why does he disagree?
  • What should you keep pulling out of your client candidate? This course is not only useful for getting clients but also for any negotiation. A must see!
  • Don’t take advantage of this! The method to make even an indifferent person listen to you carefully. It is hard for an opinion to reach a candidate’s heart, but by using this method, you can make them listen to you without causing doubt in their minds. This method can even create a trance, so do not take advantage of this skill!
  • This is even more potentially dangerous! How you make it more powerful? This course will show you how to even escalate the method in the previous course.
  • How to control talkative clients. There are some clients who just cannot stop going in many directions when they answer a question. This course will show you a tip to get back onto the original track without hurting their feelings.

4th Week

9. Coaching Clients Who Have No Goals

  • What are the life circle and the change signal that clarify the objective of your clients who have no goals? Some clients are unclear about where they should start, but if you use this method, their problems are solved!
  • How to raise a standard that’s essential for achieving goals. “Should do this” is not enough for achieving goals; we have to make it “must do this.” In fact, even “must do this” is not enough…we will show you the essential points for achieving goals!
  • How to make uncommitted clients more serious. Have you ever suffered in a situation in which you are determined to do something, but you cannot take necessary actions? If your clients are in this status, Michael will demonstrate how you should react to them.
  • 2 questions that remove limiting beliefs. In the past, Michael seriously believed that he had to be tall to succeed; however, this limiting belief instantly vanished when his coach asked him 2 questions. Please answer these two questions to eliminate your own limiting beliefs.
  • Michael’s live demonstration! How to close client candidates. Here, Michael closes seminar participants in the coaching course. You can learn how a top coach actually get his clients.

10. Setting the Price and Proposal for Coaching

  • Price/Creating Proposal/Getting Appointments. We will release the precious information for you to be able to start up as a coach, such as deciding on a coaching price, making a proposal, and getting appointments.
  • The most dangerous word of all…aka “a loser’s phrase.” You cannot use this word in any situation! Nor can you let your clients use it! But, if you already have a habit of using the word, here’s the method you can practice—even though it might seem absurd at first—to eliminate this destructive habit!
  • The secret of why Michael uses bad words. Michael sometimes uses really bad words. But, of course, he has a reason for that. What is the reason and the correct timing for using those bad words in your work?
  • The one phrase that takes away the hesitance of your client candidates who do not want to pay the coaching price. Everyone has a different value for money. Some clients are aware of the importance of investing themselves, but others are not. In this section, we will teach you a magic word that makes the latter realize the importance of self-investment!
  • The secret phrase “Just prepare your options!” that make it much easier to get appointments from your candidates. The world’s top salesman uses this method. This method will help you get coaching appointments like you’re supposed to get— many of them every day!

11. How to Follow-Up with Prospective Clients

  • Secret to increase sales by 50% by following up. If you don’t get commitments, learn how to follow-up with them by email and phone. You can double your sales by strengthening your follow-ups.

12. How to Get Appointments

  • Strategic questions to control conversations and preparation for any response. The reason 90% of coaches fail is because they cannot control appointments. We will teach you the list of questions that increase your influence and control the conversation for getting appointments!

5th week

13.Perfect Distortion of Reality

  • Knowing the distorted mechanism of our brain that deals with 134 bytes of information per second. What is the “distortion” that creates negatives of us and clients? We will also explain the three systems (VAK) that distort reality.

14. w to Diagnose the Distortion

  • Assessment sheet method to profile clients and create breakthroughs. This is how to diagnose clients’ distortions (limiting belief) that you will eventually have to eliminate when you coach. This is also how you identify emotion and value for success and create breakthroughs.

15.Coaching by Personality Types

  • The effective coaching method that works with 4 personality types! Basically, all clients can be grouped into 4 types. Each type needs a different coaching method that works effectively. You will learn the best coaching method for your clients, and it will absolutely boost their achievements!

6th week

16.The Concept of Coaching Planning

  • What are the two coaching models and the four coaching tools? To coach for excellent results, we need to overcome the emotional and strategic issues that our clients face. This course will cover the two coaching models and the four tools of “success psychology,” “science of change,” “mastery of communication,” and “mental map.”

