
Jessica Dibb & Dan Siegel – Breathwork for Human Potential 2023

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Breathwork for Human Potential 2023Jessica Dibb & Dan Siegel – Breathwork for Human Potential 2023

Explore the depth of breath as a valuable tool to deepen consciousness — from boundaries to boundlessness — and your innate capacity to change your internal state of being.

Experience the inter- and intraconnectedness of everything — and discover how your breath can support emotional regulation through the ebbs and flows of life.

All living beings, both human and non-human, are connected by breath.

Yet, most of us have relegated the potency of our breath to the unconscious realms.

As we devote ourselves to a more sacred way to breathe we can awaken quantum potential for all aspects of our personal, relational, and collective lives.

At the interface of ancient breathwork teachings and modern science, we’re discovering a new way for our most natural practice to yield extraordinary new possibilities for emotional regulation, wholeness, and love.

In a first for The Shift Network, Jessica Dibb, co-founder of the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance, and Dr. Daniel Siegel, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA, are collaborating to bridge the science and consciousness of breath — and guide you to develop a practice that encourages full breath awareness and presence in every moment…

… so you can experience this potent medicine which is available to you at all times.

According to Dr. Siegel, who developed the field of interpersonal neurobiology, the modern concept of the “self,” which is equated to the individual, is destroying life on Earth. The problem with this cultural viewpoint is that it creates separation.

During this 7-module journey, Dr. Siegel will invite you to notice that this breath, which goes in and out of us all, is a physiological metaphor for the reality of who we are — at our core, we are vehicles of intraconnection.

Essentially, you are a “me,” but you are also a “we” — what Jessica and Dr. Siegel lovingly refer to as “mwe,” a term Dr. Siegel developed.

Jessica Dibb is a beloved teacher and facilitator of embodied awareness and cultivating consciousness through all stages of life — from conception onward. With Jessica’s guidance, you’ll learn how to breathe to dissolve and transform physical and emotional pain. You’ll come to invite in difficult emotions, sensations, and experiences to breathe — versus breathing into them like problems.

All sensations, emotions, and thoughts, including pain, have an intelligence — and when you let them have a life, something emergent and generative begins to open…

… more life force, more energy, more harmony, and more love.

Throughout this life-changing program, Jessica and Dr. Siegel will illuminate pathways for contacting presence, awareness, and the plane of possibility. You will be guided through breathwork practices to enhance your connection with your body — and to engage in conscious breathing to access deep awareness and insight stored within.

You’ll learn how to optimize every moment of your life by accessing your vitality and intelligence by embodying your breath — the very breath that weaves a web of connection with everything around you.

Jessica will also share breathing practices that help you experience how, in the “plane of possibility,” nothing is at odds with anything else — everything is harmoniously one — and how to access that awareness each moment through your breath.

As the course unfolds, you’ll gain a deeper capacity to activate and expand your potential — in every moment — with conscious breath.

Join Jessica and Dr. Siegel’s transformational and profoundly uplifting 7-module journey into the power of conscious breathing…

… in which you will be held by your friend, nutrient, healer, and teacher “Breath.”

During this highly experiential 7-module course, you’ll:

  • Discover the power of breathing physiologically, emotionally, cognitively, and spiritually
  • Understand the cultural history of breathwork and the use of breathing as physical medicine, emotional regulation, and induction of non-ordinary states of consciousness
  • Establish optimal breath practice (focusing on the diaphragm, chest, tongue placement, nasal or oral breathing, pace, intention, etc.)
  • Experience an inner breathing journey and learn about your own capacity for intuition, vision, performance, etc.
  • Explore breathing as a technique for self-care — for energy, emotional regulation, focus, heating up and cooling down the body, digestion, sleep, anxiety, depression, and increasing lung volume
  • Dive into the plane of possibility and how breathing arises from it and can help establish and maintain a connection with it
  • Find a new way to expand consciousness through breathwork
  • Learn how to work with emotional reactivity, blockages, and trauma
  • Take away a deeper understanding of how breathwork can be used for integration and flow in every moment
  • Open to breathing for inter- and intraconnection — as “mwe” — to increase the hope and promise for humanity
  • Learn how to use breathwork for self-realization — to optimize your wellbeing for growth and potential
  • And much more…

With her compassionate and loving kindness, Jessica will guide you to explore the difference between “receiving a breath” versus “taking a breath”

… and show you how to find harmony in all aspects of your life — from the challenging and difficult, to the downright painful. By inviting everything to breathe, even your deepest aches and pains, you’ll infuse yourself with love.

You’ll discover new tools, techniques, and breathing exercises to attune to your body, your breath, and your awareness — for greater health, wellness, and both personal and collective growth.

