
Mark Harbert – No Fear Video Marketing System

(4 customer reviews)

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Mark Harbert – No Fear Video Marketing System


Price: $297
Archive: archive.is/HLCp6

Easily and Instantly Become A Credible Authority
in YOUR Niche Within the Next 90 Days
(Even If You Have Zero Experience… And Are SCARED TO DEATH to Get On Video! )…
(It’s time to get out of your own way and become the home biz success story that you want to become starting TODAY!)…
I want to share with you how I went from a scared little video marketing puppy… so deathly afraid to put myself out there to the internet world that I would cower and look for ways to market my business without doing any of that…
To become a video marketing LION who’s now not even the slightest bit afraid to roar the exact message out to the marketplace that they’re looking for…
And every time I do…life for my family, and myself gets better. Just like YOURS will.
Your business grows…
Your bank account grows…
You feel a sense of purpose…
And life gets closer to the one that you always knew YOU could enjoy in this industry.
As you read the rest of this page, you’ll see how you’ll be able to do the exact same thing by using online video marketing with MY PROVEN (over and over again) STRATEGY…
Even if right now…thinking about it makes your chest tight, breathing difficult, and causes intense panic and anxiety to kick in.
Believe me, I know exactly how you feel. I felt the same way. Maybe even worse. More about that in a minute.
We’re About to Unlock the Key
to Killing That Fear Inside of YOU.
Kill the fear and enjoy the fact that as you put yourself out there on video… and do it right… amazing things happen in your business, and in your life.
You’ll begin to experience ready-to-join leads flooding in on auto-pilot, each and every single day. (Even when YOU don’t actually show up!)
Imagine waking up, checking your email on your phone, and seeing leads and sales notifications as far as you can scroll down?
This is exactly what online video has done for me, and literally THOUSANDS of my students. And it’s exactly what it will do for YOU!
Does THIS Describe You and Your Marketing Right Now?…
You KNOW that Online Video is the most effective way to market ANY biz online… especially a home or MLM business…but you don’t know where to start
You’re deathly afraid to get on camera because you don’t like the way that you look or sound, and you’re sure that others will see you as too ugly, too fat, too skinny, too squeaky, too whatever…YOU NAME IT!
You keep putting off creating videos until you’ve got the right equipment, or you’ve got a great background, or your desk is clean enough, or…(the list goes on and on)
You’re afraid that nobody will even watch your videos anyway because you don’t have the tech skills to create them, blast them out to the internet (much less rank them!)…
I’m Here to Tell You Right Now You Can Quickly Bust Through All of Your FEAR and HESITATION… and Start Creating Videos That Make Your Perfect Target Market Flock to You… and Love You When They Find You
(and they 
WILL Find You!)…
My name is Mark Harbert, and for the past 7 years I’ve been creating online videos that have let me ENJOY A DAILY LEAD FLOW that most people in our industry don’t even pull in monthly (sometimes in a year!)
We’re talking up to 73+ serious red-hot leads per day.
It Wasn’t Always That Way Though…
Most people see me on video and think that all this just comes natural.
(Must be my movie star looks 
I was desperately struggling to make my business work for almost a decade. In the midst of all of that, I got laid off from my corporate position. I was close to bankruptcy and foreclosure, and my wife and daughter were depending on me.
During the worst of all of that, I could literally barely put food on the table for my family.
There was even one heartbreaking Christmas where I couldn’t afford presents for my daughter. Unless you’ve ever gone through that, you can’t even comprehend the desperation that you feel.
And even then…
I would have rather faced Mike Tyson in the ring, or lay in a tank of snakes than get myself on camera. And I’m not even exaggerating.
