
Luisa Zhou – Employee To Entrepreneur LIVE 2.0

(5 customer reviews)

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Luisa Zhou – Employee To Entrepreneur LIVE 2.0

Luisa Zhou – Employee To Entrepreneur LIVE 2.0

Price: $2800
Archive: archive.is/qcEa7

Employee to Entrepreneur LIVE 2.0 is the ONLY year-long, LIVE coaching program that is simple, proven, and guides you step-by-step through building a 6-figure coaching and/or course business that will replace your corporate income and give you the freedom to live life on your terms

What if you didn’t have to spend the rest of your life in a 9-5, doing things you only mildly tolerate, working in an office that suffocates you, and dealing with people who seem to have forgotten that life takes place OUTSIDE of the cubicle?

Right now, I’m guessing that…

  • You know there has to be more to life…right? You’re smart, and you have good ideas, but you’re not sure if you have what it takes to really get things off the ground. And, if you do make it happen, how long will it realistically last?
  • You don’t want to look back and regret wasting years sitting behind a desk. You have friends, a family, people you want to spend time with and places to see. You want the freedom to actually live your life.
  • You want to travel more and enjoy life. You want to frolic on the beach in Greece, hang by the pool in Bali, and spend a weekend in New York City, but the reality is that those dreams cost money, and to make that money you need your job (you know, the one with limited vacation time). You’re stuck in a catch-22.
  • You want more out of your career. You’re smart, a high-achiever, but you can only go so far, so fast in the corporate world. You have big visions and want to make your mark.

Why is Employee to Entrepreneur so powerful?

It’s a unique comprehensive system that gives you the exact step-by-steps, scripts, and marketing strategies to replace your monthly income and build your online coaching/consulting business BEFORE you leave your 9-5.

It takes you from scratch to getting booked out with one-on-one clients to leveraging your time and income with group programs and courses.

That’s right, even if…

  • You only have a couple hours a week to devote to business building
  • You’re not sure what kind of business to start
  • You don’t think you have any marketable skills
  • You don’t have an MBA
  • You have tried other systems and failed (miserably)
  • You spent years getting to this income level and think it’s bonkers to possibly replace it in 6 months

For years, word on the street about starting your own business was that you had to:

  • Struggle for years marketing yourself before getting clients,
  • Spend your life blogging, guest posting, or hanging out on social media,
  • Go back to school, develop a certain skill-set, or get a certification first, or
  • Be someone who’s rich, special, or has damn good luck!

But guess what? That’s a load of B.S.!

The Employee to Entrepreneur system has helped hundreds of “ordinary” men and women make the transition from cubicle to CEO

Take these 3 regular ETE’ers for example:

  • They aren’t extroverts with natural-born sales skills (but they learned how to sell their services with ease)…
  • They didn’t have have Ivy League educations or lots of certifications…
  • In fact, when they signed up for Employee to Entrepreneur, they weren’t even sure what kind of business they wanted to start (even though they KNEW the kind of lifestyle they wanted to have).

10 Most Common Mistakes Made While Making the Leap from Employee to Entrepreneur

Mistake #1: Falling for the Online Business Fairytale

You’ve heard it all before…

  • Start coaching and make 6-figures overnight!
  • Get blogging and your ideal clients will quickly be knocking down your door!
  • Sell affiliate products and you’ll be millionaire in just a few years!
  • Become a self-published author and you’ll find fame and fortune in a flash!

The truth: These are baloney.

Yes you can make 6-figures as a coach, yes blogging is helpful, yes being an affiliate will help increase your profits, and yes being an author will get you some street-cred BUT, none of these steps will take you from broke to billionaire overnight.

Making money with your online business is absolutely possible but there’s no “silver bullet.” It takes work, strategy, and most importantly, guidance from someone who really knows what she’s doing and has a track record of proven results.

Mistake #2: Relying on traditional business advice

Online business is constantly changing – it’s nothing like it was 5 months ago, let alone 5 years ago. That’s why it’s imperative that the advice you’re getting is current and applicable to your specific situation.

Think about it; back in the day, online business was a novelty. To get going, all you needed was a website and some blog articles. These days, with more and more people building their own businesses (in fact, Intuit estimates that by 2020, over 40% of the workforce will be freelancers), standing out and getting the best clients takes a lot more strategy and sophistication.