With Jessica and Dr. Siegel’s support and deep knowledge, your conscious breath will become the conduit to greater awareness, attention, healing, and transformation…

… of your wounds, gifts, narratives, and traumas — as you come to experience interconnected breathing in which your potential will have the opportunity to flourish.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Jessica and Dr. Siegel will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully realize your greatest potential through the power of your breath.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Jessica and Dr. Siegel. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to breathe more fully and with more awareness.

Module 1: Evolutionary Breathing & Breathwork — The Primacy, Power & Potential of Conscious Breathing (With Jessica Dibb)

When we actualize the full power of conscious breathing, the complete treasure of its promise as our most powerful nutrient, medicine, and guide will be revealed. Cultivating the ability to consciously breathe in ordinary moments, dedicated practice periods, and focused breathwork sessions can awaken quantum potential for all aspects of our personal, relational, and collective lives.

In this introductory module, you’ll begin your exploration into the physical, emotional, and spiritual journey of “receiving the breath” by exploring a foundational breath practice that will be built upon during the next six modules. Begin to live with more wholeness, pure awareness, and love — starting with your very first breath.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Discover the science and art of conscious breathing for enhanced physiology… emotional regulation and expression… focus, awareness, and insight… and contact with spiritual and mystical dimensions
  • Honor the roots of breathwork in different cultures and spiritual lineages
  • Explore the physical, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual importance of learning how to “receive” rather than “take” breath
  • Understand the importance of the psychophysiological nature of breath
  • Establish the key physiological and emotional factors for optimal breathing
  • Learn a 7-minute daily breathing practice to use as a basis for this course

Module 2: The Plane of Possibility — The Potential in Awareness, Consciousness, Presence & Breathing (With Dr. Siegel & Jessica Dibb)

Our aspirations, dreams, and visions arise in relationship to implicit or explicit contact with the potential within. The more we can consciously and explicitly experience a felt sense of that potential, the greater the possibility for cultivating meaningful, fulfilling, and actualized lives.

Dr. Siegel and Jessica will explore and illuminate the nature of consciousness… the plane of possibility… and how breathing and awareness can cultivate presence in this plane and actualize our potential through our expressions, choices, and actions.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • Presence in the Plane of Possibility, Plateau of Raised Probability, and the Peaks of Experience — the 3P framework
  • What “mind” is and how breathing is embedded in the experience of mind
  • How breathing can be a doorway to contacting the plane of possibility
  • How breathing is simultaneously a medium for both Newtonian time and quantum reality
  • Understanding God as G.O.D.

Module 3: “MWe” — The Real Self: Interiority, Interaction, Interconnectedness & Intraconnectedness (With Dr. Siegel & Jessica Dibb)

The relationality of the whole and the “self” is broader than the brain, bigger than the body, and connected with everything around it — like our breath. Dr. Siegel and Jessica will explore an identity lens that widens our subjective experience, our perception, and our agency as both an internal me and an inter-we to combine as an intraconnected “mwe.

In this module, you’ll gain a deeper knowledge of the scientific underpinnings and the physical and relational impacts of conscious breathing to support this awareness. When we weave a web of intraconnection — and cultivate a sense of wholeness and creativity in an embodied way — we can actually save the world, as all life forms will have what they need to flourish.

In this session, you’ll explore:

  • Three elements of self
  • The relationship between interconnection and intraconnection
  • How breathing and awareness can support an embodied, ongoing experience of intraconnection
  • How “mwe” can save our world and build a world in which all life can thrive

Module 4: Peak Breathing Skills — Wholeness, Growth & Expansion to Reflect the Plane of Possibility (With Jessica Dibb)

The power of conscious breathing is still vastly underestimated in the 21st Century. In this module, we’ll explore a variety of breathing skills that have been found to elicit specific beneficial physical, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual effects and states.

Yet, even when we understand the beneficial effects, we also know how our fear-based egos can take over. So we’ll practice these techniques — and enjoy the benefits — embedded in a foundational framework of five elements that interrupt the egoic fixation and liberate the energy for cultivating true integration.

In this session, you’ll explore:

  • The importance of breathing in the full spectrum of human experiences: life force, sensations, pain, pleasure, emotions, thoughts, shadows, gifts, potential, love, etc.
  • Breathing factors and parameters for regulation, enhancement, and embodied wholeness
  • Five key elements of multidimensional breathing (Quintessence breathing) to experience non-fixated, expansive, and embodied presence
  • Practicing a variety of breathing exercises for wellbeing — for energy, emotional regulation, focus, sleep, emotional processing, asthma and other lung challenges, sensuality, attunement, and communion with others

Module 5: Breathing Into the Personal & Collective Soma, Psyche, and Soul — Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness, Flow, Embodiment & Love (With Jessica Dibb)

Since ancient times, humans have sought ways to expand and alter states of consciousness — to stimulate creativity, transform suffering, commune with the Divine, and to heal. While honoring the various means of attaining altered states of consciousness, we’ll learn how conscious breathing is the optimal pathway.

