Amin Sadak – The Forex Commander Home Study Course (

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Amin Sadak – The Forex Commander Home Study Course (




Forex Commander by: Amin Sadak

I’m going to show you something I have developed which will quite literally change your habits and your entire life. I hate to use the cliché “change your life” but in this case, this is exactly what it will do. I’m not talking about ifs or maybes and I’m not talking about a far-fetched theory. I’m talking about an absolute fact. After looking at what I have developed, you will never be the same again – I absolutely guarantee it!

So what is it?

$700 IN 4 MINUTES… $300 IN 3 HOURS… $1000 IN 24 HOURS...

Let me show you…

For a period of 8-9 months, I have been working at an international level and have been painstakingly putting together…

This is a fact. It’s not a possibility or a probability. It is a fact! I have constructed the most complete and most powerful Forex trading home study course ever envisioned by a trader.

It doesn’t matter if you are a new or a seasoned trader. This course is designed to teach all levels and will even walk you through your progression.

The course is genuinely the most visual and thought out ‘easiest to understand’ video course on the planet. That’s right; you simply have to sit in your chair and watch the videos as I explain the process and techniques to trade with precision like a professional.

Because of its commanding and profitable nature, the course has been aptly named…
Forex Commander

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We’ve Made An Average of $4463
You won’t believe this… but since January, we’ve made an average of $4463 every single month!FE…. UK
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People who initially studied and tested part (only the first part) of the course contents have sent back amazing feedback. The course’s high-win, easy-digest home study video CDs provide remarkable and interesting instruction on each and every topic… The information has been ‘process mapped’ to make sure you learn everything in the order it is meant to be studied.

Forex Commander’s amazing techniques and methods uncannily work when tried for the very first time. The course’s ‘easy-to-learn’ strategies react with almost laser precision and it practically defies what many have been taught in the past.


Would you just dismiss it as pure nonsense? Would you look at its past performance and note down any drawdowns. After noticing a couple of 10-20 pip losses, would you become disheartened and dismiss the system as one which doesn’t work well?

Or are you the type of person who would look at this strategy as a potential goldmine and then proceed to test and trade this system? In other words, would you run with this system?

If you’re the type of person who enjoys trading systems which produce massive profits, you’re going to love what I have for you. I can almost guarantee you’ll be jumping up and down with ecstasy and you’ll probably be sending me gifts in the mail… hint…hint.

Here’s the good part… I’m not going to reveal just one of these systems…

<p>Furthermore, <span class=each of these systems (which I have locked in my Forex Commander vault right now) will show you how to rake-in massive profits. You won’t ever have an excuse for not making money trading forex online.

I’m going make damn sure that what I give you will make you money. There are no ifs or buts. The systems I provide you WILL make you money. There’s no two-ways about it.

I’m not talking about cheap rubbish which you’ll find floating around the net. I’m talking about the real deal. I’m talking about the good old tried and tested systems which work really well and which have proven themselves in the past as those that offer hundreds of pips to their owner.

The strategies I’ll be teaching you are currently producing massive profits for a select number of professional traders. I have already acquired the secrets and the knowledge to these powerful systems and I’ll be sharing these powerful pip-spinners with you.

Some of these strategies sell for a lot of money while other strategies are just not meant for public use. Some of these systems are in use daily and they continue to make money to this day.
They can start making you money on the very same day you start using it.


That’s right… 500 pips this month! If I sent you an email with the details of this system and told you that if you start trading this system today, you will make 500 pips ($5000) within 31 days, would you start trading it TODAY?

How excited would you be to receive a truly profitable system which you can plug in and start making money from straight away?

Well, this is exactly what I’m going to do…

I’m going to give you so many powerful strategies, it’ll make your head spin. Remember, I’m not talking about the half-assed systems you find on some forums. I’m talking about Forex systems which really work and have proven themselves time and time again.