And to be perfectly honest I didn’t have a clue how to even create a video in the first place. I thought I was doomed because I had no special equipment. No good digital camera. To make matters worse, I couldn’t even afford the equipment I thought I needed.
Thank God actually…
Because now I’ve gotten by just fine on the most minimal of equipment for the past 7 years. Most of my videos are made right from my phone. Or from the camera built right into my laptop.
If You’re Deathly Afraid of getting on camera, I was right there with you.
You see, I’m a little…well… “big boned.”
So, of course, I was afraid I was going to look fat on camera. Plus, I had no idea what the heck to say.
I thought people would see my video and make fun of me. Think I was a babbling idiot.
In fact, I didn’t even think people wanted to hear what I had to say. Who the heck was I anyway?
Sound familiar?
If you saw my first video, you’d see that clearly I was petrified. Literally shaking in my seat as I tried to film and form coherent sentences. I started sweating profusely with every take.
And you can probably relate to my thought of “OMG, what if one of my family members, or worse, one of my co-workers stumbled on this video?”
It took me over 20 takes, and a couple of days to create that first video. Everything was an excuse not to just shoot the darn thing. Taking out the garbage or doing dishes were welcome chores at that time.
Plus I moved a lot of stuff around my desk. It was never so damn clean.
Bottom Line! Caring What Others Think About Me Almost Cost Me
the Amazing Lifestyle That I’ve Created for My Family Today.
It’s not just me either…
I’ve heard the fears and the stories that my thousands of clients have had about getting on video. Scared to death. Sometimes in tears. Giving up over and over before they even get through the first video.
Believe me when I tell you that I KNOW that it’s a fear that you have as strong as the fear of heights, or snakes, or whatever phobia you can think of. Maybe it has a fancy phobia name, I don’t know, but it should.
And you feel like all the people who tell you “Just do it!” or “Just get past that fear!” don’t understand how real it is. And maybe they don’t. However, I do get it.
Here’s How It All Changed for Me…
What if I told you that it’s not going to be as difficult as you think to get through this.
Imagine for just one second if you could sit down, flip on the camera, and just start talking with absolutely no fear, no inhibition…
…Know exactly WHAT to say…
…And know exactly how to spread that message across the internet to your target market.
Here’s How to Start Killing This Fear…
I’m going to give you A HUGE TIP right here and right now. For FREE!
Myself, and all my students have had similar experiences of beginning to get through this fear. First, I knew that my family was more important than my fear.
The days of watching my little precious daughter and my beautiful wife not have all that they deserved (Even presents at Christmas)…
…Knowing it was essentially my fault for not just getting through my damn fears were heart wrenching.
I’m sure that there are things that you’re watching happen, that wouldn’t be, if you just were taught a way to get through this fear.
If you’ve been watching your family suffer without having YOU around as much you could be…
Without enjoying the luxuries of life that are there for them…
If you’ve suffered daily, living the 9 to 7 grind (because let’s face it, nine to five is over), wasting away in a cubicle, or behind a machine, or on a job site…and struggling to make your home business work using other methods that aren’t even close to as effective as video will EVER be…
If you wake up in the morning, not excited to get up and see the lead flow and commission checks that have come in over night (because you already know there won’t be any)…
Then YOU are ready to get past this fear now and jump into video marketing like a pro.
I know it.
That’s Why I’ve Created My Most Epic
and Complete Video Training EVER!
My Legacy Product That Gives Away Everything I’ve Learned
Over the Past 7 Years of Elite Level Video Marketing
(Even Tackling the emotional fear impacting elements that others have ignored)…


