
Edna Keep – 90 Days To $5K

(5 customer reviews)

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Edna Keep – 90 Days To $5K

Edna Keep – 90 Days To $5K

Price: $4983

You CAN Make Your First Million In Real Estate & Create $5000 per Month in Passive Income With this 90 Day (12 Week) Intensive Real Estate Course
Coached by ME, Leading Real Estate Investor Edna Keep

Learn from one of Canada’s Top Real Estate Investors, and Join the Community of Real Estate Entrepreneurs who are already Building Wealth and Passive Income. Soooo…. No More Excuses!

What You’re Witnessing is…

how everyday real estate owners, just like you, have managed to transform their business, from what was previously overwhelming, to creating an automated system where they could inspire JV investors to buy, and fund more real estate deals. So they not only provided wealth and passive income for themselves, but their investors as well.

Imagine if you could take your real estate business and turn it around so that passive income came in every month without you having to chase down late paying tenants or answer calls from your tenants at all hours of the night.

What if… you knew how to build a network of private investors who were Willing & Ready to Invest Money in All of Your Real Estate Deals?

How Big is Your Dream?

Do you even believe you can build a real estate business with hundreds of doors valued at millions of dollars?

If you were to look into the future, Say 1 or 5 years from now what would your real estate business look like?

What would you like to have seen happen?

What is your current plan to get there?

Do you even have a plan?

Invest only 45 Minutes per Day

in your business, and you’ll make a difference in your life, your family’s life, and who knows how many of your investor’s lives down the road.
Yes! I Promise that’s all the time it will take…

The Truth Is…

the things that we focus our efforts on they’ll improve, but the things that we focus our efforts on with a successful coach at our side will improve astronomically.
“I’d love to be that coach for you!”

Your System For Success

In 90 Days to 5k – We have planned the most strategic use of how you can run your real estate business.

The choices you should be making and how you can buy more properties with investor money, managing your business as efficiently as possible.
Maximizing your cash flow and your passive income while making the most efficient use of your time.

The Program Consists Of:

Twelve – 60 to 90 Minutes Training Sessions with Homework to keep you on track.

Strategically Laid Out – One on Top of the Other to give you an amazing foundation for your real estate business.

It transforms you from a go it alone real estate investor to one who understands every side of a deal, with enough investor money and resources available to you so that you can quickly build your real estate portfolio and your passive income.

Each week – We meet live on a zoom call for Q&A and accountability. This is where we hold you accountable for your goals, discuss live deals – even get help analyzing your deal. On these calls we brainstorm creative ways to get deals done, we discuss hot topics, mindset issues and any concerns that come up doing your homework. You will meet other active members and be a part of an engaged community of like-minded people.

Even though you have lifetime access to the modules where you can review at any time – we do expect you to commit to the 12 week program and get it done within 16 weeks. The people getting the most out of the program are the ones that show up on the calls, participate, and get to know their fellow members.

Each Monday at 10:00 am CDT, there is a 30 minute Mindset Monday Facebook Live that helps you keep your mindset on track to success. Each Tuesday evening at 7:00 PM CDT is the live Q&A Accountability call, and each Friday at 10:00 am CDT a Free Real Estate Coaching Friday. We understand that you cannot always make the live show so recordings are posted in the Facebook group.

What You’ll Experience In 90 Days to 5k

90 Days to 5k – Modules

Module 1 – The Foundation


Through drafting your vision, you’ll understand your path to success and growth in your real estate business. You’ll get clear on what you want to achieve so you can stop moving in every direction that doesn’t support where you want to be.
Your success begins once you have a clear vision of your direction.

Module 2 – The Money Gap

Finding The Money

Go from where you are now, to where you want to be with money waiting at the end. Money is everywhere and this module will give you the tools you need to start identifying investors and sources of money you can tap to make your BIG real estate deals a reality.

Module 3 – Market Obstacles

Master Your Market

Learn what you need to know about your real estate market so that you can become a powerful investor who educates and attracts investors with authority and confidence.
You’ll now be able to speak with investors in a way that gives them confidence in your ability to handle their money and give them ROI.

Module 4 – Money & Agreements

Money Mindset & Agreements for Sale

Poor money mindset is what causes most people to sabotage their success. You’ll learn how to break through your financial ceiling and destroy money limitations so there’s nothing holding you back when you’re asking investors for hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars.
You’ll also get introduced to Agreements for Sale – with a more in depth module later on.

Module 5 – Finding Money Partners

Joint Ventures

There are many ways to draft a JV agreement. You’ll discover what to look for in a JV partner, how to talk to them so they bring the money and how you create Win/Win situations so that your investors stick with you for life.
You’ll see how we’ve built our fortune with only 21 investors and how many of our students built theirs with less.

Module 6 – Big Money

Small Apartments

See why you don’t need to start with houses, even if you already have them in your portfolio. Learn the secrets to identifying and analyzing small apartment buildings and why they are my and my students preferred property for both cash flow and long term wealth.

Module 7 – Getting the Deals

Make Deals Come to You

If you don’t have deals, you have nothing for investors or JV partners. In this module discover how to market yourself and make it so that more deals fall into your lap, you’ll maximize your deal flow and increase the number of GREAT deals that you can get under contract.