The thing is, not every “business mentor” will tell you that (or even be able to!)

It’s up to you make sure the mentor you choose knows her stuff, that she’s overcome the obstacles that you’re currently facing, and that she knows how to help you in a way that’s efficient and effective.

Mistake #3: Taking advice from people who haven’t walked in your shoes

You’ve got a job and you’re looking to escape the 9-5 ASAP, right?

Well, here’s the thing: most big name marketers didn’t have a corporate job when they started. Plus, they built their businesses 10 years ago so the strategies they used are completely outdated.

They’ll advise you to go the slow and steady route; to build your business by working every night and weekend, making guest posting your priority, waste hours hanging on social media to build your traffic, and so on and so forth to finally sign a couple clients and make a sale… at some point in the far off future

That method might seem ok on paper but let’s be real – you don’t want to be working 20 hour days and you’re not into super slow results. You want strategies that work, now.

With the Employee to Entrepreneur System, you can say 
“Sianara, slow + steady” and “Hello, quick + easy”

Mistake #4: Not following a systematic blueprint and
wasting years before you can escape your 9-5

Building a business and leaving your 9-5 doesn’t have to take years! 
With the Employee to Entrepreneur process, you need just six months to make it happen.

How? I’ll tell you.

Step 1: Get Proof.
If you’re ready to roll, the best thing you can do is get out there and get proof of concept for your business – and build your own confidence! – by signing on your first paying clients. (I’ll show you how.)

Step 2: Scale.
Once you have a few paying clients, it’s time to start systematizing. I’ll show you how to create an automated marketing funnel that brings in clients like clockwork – without you having to spend all day in front of your computer marketing yourself.

Step 3: Leverage.
Now that you’re getting clients – and revenue – consistently, it’s time to start leveraging your time. Group programs are an excellent way to scale because you can have greater impact while working less. (Yup, I’ll teach you exactly how to do this too in Employee to Entrepreneur.)

Having systematic strategies that work are essential if you want to build a business that grows quickly so you can get out of your j-o-b asap. Having a comprehensive roadmap that takes you from your desk to your goal (perhaps on a laptop in Bali?) is the only way to make it happen.

Mistake #5: Putting all your marketing eggs (and money!) in one basket

The ETE philosophy is comprehensive. It doesn’t rely…

…solely on Facebook marketing,

…just on blogging, or

…simply on an email list

Why not? Well, the traditional approach that tells you to go all-in on just one platform is dead wrong.

Success comes when you put the marketing puzzle together using a carefully curated, proven, and comprehensive method.

(Real talk: You could invest in a bunch of different courses that each teach you just one of the marketing methods. It would cost roughly $2,000 per course and you’d probably need about 5. That’s a $10,000 investment. OR, you could invest in Employee to Entrepreneur which teaches you everything for a fraction of the cost of piecemealing programs together.)

In Employee to Entrepreneur, you’ll get unique guidance and support on how to:

  • Use Facebook, blogging, and email marketing to build your business
  • Create automated webinar funnels that grow your business 24/7
  • Have non-salesy sales calls that turn into sales
  • Use social media to get clients
  • Execute a flawless and profitable group program launch
  • Reframe your mindset for success

In short, Employee to Entrepreneur is going to teach you EVERYTHING you need to know to make connections, attract clients, AND make the sale. And honestly, that’s priceless.

Mistake #6: Relying on tips from blog posts / free webinars
as your strategy

Free advice has its time and place; It’s great to get you acquainted with the digital landscape and for when you need a quick refresher, but it’s never comprehensive enough to get you all the way from A to Z.

Building a business is like building a house; you need a solid foundation and help from an expert all the way from the beginning to the end.

The truth is, comprehensive strategies just aren’t given away in free webinars. If you’re serious about going all the way with your business, you have to have have a plan from everything, from marketing to sales to mindset.

Cindy was SUPER hesitant about investing in her first paid course but her results have been astounding

Mistake #7: Taking advice from someone who didn’t work in
corporate & is only on her first business

Here’s the thing about people who don’t have a lot of experience in various industries (including working in a corporate job)…

  • They can’t relate to where you’ve been…
  • They only know the tactics that worked for them. And…
  • If their methods don’t work for you, they won’t know how to help you troubleshoot.