My Legacy of Work wrapped up into 1 product.

10 Module Video Marketing System that I’ve been perfecting for the past 7 years.

It’s served me extremely well, turned me into a
MULTIPLE SIX-FIGURE LEADER in the home biz industry…
…And now it’s going to be in your hands to make it work for YOU.
Everything. Laid out, step-by-step, module by module, video by video.
No matter where you’re at with your video marketing… scared to death complete newbie, OR an intermediate already-making-progress video marketer…

This will take your video lead generation – and your brand – into the stratosphere.

Here’s a Sneak-Peak Into Some of What You’ll Discover
When You Delve Into ‘The No-Fear Video Marketing System’…
Online Video Outbreak
(The Dawn of a New Video Star)
$297 VALUE
Why you’d be insane NOT to add online video marketing to your arsenal and become a mini-celebrity in your niche that people flock to
The bare bones facts of how over ½ of the entire internet population (BILLIONS) is obsessed with video (And HOW to get them to respond very strongly to YOUR videos)…
How video works on the brain, and why it will tap precisely into the parts of your prospect’s mind that you MUST reach to get them to buy from you or join your biz (The Best Part: It does so almost instantly!)…
Finally, How to Get Rid of Your Fear of the Camera: The ONLY sure-fire trick that actually works to once and for all to FINALLY OVERCOME YOUR FEAR OF THE CAMERA (Even if you’ve hated the way you look and sound your entire life!)
And Much More!
Prospect Targeting Matrix
(Becoming Attractive to the Right People)
$297 VALUE
How to sniff out the traits and habits of your perfectly matched target market so YOUR product is the ideal solution to their deepest wants and desires (This MUST be right or nothing else works no matter what you do)
How to discover YOUR unique voice that stands out amongst ALL of your competition. (TRUTH: Some people will absolutely hate you. You’ll be laughing at all of them on your way to the bank 
The number one market research question you have to ask yourself if you want to get the exact people who are ALREADY interest in your products and opportunity to take rapid action and hit the BUY button
How and Where to Spy On Your Target Market: I’ll demonstrate live… right in front of your face what I’ve done literally hundreds of times to research and tap right into my markets most pressing problems.
And Much More!
The Content Virus Incubator
$297 VALUE
How to ALWAYS have a stockpile of ideas for video topics. Get my secret stash of content ideas from creating 7 years of video that prospects clamor to watch (I’m giving away the farm here to say the least)
My 3 sneakiest ways to know EXACTLY what your prospect is searching for so you NEVER have to guess (These tips will have you blast out videos every single day with little thought and no headache)…
How to answer the exact questions in your prospects mind that they’ve been struggling with for weeks, months, or maybe even years! (This will make them look at YOU as their savior)…
How to quickly and easily hunt down where your target market is hanging out… and how to effectively spy on them as they talk amongst themselves (This lets you know EXACTLY what worries, needs, and desires are permeating their thoughts RIGHT NOW!)…
And Much More!
Indispensable Video Tools and Weapons
$297 VALUE
How to pick out the perfect camera for your video marketing creation without going broke (you’ll be absolutely floored when you realize how easy and INEXPENSIVE this is)…
Why you don’t actually NEED a camera at all! I’ll show you how to use what you’ve already got right at your disposal to get started and still LOOK LIKE A PRO(Warning: This eliminates one of the top excuses you might be using)…
The Simple Elements of Video Sound: Quick and dirty video sound hacks to make sure your viewers can hear your message loud and clear(Without spending an entire weekend tweaking sound control knobs)
The Video Lighting Factor: How to fix and prevent the most common mistakes that amateur video creators make with lighting (you’ll look like a pro right from your video!)…
And Much More!
Gettin’ Down to Business
(Your Video Creation Game Plan!)
$297 VALUE
How to create lead generation videos that pull prospects into your funnel, non-stop, night and daywhether you show up to work that day or not (These are prospects who already know, like, and trust you!)
How to create a video intro that makes you look like a seasoned pro (even if you’re not) and suck your viewers in like teenage girls watching a ‘One Direction’ video
How to create such high quality value for your viewers that they’ll fall all over themselves to get on your list to make sure they never miss any of YOUR videosemails, or blog posts (This is how you build a powerful life-changing audience)
My coveted Call-to-Action Trick that I’ve honed over the past 7 years… and THOUSANDS of videos (Make your subscriber and conversion rates soar just like mine have using this)…
How to create subliminally irresistible thumbnails for your videos. You’ll make it nearly impossible for your target audience not to click to watch (Remember your YouTube video isn’t the only one on the page. You’ve got to win this battle or nothing else matters!)
My secret list of video domination tools that so far I’ve only ever shared with personal V.I.P. Coaching Clients who paid me thousands of dollars to teach what I know (Please don’t tell them I’m showing you these)
A FAST and BRAIN-DEAD-SIMPLE way to create animated videos. You’ll make them look so amazingly professional that your viewers will think you’re a video creation genius (I’ll share the tool I use that has everyone fooled ;)…
And Much More!
Before we move on to the other modules…
Let’s Talk About Something Critical Here…
The Brutal Truth Is That Without Adding Video Marketing to Your Biz… YOU Cannot Compete With Those That Are Using Video Effectively…
Let me guess. You’ve probably tried fooling yourself and thought: “So I’ll just use other methods of marketing my business… so I don’t needvideo.”