Module 8 – JV Partners

Talking to Investors

Transform the way you approach and speak to investors so that they confidently invest their money in your deals. Discover what they REALLY need to know about the deal, their money and your abilities.
Learn how to deliver the deal, for maximum investor interest.

Module 9 – Presentation Binder

Drafting Your Story

An investor binder is a true sign of a sophisticated investor. Learn the fool proof system that you will use to set yourself apart from other investment opportunities as well as create unwavering confidence in your potential JV partners.

Module 10 – Positioning

Marketing Yourself

Learn why being “The Best Kept Secret” means you’re losing investors, deals and money.

In this module you’ll become a marketing machine, attracting investors deals and JV partner money to your deals. Discover the tools we use and why deals now come to us.

Module 11 – Getting Online

Social Media & Digital Marketing

It is important for you to be online. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are all great places for you to position yourself as an expert in your market. It is important for you to stay in front of potential JV partners, other Investors and sellers. These are the do’s and don’ts when setting up your website and how to post your deals properly so that they get snapped up!

Module 12 – Bringing it All Together

Systemizing The Process

This last module brings everything together. From Mindsets, to JV Partners, to Money, to Apartment Buildings to Marketing yourself as a Real Estate Entrepreneur. By this time you’ll know how to attract deals and JV partners to you. You’ll know how to confidently speak to and present to JV partners. You’ll know how to market yourself properly to you attract buyers, sellers and investors any time you need them. — You’ll be the full package Real Estate Investor.

90 Days to 5k Bonuses

Bonus #1 – Our Community – $2497 Value

90 Day to 5k Community

The key to your success is not only understanding how you build a successful automated real estate business, but how our online community supports each other, shares ideas and challenges and really pushes you to try something different. They celebrate successes and help to retool any challenges that you might have..
You’ll even have access to mastermind students who are already established in growing their real estate businesses.
The thing I love about real estate investors, is that everyone wants to share. Real Estate is a social business, because no one get’s to the top alone.

Bonus #2 – Live Event – $594 Value

2 Tickets to My LIVE Event $594 in value

Join me and our community of Like Minded Real Estate Investors for our two day Profit in the Prairies, Real Estate Investors Conference.
You’ll also get to network with other investors and real estate professionals who are excited to share their knowledge, their experience and their deals with the group.

Bonus #3 – Mastermind Upgrade -$5,000 Value

Join the Mastermind & Save $5,000

If you decide to join our mastermind community save $5,000 off the cost of your tuition.
Through my mastermind program, get One on One access to me, so that I can help you grow your real estate business. With personal biweekly calls and, monthly webinars and quarterly Mastermind weekends you’ll get a in depth, fast tracked, guided mentorship in real estate.

Bonus #4 – Master Your Money Mindset – $597 Value

Master Your Money Mindset

Master your mindset and take control of your Real Estate and Financial future. In this 6 module program we’ll destroy your limiting beliefs around money, blow through income barriers, and put you in a state of mind that allows you to attract investors and money for all of your Real Estate Investments.

Bonus #5

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

If you aren’t completely satisfied that this 12 week extensive course delivers a truly real estate business changing experience and shows you how you can invest in more real estate, making more money, with less work, using other people’s money, then I’ll happily return your investment within the first thirty days of the program.

Bonus #6

12 months of Weekly Q&A Live

12 months of Weekly Q&A Live with me to answer any questions or go through any deal analysis you may be working on – help with any homework challenges ( although I do personally review everyone’s homework to keep you on track.)

Your Investment into 90 Days to 5k

You get access to:

The 12 Week – 90 day Intensive Training Course

Lifetime access to the modules

Where you’ll learn:

  • You’ll learn how to grow your real estate business virtually on demand.
  • You’ll be able to get investors with ease, never having to worry about where your next investors are going to come from or how you’re going to attract them.
  • You’ll be able to grow a real estate business that is simple and takes care of you, your family and your investors for years to come.
  • You will complete the program with your very own presentation that you can you use to confidently build relationships with potential investors.
  • You’ll know exactly what to say to potential investors and how to build clarity and precision into every opportunity that you present.
  • You will know how to properly evaluate and structure deals so that you can ensure that your investors will want to keep investing their money with you again and again.
  • You will draft your own personal story, become a master of your real estate market and know how to attract deals and JV partners to you.
  • You will finally have the time freedom you want, the financial freedom you need and be able to build the passive income lifestyle that you know is possible.
  • You will be able to do it without the stress, frustration, overwhelm and anxiety that you’re living with now.
  • You will experience how easy it is to scale and build your real estate business so that you can provide for you and your family.
  • Each week you’ll have specific homework that will walk you step by step through what you need to accomplish so that you can add more real estate to your investment portfolio and achieve financial freedom.

5 reviews for Edna Keep – 90 Days To $5K

  1. Anthony Clark (verified owner)

    This course provided a solid foundation. Highly recommend for beginners.

  2. Jackson (verified owner)

    A valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their skills.

  3. Brandon Foster (verified owner)

    I appreciated the real-world examples included in the course.

  4. William Evans (verified owner)

    The course was very informative and well-structured.

  5. Anthony (verified owner)

    The instructor’s knowledge and passion for the subject were evident.

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