The induction of altered states of consciousness is only the beginning though. Perhaps humanity’s core ailment is the split between the imaginal realms and embodied consciousness (the intrapsychic split between the body and spirit) in our everyday actions. As the field of breathwork evolves, there’s a call to greater nuance and sophistication for efficacy in accessing these states and learning to embody them as a species that still carries intergenerational trauma.

How can conscious breathing assist in true integration?

In this session, “mwe” will explore:

  • Non-ordinary states of consciousness and human potential
  • Accessing and integrating depth — in both theory and practice
  • Breathwork and non-ordinary states of consciousness — healing and transformational potential and ethical considerations
  • The difference between breakthroughs/highs and realizations/actualizations
  • The importance of differentiated and nuanced consciousness for collective wisdom and creativity
  • Breathwork and the 4 frontiers of human potential and consciousness
  • Breathing for flow, creativity, and love

Module 6: A Breathing Journey Into Wholeness & Integrated Embodied Consciousness (With Jessica Dibb)

To be held by, to be supported by, to be guided by… to have uninterrupted intimacy with our friend, nutrient, healer, and teacher “breathing” is of inestimable value — for our wellbeing, the quality of our life, and our growth and awakening. One of the most potent facets of breath is that with all of its universal commonalities, it is supremely bio-individualized for each one of us.

Every conscious breath can bring awareness, attention, healing, and transformation to our wounds, narratives, traumas, experiences, and potential. Now that we’ve opened to understanding and practicing numerous elements of conscious breathing and breathwork, we’re going to co-create a virtual breathing room in which each of us will have uninterrupted spaciousness to allow the breath to heal. Jessica will support us in a collective breath experience that will open our capacities and vision.

For this session, if possible, please prepare by:

  • Being well hydrated the day before and the day of
  • Eating lightly the day before and coming to the session at least 3 hours after your last meal
  • Practicing our course breathing exercises the day before
  • Developing willingness and intention for the session
  • Cleaning, preparing, and beautifying a space to sit or lie down in during the session
  • Having pillows, blankets, tissues, water, and writing and/or drawing materials ready for the session
  • Bringing any personally meaningful or sacred pictures, objects, etc. into the space

*Please note: All participants will be asked to fill out a short questionnaire and sign a statement of participation. If you’re familiar with deep level breathwork, such as Integrative Breathing, Holotropic Breathwork, Bioenergetic Breathwork, Therapeutic Breathwork, etc., please know that this session will not explicitly go to that depth. It will be a guided journey through the aspects and levels of consciousness that we’ve studied and practiced during the course. The session is meant for opening and integration.

Module 7: A Day in a Breathing Life — Actualizing Our Personal & Collective Potential (With Jessica Dibb)

What would a breathing day look like? What would a breathing life look like? What would a breathing culture look like? What would a breathing world look like?

In this module, we’ll envision these possibilities. We’ll experience practices that contribute to birthing such a life and world, including activating our potential as a cultural creative through the flow of breath — and revealing and releasing our fear and resistance to such a life and world.

It is actually possible to be consciously breathing 24 hours a day. In this module, we learn practices and steps that can lead to that experience. Beginning with daily self-care and expanding through our personal, relational, and collective interactions, we will come to the experience of interconnected breathing… in which our own and all beings’ potential has the opportunity to grow and flower in each breath. In many ways, this module is training for becoming a global citizen — to be a conscious “mwe”.

In this session, “mwe” will experience:

  • Breathing and breathwork through all of the ordinary and extraordinary ups and downs, gains and loses, and waves of life
  • A design practice for self-care
  • Simple invisible practices to be done in ordinary settings that invite both ourselves and others to relax, release anxiety, contact resources and potential, and experience “mwe
  • Inspiring stories of breathwork
  • An emergent creative world of unity through conscious breathing

Sale page: https://theshiftnetwork.com/course/30JDibbDSiegel01_23
Archive: https://archive.ph/wip/mBm9z

Delivery Method

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– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
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6 reviews for Jessica Dibb & Dan Siegel – Breathwork for Human Potential 2023

  1. Zohar (verified owner)

    I was able to apply what I learned immediately. Thank you!

  2. David Williams (verified owner)

    The course materials were top-notch. Excellent quality!

  3. Avery (verified owner)

    The instructor was very knowledgeable and approachable.

  4. Michael Smith (verified owner)

    I enjoyed the interactive elements of the course.

  5. Dylan (verified owner)

    I was able to apply what I learned immediately. Thank you!

  6. Patrick Long (verified owner)

    I appreciated the real-world applications included in the lessons.

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