After all your years in the corporate world, you speak the language of planning, strategy, and execution. That’s why when you think about working with someone who “went from homeless to 6-figures in a flash,” a red flag goes up! And rightfully so.

Trust your intuition here. You want to work with someone who has done what you want to do, knows how to leverage your strengths, and who has been doing it for years.

Mistake #8: Not following a systematic blueprint
and wasting years before you can escape your 9-5

Making the jump from corporate to self-employed is not one of those situations you want to figure out as you go.

To make your transition as seamless and as risk-free as possible, you need a comprehensive strategy. You have to think about everything from business model to marketing to sales and figure out exactly how you’re going to replace (and increase!) your income.

Employee to Entrepreneur does just that. We cover every single step you need to take from deciding you want your own business, to leaving your 9-5, and beyond. We’ll go over:

  • Money-Making Mindset so you can confidently get paying clients, break through your income ceiling, and make those dollars flow
  • Your Badass Branding & Offerings so you have a memorable look and services (like killer group programs that make beaucoup bucks) that sell
  • Creating a Digital Presence that Dominates so you don’t waste time on strategies that don’t work
  • Designing a Phenomenal Funnel so your business makes money while you sleep (hello, passive income)!
  • Leveraging your time and income with a course or group program so you can increase your impact and income while working less
  • Executing an Extraordinary Exit Plan so you can ditch the 9-5 once and for all!

Mistake #9: Quitting [your job] at the wrong time

There’s a sweet spot for leaving your 9-5.

If you go too soon and don’t have your finances in order (aka a stack of cash saved), you’ll be feeling desperate in no time, praying for clients, and wondering how the heck you’re going to pay your bills.

Sounds terrible, right? The good news is, in Employee to Entrepreneur you’ll learn exactly how to set yourself up for success so you don’t experience an income dip. In fact, you’ll likely be in a better financial position than ever before.

Check out Britny’s story. This amazing lady left her desk and built her business so she could travel the world and do what she loves. (Last time I checked, she was #workingfromwherever from Barcelona!)

Mistake #10: Judging a  program by its size

It’s tempting to do. You scroll down and add up the value of every piece of the program – you think about the hours it’ll take you to get through it all, you wonder if it’s a “good deal.”

But, here’s the thing; just because a program is massive, doesn’t mean the content is useful or strategic.

Perhaps you’ve purchased huge (and pricey) programs with tons of videos but…after even after watching all of them, all of that information still didn’t actually teach you what to do.

Employee to Entrepreneur is different.

Not only is it completely comprehensive, but it also recognizes the fact that you have limited hours in a day. Each module includes short videos and a series of actionable Implementation Guides so you spend your limited on actually building your business and getting results instead of on taking a course and filling out worksheets.

You are smarter than these mistakes.

Seriously — you are…

  • You don’t have to have a business yet (Heck, you don’t even need to have a clear idea)
  • You don’t need to know the ins and outs of building a business from the ground up (That’s what Employee to Entrepreneur is for!)
  • You don’t have to be completely confident that you can make this happen (It’s natural to have some doubts, but don’t let your fear control you)

Whether you’re:

Still in a day job and have to squeeze your business activities in at lunch or on the weekends,

You’ve been at this for a little while, tried a few other programs, and are struggling because nothing’s working

This is the first and only business building program created with YOU in mind.

Here’s the step-by-step breakdown of how we’re going to set you and your business up for success:

Step 1

Your Digital Domination

You’ll get clear on your business idea, what you’re selling, and why it’s unique so you instantly stand out from the crowd. We’ll also lay a rock-solid digital foundation for your business, from your website design and copy, to your killer marketing plan.

Step 2

Your First Clients

As soon as you get your first paying client, your business goes from dream or hobby to…well, an actual business. It’s a leap that most aspiring entrepreneurs never make. Not you though, because by the end of this month you’ll have your first (or more) paying clients.

Step 3

6-Figure Marketing & Sales Plan

Getting your first paying clients is one thing. Being able to consistently get clients every single month is a whole other ballgame — one that you’ll have hit a home run in by the time we’re done. You’ll set up an automated funnel that consistently drives clients to you every month like clockwork to ensure that your steady paycheck is being replaced by an even steadier stream of clients and revenue.