Well let’s first look at some stats…

Internet Video Traffic will be 69% of ALL global consumer Internet traffic in 2017.

Video promotion is over 6 times more effective than print and online biz to biz marketing

1 Minute of video is worth 1.8 Million Words (Forrester Research) <= Read that again…

Over half of 25 to 54 year olds share video online. Eh hem…something tells me YOUR demographic falls in those ages somewhere. Mine does!

And here’s a couple of real eye-openers that even caught ME off guard…

Retail site visitors who view video stay 2 minutes longer on average…

The chance of getting a page one listing on Google increased 53 TIMES with video

73% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase after watching a video.


Now Let’s Get Back to All You Get Inside
of “The No-Fear Marketing System”
Video Dispersion Game Plan
$297 VALUE
How to be everywhere…ALL the TIME with your online videos to increase your exposure, your video views, your leads, and of course SALES(This literally makes YOU viral in a very short period of time)
The critical mistake most marketers make when hosting their videos and how to avoid that mistake like the plague (I’ll show you exactly where I host MY videos )
The 3 different modalities of learning that you can easily tap into to sneak onto every type of prospect’s radar, and sink your message into their brain the way THEY like best (this is deep and powerful NLP, Hypnosis, psychology that will make YOUR VIDEOS ultra effective!)
Finally, How to Get Rid of Your Fear of the Camera: The ONLY sure-fire trick that actually works to once and for all to FINALLY OVERCOME YOUR FEAR OF THE CAMERA (Even if you’ve hated the way you look and sound your entire life!)
And Much More!
YouTube Supremacy
$297 VALUE
Why YouTube is a MUST in Your Video Marketing Strategy (After 50,000+ leads and over 7 figures in the past 7 years from video marketing – I’ve proven this to be TRUTH)…
My 4 Part YouTube Domination Process broken down and spoon fed to you so you absorb it at the deepest core level. (Your competition does NOT want you to know this process)
Keyword Research on Steroids to magically know exactly which targeted keywords will suck in leads like a vacuum (and which will easily rank on YouTube and Google.)…
The Simple On-Page Optimization Method that I’ve tweaked and perfected over the years that makes Google absolutely love your videos (and therefore rank them high and FAST!)…
Off Page Optimization Strategies that have literally helped me land videos on Google’s page 1 in less than 3 days over and over again (You’ll witness this happening for YOURSELF and you’ll love it every single time!)…
My Secret Back Link Sources that will virtually guarantee long-lasting organic rankings in the search engines (Warning: Most back Links are crap. Mine continue to prove solid and keep videos that I created years and years ago ranking and pulling in leads)…
The Most Effective Way Ever to Use Fiverr to get your videos ranked that you’ll absolutely love (I’ll give you the best service providers to use that have taken care of me over the years!)…
And Much More!
Secrets of Becoming
An FB Video Ad Dynamo
$297 VALUE
How to 10X your FB Audience in 40 days using my simple video ad formula to focus all eyes on YOU and get people absolutely addicted to your content (these are people who anxiously follow your every move right to the sign-up page ;)…
How I’ve spread my reach to at least 30,000 EXTRA prospects, and was able to generate over 17K new likes on my page… all since using Facebook video ads (I’m about to show you how to become recognizable by a majority of the industry!)…
Get your first video ad up in less than 1 hour and start reaching your prospects exactly where they’re at (On FACEBOOK) and speaking directly to them. [This will prime the pump of leads like nothing you’ve ever experienced]…
The keys to setting up a “Like Ad” that actually pulls in ‘likes’ consistently (most people teaching this have no clue and are struggling themselves. I’ll show you how I’ve been doing it to explode ‘Likes’!)…
How to find out EXACTLY what your target market’s interests are, and tap into those interests so that you pop right up on their radar every time they log onto Facebook(This taps right into your prospect’s deepest desires)
My Step-by-Step Daily Video Posting Formula to create a unstoppable swarm of leads and sign ups to ANY business. (I’ve endlessly tweaked this to make it as perfect as possible)…
How to Zone In On Your Precise Audience Inside of Facebook so that your message is like a self-guided missile that finds them online no matter where they’re at (and blasts your message right in their face!)…
Your Live Broadcast Lead Explosion
$297 VALUE
A full breakdown of WHAT Live Broadcasting is and how to integrate this amazing new tool to your biz efficiently (While you strengthen your brand)
My Coveted Hangout Formula to expand exposure to your brandsuck in leads, and even make instant sales right from the hangout itself(I’ve pulled in tens of thousands of leads, and hundreds of thousands of dollars using this exact formula)
How Twitter’s newest baby can induce a flood of new leads and sign-ups, and how you can use this simple, powerful app right from your smart phone. The EASIEST LEADS YOU’LL EVER GENERATE!
The vital reason that ‘Live Broadcasting will be a MASSIVE part of every successful online marketers weaponry in the next few years (And how getting started NOW can make you become an icon while they’re still cutting their teeth!)…
And Much More!
Obliterating the Fear Factor FOREVER!
$497 VALUE
Create Your Fear-Factor Breakthrough: How to Finally GET OVER YOUR FEAR OF THE CAMERA once and for all… and help your sign-ups do the exact same thing (this builds an explosive MLM down line!)
Killing the Techno-Phobe Inside: Your fear of not knowing the tech side will be dead, and you’ll have no choice but to simply push forward with this proven video marketing system!
Tackling Who YOU Are: Nothing will happen in your biz until you come to terms with who you are. You’re ready to start creating videos TODAY. I’ll help you realize WHY that’s true and how to make it happen IMMEDIATELY!..
Becoming an Unstoppable Marketing Machine: Once you learn what I’ve taught you, and you begin the first steps of putting it all in motion, YOU will be in control of your life and your future from here on out. Nobody except YOU can stop you at this point…
And MANY MORE Breakthrough Insights!
That Puts These 10 Modules at a Value of $3,170
I know that as you’re reading all that I’m putting into this project, you’re thinking you may have to sell a body part to get your hands on ‘The No Fear Marketing System’.

