
Denise Duffield Thomas – The Lucky Bitch Manifesting Course

(6 customer reviews)

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Denise Duffield-Thomas – The Lucky Bitch Manifesting Course

Sale Page: http://manifesting.luckybitch.com/

So, your dream life awaits you…

If only you could work out the perfect “formula” for making it all happen.

Should you…

Say Daily Affirmations?

Do a daily dose of EFT?

Get into some Goal Writing?

Do some Vision Boarding?

Maybe you’ve dipped in and out of these methods, but nothing has really stuck.

After all, you’ve been reading personal development books for years, you’ve walked on fire and tapped a callus into your temple….

Why does it feel SO HARD?

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could easily turn your biggest dreams into ACTUAL reality…every time?

Has this ever happened to you?

You set a massive big goal

You’re excited and nervous.

You write it down in your journal. Share it with your friends. Maybe come up with an affirmation or two.

And then…Nothing.

The procrastination sets in. The resistance screws up your plans. You get a speeding ticket in the post unexpectedly. Your website shits itself right in the middle of a launch. Your partner starts acting weird… Maybe it’s not just the right time? Maybe the Universe is conspiring against you? Nope. It’s not that you suck at manifesting…

You’re just missing parts of the formula.

Mantras are great, affirmations are wonderful but it’s not enough to be a great manifester.

There’s a PROCESS you can learn that takes you step by step through turning your dreams into reality. It doesn’t matter what you’re trying to manifest – whether it’s the perfect client or a soul mate. You have to be aligned in every cell of your body. Otherwise it’s always going to feel hard.

The most common manifesting mistakes women make:

1. Thinking that we have to “deserve it”

The Universe doesn’t care if you deserve it or not – but waiting to be perfect before you’re allowed to have everything you want is holding you back.

2. Waiting for permission from someone else

Only YOU can make your dreams come true – whether it’s an outrageously profitable business or your soul mate but I’m happy to give you a permission slip if you need it.

3. Waiting for the “stars to align”

I’m as into astrology as much as the next girl but seriously, we have to STOP using Mercury Retrograde as an excuse to not live your dreams.

4. Thinking that manifesting is airy-fairy

It’s not. Manifesting can be incredibly practical if you know how, and even the most non-airy fairy people use these methods!

You don’t need to be perfect, meditate five hours a day or chant naked under a full moon to manifest your ideal life

But you DO need to CLEAR your mind of any blocks, get CRYSTAL clear on your goals, infuse every part of your day with positivity, take inspired ACTION and learn to RECEIVE (yes, it’s a learned process – women really struggle with that part).

But hey – get naked if you want to. I’ve got something better for you though….

Manifesting just means “make real”. It’s not magic.

I love magic but unless you’re literally a magician, you’re going to need a little “real world” action.

That’s why you’ll love the super practical realness of my manifesting formula. It tells you exactly what to do step by step to create “magic” in your life – so much that people will call you a “lucky bitch” and wonder why everything is falling into place for you.

The Lucky Bitch Manifesting Course is the most comprehensive “how to manifest” course out there – with no fluff, no esoteric mumbo jumbo and designed exclusively for ambitious and intelligent women like YOU who have massive life and business goals.

What if you had a formula that could make your dreams real?

In a nutshell, here’s what we’re going to cover:


We all know that goal setting is incredible powerful, but most people are doing it “wrong” or in a way that unconsciously sabotages what you REALLY want.

Are you getting mixed signals or attracting random opportunities? Are you like “WTF Universe, that’s NOT what I asked for…?!” Perfect – we’ll get you CRYSTAL clear on what you REALLY want (especially if you’re feeling confused or fogged about your goals).

You’ll learn the right way to define your goals in such an exciting way that you’ll start to magnetise what you want towards you.


In Step 1 we’re going to cover…

  • How to declutter every part of your environment (physically, mentally and emotionally) so that you are clear to receive and manifest outrageous success
  • Techniques that you probably already know and plenty you don’t, but I make them easy to follow and implement.
  • Easy forgiveness techniques for yourself and others – this is non-negotiable and probably the thing that most women resist – but it really creates MAGIC.


Bonus meditations on how to clear even the most crazy old crap from your mind. Checklists on how to unemotionally assess where you’re at with your lifestyle, body and your physical environment. The system I use to clear up my inbox, and more!

Decide the Details

AKA Extreme Goal Setting

Decluttering your life physically and emotionally is the foundation you build. Otherwise you will keep repeating patterns over and over again.

It’s probably why certain goals have felt hard to you – there was underlying beliefs and “stories” that were working against you.

The energy you will free up will allow you to consciously manifest amazing things in your life. You may not even be aware of the energy you expend in these niggling concerns – they just run in the background of your mind and block the flow of success and abundance.

In Step 2 we’re going to cover…

  • Get clear on what you really REALLY want for your life, and discover how you’re getting exactly what you’re asking for.
  • Learn to build your manifesting muscles – and why you’re already a fantastic manifestor.
  • Set a daily practice that could make you a millionaire (if you choose).
  • A distinction between goals and “preferences” that will absolutely shift the way you set goals forever


Inspiring guided visualisations, step by step goal setting techniques that really uncover your true goals and daily practice sheets that make it super easy to stay on track.

6 reviews for Denise Duffield Thomas – The Lucky Bitch Manifesting Course

  1. Sean Bennett (verified owner)

    The course materials were top-notch. Excellent quality!

  2. Melissa Green (verified owner)

    This course provided a great foundation for further learning.

  3. David Diaz (verified owner)

    I appreciated the real-world applications included in the lessons.

  4. Megan Anderson (verified owner)

    The instructor’s expertise is evident throughout the course.

  5. Jessica Jones (verified owner)

    This course exceeded my expectations! The content was thorough and well-organized. Highly recommend!

  6. Lindsay Morgan (verified owner)

    The course was very comprehensive and thorough.

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