17.The Ultimate Law of Success

  • There is no failure! You only get feedbacks! What is the ultimate law of success? What is the “ultimate law of success” that is essential for clients to achieve their goals? This module shows how to take advantage of the coaching skills, which is not covered in the free webinar. It will also answer how to cope with the clients’ unexpected incidents that cause them hardship and sorrow.

18.Science of Change (Law of ABC)

  • Associational Behavior of Custom [ABC] 7 steps: Matching and Mirroring are both techniques that improve the meaning process and a client’s status, but which is stronger? How can we relate to pain and pleasure? What if we need to break the pattern? How can we make use of our sensory acuity? This module is full of useful content that will improve your coaching skills.

7th Week

19. Become an Effective Communicator

  • What are the pacing, leading, and physiology techniques that improve the quality of communication? If you don’t get the client reactions you want, you need to change your communication style. This is when you need physiology. Why is physiology effective in this case?
  • Why do we not put what we learn from seminars into practice? The secret to make the most out of what we learn. We have been deceived by a big lie: that information is power. In fact, there is only one thing that empowers us. What is the secret to definitely applying what we learn from seminars to real life?
  • Seminar accident!? Why they made such crazy decisions. There was one incident in which a client’s problem was not solved in the public coaching of Michael’s seminar. So, he continued coaching for 2 hours and solved the problem. Of course, it interrupted the seminar’s schedule, but why did he take such an action? This is the most important talent to have as a coach.

20 . Meta Modeling (How to cope with distortion, deletion, and generalisation)

  • The “Meta Modeling” that helps deadlocked clients and the solution for the “5 triggers” that get in your way. This module introduces the meta modeling method, which corrects clients who are under stress or deadlock. It also reveals how you can use counter examples that eliminate one’s own limiting belief.
  • Use rather ambiguous phrases that usually limit possibility. Unclear language is the common symptom for people who have problems; however, if it’s used correctly, it can produce a magical hibernation and motivation. This course will teach you the moments you should use the benefit of ambiguous phrases.
  • The way Michael defeated his own limiting belief at young age. When he decided to be a coach, he believed he wouldn’t be able to succeed unless he was tall. The reason is because his coach was over 6’5. How did he overcome his limiting belief? By learning from his experience, you can expand your strategy to deal with limiting beliefs!!

8th Week

21 . How to Organize Your Coaching Program

  • Client checklist and the approach to unmotivated clients. To achieve goals, clients need a system in which they can take actions. This course goes over the client management checklist, offers step-by-step advice, and provides check sheets that all support the clients in achieving their goals as well as an approach to fire-up unmotivated clients. Why do we not put what we learn from seminars into practice?

22 . Preparation Form before Coaching

  • What is the form that is necessary for productive coaching? Michael never misses this preparation that we go over here; however, most coaches do not practice this. Even a world-class coach like Michael does this all the time, so please don’t forget to practice this preparation to contribute your clients’ success.

23 . The Essential 9 Steps for Each Coaching Session

  • Follow these 9 steps for every coaching session! Michael’s coaching always proceeds with the same steps. He does not change the steps on a whim. On the other hand, unsuccessful coaches change their steps all the time. We want you to incorporate Michael’s steps as your winning form!
  • All successful and influential people do this: “Future Pacing.” Most of those who know this only do the visual imagery training; however, in this module, we teach you

9th Week

24 . How to Increase Motivation

  • 7 main obstacles clients face and their solutions. There is a pattern in the number of obstacles clients encounter while they strive to reach their goals. This course will teach you the solution for each problem as well as how to make an effective vision board to help clients reach a high motivation.
  • Is it bad to feel comfortable? The reason that comfort kills motivation! So, here is the Question: what is your degree of comfort from 0 to 100? If it’s around 70, you should be careful! Because your life might not improve…we will tell you how to tackle feeling too comfortable.
  • Why incantation is 10,000 times more effective than hypnosis or affirmation. Michael asserts that “it is the incantation that made me realize a 600% increase in my income in two months! It’s a waste to join this seminar if you do not use incantation.” Why does he admire incantation this much?
  • This accelerates clients’ goal accomplishments! How to make a visionary board and things to keep in mind. Though using this board with incantation will definitely assist clients in reaching their goals, there are some points we can never forget when making the board. Be careful because the effect would be less than half if we miss these steps!