As you can see… it’s worth $3,170 alone.
(We haven’t even mentioned bonuses yet)

Heck… what you could earn in your first 90 days alone will dwarf that number.


This Is 7 Years of My Personal Blood, Sweat, and Tears…

EVERYTHING That I’ve Discovered and Experienced With Video Marketing to Become a Top Leader and Multiple Six-Figure Earner… Laid Out for YOU… Step-by-Step.
Oh Wait!
Let’s Go Over Your Insane Bonuses…
Everything I’m teaching you in this course is enough for you to create a life-changing income and become a massive leader. A to Z…all on it’s own.
However, I’m ringing out the rag of value on this thing…down to the last drop!
Check Out These Powerful Bonuses
I’m Giving Away for a Very Limited Time ONLY…
Exclusive ‘No Fear Video Marketing‘ Facebook Mastermind Group
Ever buy a course and felt abandoned as soon as questions and problems came up? Me too! That’s why I’ve vowed to never let that happen to you.
Not only will you get access to me (yes I’ll actually be in the group answering your questions directly), but you’ll also have a mastermind of other students to help you. You’ll get FAST direct assistance, and you’ll be privy to WHAT’S WORKING RIGHT NOW from other members. This might be the most valuable secret weapon of this entire course.
$197 VALUE
1 PERSONAL and Professional Video Review
Nervous about that first video? No Worries! It most certainly helps when you’ve got someone who’s created thousands of videos, that have brought in over 50K leads to look your video over, and tell you how to tweak it to make it even MORE effective.
Go through the course, put everything in action, and I’ll be more than happy to take a look and show you how to improve your next video, make it more valuable, and even get ranked better. I wish I’d had that when I’d first gotten started.
BTW, this doesn’t come cheap. My coaching clients pay me $450 an hour to do these reviews.
It’s FREE for YOU, just for being savvy enough to get your hands on ‘The No-Fear Video Marketing System’!
$297 VALUE
Prospect Persuasion Automation: NEVER Chase Prospects Ever Again!
The truth… is you’re creating videos for one reason and one reason alone! Leads!
Without leads as a result, even your best video quickly becomes useless.
This training will show you HOW to create amazing capture pages, and I’ll even show you the two most effective tools I use EVERY SINGLE TIME to create lead sucking pages!
$197 VALUE
Sales Magic Maximizer: How to Follow Your Viewers Around Until They Become YOUR Lead or Die!
This is a technique that some know about, but most don’t do. Those who do, usually do completely wrong.
After this training, you’ll understand a marketing technique ONLY available to the savvy ONLINE ENTREPRENEURS.
I’ll show you how the big boys and girls like Amazon, Ebay, and Apple crank up the volume on profits every single day! This could be worth the cost of the entire course alone if done right!
$197 VALUE
100 Winning Video Headline Swipes
Your videos are absolutely useless if nobody watches them. To get people to watch your video you MUST grab them by the throat with your headline.
These SAMPLE headline swipes will practically force prospects to click play.
I’ll give you 100 Sample Headlines for you to use as swipes and make that happen. (*WARNING: These are swipes. Use them as guides, not as your actual headlines)
$297 VALUE
Done for You Music to Bring Emotion Into Your Video…
Nothing creates an emotional (and even hypnotic) state as well as music. Every single movie, television show, and commercial uses music in the background for a profound reason.