Step 4

Leverage Your Time

Get the most out of your efforts with a course or group program. Working with clients you love is great. Having your income directly tied to (and limited by) the hours you work is not. Besides, I’m sure your dreams of freedom don’t include 80-hour workweeks, even if they are for your own business. That’s why we’re going to systemize what you’ve been working on with your private clients over the past few months and use it to create your first course or group program so you can start leveraging your time.

Step 5

Your First Launch

Successfully selling a course or group program requires a completely different skill set from selling a coaching or consulting package. (After all, you’re selling a completely different type of product.) I’ll show you how to master this skill and sell out your first launch…and every launch afterwards too. You’ll start to see how adding launches to your business plan can quickly double, triple, and even 10x your income.

Step 6

Say Goodbye to the 9-5

With cash in the bank, a steady stream of new clients, your first launch under your belt, and a growing reputation online, you’re perfectly positioned for long-term success. At this point, you’ll have everything you need to grow your business to six, multiple-six, and even seven-figures, and your 9-5 will be a shrinking speck in your rearview mirror.

As you can probably see, this customized plan has an unmatched success rate for taking my students from employee to entrepreneur for two reasons:

It’s results-driven

This is not another course or program that gives you a ton of high-level information but leaves you with no idea how or when to use it to get the results you want. (I don’t know about you, but I’ve never seen the point of information just for the sake of information.)

It’s uniquely comprehensive

Unlike with any other program or course, you aren’t given just one piece of the puzzle. (Most courses only talk about sales, or using social media, or webinars, or creating a course, or how to launch it.) You are literally taken from A-Z, and given everything you need to build a profitable, sustainable, and enjoyable six- to seven-figure business.

But wait, there’s (even) more.

Check out these brilliant bonuses…

BONUS 1: 24 LIVE group coaching calls

Join me and phenomenal guest experts in sales, mindset, copywriting, Facebook advertising, Instagram, and more. During our calls, I and the guest experts share our own strategies for success and provide laser coaching to support you through your journey. Plus, you’ll love our no-question-left-unanswered policy. I’ll stay on each call as long as I need to to make sure every question is answered.

BONUS 2: Unmatched support, coaching, and feedback via our ETE’er-only group

This isn’t your run-of-the-mill, thrown-together-to-add-a-bonus, ghost-town group where you never hear from the program creator.

This is an intimate, engaged community (I’m in there almost every day) that will not only keep you accountable but also make sure you get all the support and feedback that you need – from both me personally and your program coaches.

BONUS 3: “Millionaire Mindset” master class

Having the right mindset is just as critical to your success as having the right strategies. In this training, I’ll show you how I re-programmed my mind (this is coming from a former engineer, so no fluff here) to overcome my fears and achieve every goal…no matter how impossible it seemed in the beginning.

This mindset training + my Employee to Entrepreneur system is the ultimate combination that took me to $1 Million in sales in less than a year, and now that you’ll have both pieces of the puzzle…the sky’s the limit for you as well.

BONUS 4: 5 “How I Did It” case studies

I’ll take you behind-the-scenes and walk you through exactly how 5 ordinary men and women just like you got their first paying clients or sold out their first ever launches…starting from scratch. If you’ve ever wondered how others have been able to do what you want – and if they know a secret that you don’t – these 5 revealing case studies will show you once and for all how “others” are able to do it so you can too.

BONUS 5: Gorgeous “Look-like-a-pro” templates

Created by my own designer, you can use these templates for your social media promotions, webinar slides, PDF’s, course or group program lessons, and Facebook ads. The best part? You’ll instantly stand out like a pro from the beginning without having to pay a designer thousands of dollars for it or spend hours on Canva dragging and dropping until your finger hurts.

5 reviews for Luisa Zhou – Employee To Entrepreneur LIVE 2.0

  1. Austin Russell (verified owner)

    This course provided a solid foundation. Highly recommend for beginners.

  2. Dylan (verified owner)

    I feel more confident in my abilities after taking this course.

  3. David (verified owner)

    I feel more confident in my abilities after taking this course.

  4. Andrew Lee (verified owner)

    This course is a great resource for anyone looking to learn this topic.

  5. William (verified owner)

    I learned a lot from this course. Great value for the price!

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