25 . Change Beliefs

  • Question list that specifies your client’s limiting belief and eliminates it. You need to get rid of your client’s limiting belief in the first coaching session. This course teaches you how to use the meta model to erase limiting beliefs and the entire sequence of identifying and eliminating limiting beliefs.
  • The trap of thinking of an issue as an issue and how to overcome it. Actually, there are some patterns for us to recognize an issue as an issue. And there are only three. Please identify which pattern your clients are likely to fall into.


26 . Create Effective Plans

  • What is “chunking,” which is necessary for planning the fastest goal accomplishment? This is the method every genius and successful winner uses. This course introduces you to a sample project plan, so model your successful plans from it!
  • 3 commitments you have to implement before each coaching session ends. You have to do this if you want to make your clients achieve their goals!

10th Week

27. Make a Habit of Succeeding

  • What are 9 obstacles that keep clients from achieving goals, and what is the habit of succeeding? Clients face some of these 9 obstacles on their way to success. So, you need to anticipate which one will be in the way and try to eliminate it in advance. Here, we show you the details of the obstacles and how to master the habit of succeeding.

28 . Control Your Emotions

  • Essential for achieving goals! Method to move from the status you don’t want to that you want and the “emotion tracking sheet.” You need to keep being positive to achieve your goals. But, in reality, you sometimes become very negative. Here, we will teach you the tool that makes you consistently positive.
  • The infinite negative loop! What is the crazy 8 that you should never become? Get angry -> Get tired -> Get sad -> Get angry…Those who are in this vicious cycle are in this status to satisfy a certain desire. And, eventually, they go for transient pleasure…You only need this one phrase to save them from the situation!

29. Situational Coaching

  • Your clients need help! Then break their limiting beliefs by the ultimate law of success and meta modeling! It is when something really bad happens to your clients and they have negative emotions that you need to know how to get them back to the success orbit.
  • Speed situational coaching sessions done directly by Michael! Situational coaching deals with some specific situations, such as feedback, problems, and some painful incidents. Here, we will show how Michael’s “stopping the pattern” has eliminated his client’s traumatic events as well as some additional unique skills.

30 . 9 Reasons Coaches Fail

  • Solutions for 9 common mistakes of coaches. Just like clients have patterns in their obstacles, there are 9 patterns of coaches’ mistakes. You can prevent them by learning their causes and solutions here.

11th Week

31 . How to Create Your Strong Coaching Brand

  • What is the identity triangle that brands you? In society today, which is full of exaggerating advertisements, people crave honesty. We will teach you a branding strategy that will increase your clients and maximize your capabilities as a coach.

32. The Secret Formula to Earning $100K Coaching

  • It’s just a mathematical game to achieve $100K. It is not difficult at all if you calculate each step from your goal! This course will teach you the secret formula and the implementation method to achieve $100K. In fact, your annual income is decided by three factors, and we will show you the “Marketing Ability Rating Sheet” that maximizes each factor!

33. How to Make a High-quality Large Database

  • The 8 methods to get the visitors’ email addresses. This course will introduce you to the famous 8 methods that even successful internet marketers use to get clients. Get a huge number of clients by using the “XX Offer” that everyone loves to see!

34. Science of Mail Marketing

  • Necessary for getting clients! What is the content of the most effective email? You will learn how to write and send the result-promised email that not only Michael uses but his disciples use as well.

35 . The Secret to Create a Best-selling Coaching Website

  • You can get a lucrative website by learning this! The 27 tips for creating a website. It is not only the coaching that Michael does scientifically. The same applies to productive websites for coaches. This course will teach you the effective 27 steps that Michael experimented with and produced results, including the 39% increase in the success rate.

12th Week

36 . How to Get Feedback from Website Visitors

  • Ask for Feedback” strategy that makes website visitors who didn’t become clients your precious resource. Even the top-level internet marketers do not use this method…This is the essential strategy that promises your site’s success!

37 . How to Create “Thirsty” Website Visitors

  • Brainstorming tactic to gather your client candidates from your website. We will show you must-see information for your coaching career, such as the minimum line for the success rate and the amount to spend getting clients.

38 . Establishing a Coaching Business by Referral

  • No Ads cost! 2 effective strategies to get a number of referrals. A referral is a strong weapon to increase your income without any cost. It is essential to ask and suggest at the best time to get referrals. Here, we will tell you the two effective methods for getting referrals.