It creates emotion to keep your viewer intrigued and glued to the screen.
Use this royalty free music in your videos and watch how viewers are captivated by your videos. Your time on page will soar, and your bounce rate will plummet!
$297 VALUE
101 Hot Video Ideas for 2016
One of the things that you won’t have to worry about as you get started is what topics to cover in your videos. I’ve got that covered in more ways than one.
In the course itself I’ll show you exactly what to do, but in the beginning you can simply rely on these video ideas I’ve already compiled for you. These are based on my own 7 years of experience with effective keyword research, and getting in front of trends.
These topics that will carry you into 2016! So no worries.
You’ll enjoy killer video topics for the next 101 one days!
$297 VALUE
Audio Versions of Each Module for Marketers on the Run
I’ve recorded each module in audio only format so you can listen to it on the go right from your smartphone, in your car, in the gym, at work, when you want. Plug in and learn.
If you’re someone who’s busy, and always on the run this is the perfect way to learn without having to be stuck…sitting at your computer!
$197 VALUE
My Lift-Off 30 Day Action Plan (Live Presentation!)
This will be the jolt that you need to put everything that is revealed into action. Too often we take what we learn, and put it on the back burner. NOT THIS TIME!!
This course is designed to completely to amplify your business in 90 Days or Less.
These first 30 Days will be CRUCIAL to making that happen.
$297 VALUE
YouTube Marketing Beta Program Recordings
This was a full-blown LIVE Beta course for ‘The No Fear Video System’. 50 future rock stars showed up live each week to find out how to take their business to the next level with advanced video marketing and you get access to the 10+ hours of recordings.
The #1 thing you’ll take away from this bonus is the revealing Q&A Sessions in each module.
Get your questions answered without even having to ask because there’s a 99% chance that someone else had the same exact question!
$297 VALUE
My Secret from the Vault “Video Marketing Influence Course”
I struggled with the decision to even release this course as a bonus. It’s so damn valuable on it’s own. I could EASILY sell this for $397 on it’s own.
This is a full 6 Module Course… created for no other reason than to turn your videos into influence machines.
Imagine if you could create such a solid bond with your prospects via your videos, that they almost can’t help themselves but to join your list, buy your stuff, become a Facebook Fan, or join your biz opp after watching?
…All because they like YOU, and trust YOU. And feel like they are already your friend.
This can happen with just one video, and it gets more powerful with each video you create. It creates lasting fans, and customers for your new products. I’ll show you how to engineer this inside of the “Video Marketing Influence” Course.
$297 VALUE
With All of These Bonuses, That’s an Added Value of $2,867.
Plus the $3,170 Value from the Original Course,
and You’re Getting a Grand Total Value of $6,037…

4 reviews for Mark Harbert – No Fear Video Marketing System

  1. Patrick Ross (verified owner)

    I found the lessons to be very practical and useful.

  2. Richard (verified owner)

    The instructor’s expertise is evident throughout the course.

  3. Jonathan Adams (verified owner)

    This course provided a great foundation for further learning.

  4. Phoenix (verified owner)

    I appreciated the real-world applications included in the course.

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