39 . How to Get Clients by Using a Network

  • Business cards that are effective for getting clients and a “pre-frame” to get a free trial of coaching. Here, we will show you the business card of Hirosumi Yoshida, the CEO of Michael Bolduc Japan. Make your business card more effective by learning from this proven strategy!

40 . How to Succeed by Direct Email

  • Analyze Michael’s direct emails! The secret of direct emails to get clients! Michael’s direct email is full of effective tricks and “key phrases” that are never seen in usual direct emails but that boost success rates. Learn this, and make the best direct email that always gets you clients!

13th Week

41. How to Manage Clients’ Success

  • What is the smart method to manage your clients’ success? When the number of your clients increases, it gets more complicated to manage them. Nevertheless, you can set the golden rule of managing in the initial period to prevent any stress or trouble. This course will reveal the successful management system Michael recommends.

42 . Q&A by Clients

  • 15 questions to Michael. This course will share 15 Q&As that were posted by new coaches just like you. By learning from Michael’s answers, you can further strengthen your determination to become a successful coach and eventually get the best results!

The mop-up & completion test to become an M.B.I Certified Coach Michael’s visit to Thailand for the “Mop-Up” 2-Day Seminar “Success Coaching Intensive Bootcamp”

As the title shows, this seminar will introduce more necessary techniques that will mop-up your Coaching, including the following:

  • How to make a change instantly
  • How to get rid of the “Limiting Belief” more quickly and easily
  • How to overcome the obstacles (the law of cause and effect)
  • How to control your emotions from unwanted to wanted
  • How to question correctly
  • Live coaching sessions (at least 1 case a day)
  • NLP Training (especially important for coaching)
  • Verbal package, pacing, reading, pattern interruption, etc.
  • Understand how motivation works
  • The ultimate law of success
  • Control the pain and pleasure, a psychology of meaning
  • Goal setting workshop
  • Effective teaching
  • How to make a habit
  • Q&A with participants

Also, this seminar will again offer M.B.I students live coaching. After learning the 42 modules and actually experiencing Michael’s coaching, you will further observe:

  • What kind of skills does Michael practice in his actual coaching?
  • What and in which order will make a change in the client?
  • What kind of questions or patterns of clients do we cope with?

The world’s top-level luxurious benefits for free!

Benefit #1

Internet Marketing LIVE Webinar / 4- Hours

(Valued at $990)

Hack Michael’s internet marketing system (including his website) that is effective for getting clients and a “pre-frame” to get a free trial of coaching. Discover secrets for getting traffic to your website, and how to convert those leads into a six-figure income business.

Benefit #2

Brian Tracy & Michael Bolduc Secret Dialogue

“Personal Branding Secret Complete Version”

(Valued at $195)

We will give you the complete version of “The secret of personal branding by the world’s top expert” totally free.

This is the only one in the world that shows the interview between Brian Tracy and Michael Bolduc, who talk about how to brand as a successful coach.

You will absolutely succeed in your business by making use of their branding strategy!

Benefit #3

45-minutes Coaching Session

with Michael Bolduc

(Valued at $1,500)

Benefit #4

Demonstrate your success scientifically,

“Success Mastery Online Version”

(Valued at $795)

Hence, by joining this fantastic first class, you will get:

  • The ability to produce the result your clients want by mastering Michael’s step-by-step coaching skills.
  • The chance to start this as your side business if you’re currently employed and eventually to develop it into your successful career without any risk.
  • To develop your business if you’re a business owner by applying Michael’s world-class coaching skills to your management and employees.
  • A bigger income regardless of this being your side business or main career.
  • The taste of an “extraordinary life” of succeeding by contributing to others.
  • To master the “scientific self-coaching skill” that solves not only your clients’ problems but also your problems.

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5 reviews for Michael Bolduc – Success Coaching Certification

  1. Zohar (verified owner)

    I enjoyed the hands-on approach to learning.

  2. Leo (verified owner)

    The step-by-step instructions made it easy to follow along.

  3. Kayden (verified owner)

    I learned a lot from this course. Great value for the price!

  4. Brittany Mitchell (verified owner)

    The step-by-step instructions made it easy to follow along.

  5. Kimberly Powell (verified owner)

    The content was well-presented and easy to understand.

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