These systems have been written and tested by various professional traders. These systems have demonstrated to me that they work now and there’s a very high probability of them continuing to work in the future. I didn’t waste any time…

I stowed them in my Forex Commander vault. This strategy vault is worth its weight in gold. It is a haven for Forex traders once they are inside. It is a place where traders would fight to enter.

But since I don’t enjoy bloodshed, I’m going to make it easy for everyone concerned.

Once you have the keys to this vault, it would be an unforgivable sin and a great shame for you not to make at least 300+ pips (that’s $3000+) every single month. How can you not find the time to simply ‘plot and follow’ when few others are doing it so easily?

The Forex Commander system vault contains a variety of systems which suit different traders at different times.
The vault contains…

 width= Swing & Position Trading Strategies
 width= Day Trading Strategies
 width= Scalping Strategies
 width= and more…

How many lots would you trade if I showed you a simple system which made
250 pips ($2500) every month

Although this system doesn’t produce as many pips as some others, this forex strategy may suit your style of trading and this is the system you may decide to stick with.

Once you know that you can consistently bank a certain number of pips from a specific trading system, you can increase your lots to increase your earnings. When you look at it this way, a 250 pip system doesn’t look too bad after all.

Some of the strategies in the vault show you how to make 100-150 pips within a few days. But at the end of the day, it’s down to you to test and implement these systems to your advantage. Are you the type of person who likes to look at systems and say “that’s nice, but it’s not for me” or are you the type of person who is at least willing to give it a try?

When traders make 400-600 pips ($4000-$6000) every month, it’s no accident. If they are doing it consistently, do you think that there may be a certain rule or system they follow? Absolutely!

These traders have a system in place and they follow it to the letter. They don’t gamble with their money. They prefer to use ‘common sense money management’ rules to keep them in the game. They have proven techniques which nets them thousands of dollars every single month – practically guaranteed!

This is exactly the stuff I’ll be revealing to you. The systems will show you…


A lot of systems have been used over and over and have been passed around from trader to trader. I’ve seen most of these systems and I know which ones will work and which ones are made up in an effort to flog a system for cash.

When I look at a system, I make sure that there is proof to back up the validity of that strategy. But the systems contained in the Forex Commander vault are far more progressive and profitable when you learn to use them in the manner I reveal to you.

When you start studying the Forex Commander techniques, you’ll realize that these ‘info diamonds’ are not the usual, run-of-the-mill strategies you come across every day.

You’ll notice that some of these systems use the newest and most up-to-date techniques in order to cash pips on a consistent basis and you’ll also discover the techniques and methods professional traders are currently using by trading specific systems.

In fact, you’ll discover…

<p>The systems I have locked in my vault right now, have a super turbo charged engine under each method. Each of these strategies is revving its engine right now and is raring to go as soon as the light turns green. Only you have the power to flip the switch.</p>
<p>The buyers of this course gave it rave feedback and well over a thousand traders who have bought the beginner’s manual worldwide recommend the legendary techniques, systems and methods contained within. The manual shown here is a supplementary item to the Forex Commander course.</p>
<p>No wonder why more and more traders are recommending my forex training manual to family and friends.</p>
<p>Forex Commander contains <strong>actual live trading examples</strong> of chart walkthrough, trade investigation and subsequent <span class=pressure-relieving profits for the trader to master and implement immediately after study.

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This Morning I Made 20 Pips!

Dear Amin

I have just finished the ADVT CD course that you sent me, and I thought you might appreciate some feedback.

I bought the manual a couple of years, but haven’t been doing any serious trading, but spending my time reading more widely.

I have been really pleased with the CD course: you present the concepts and systems in a very clear and down to earth way – no jargon and no mystique.

I feel much more confident about the whole business having been through the course once, and am looking forward to going through it again.

In fact, this morning I made 20 pips using the xxx system for the first time, and I feel ready to begin trading systematically.

Best wishes


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The Forex Commander home study course is split into 3 main sections and one alternative section. The entire course is broken down to lead you from the very beginning to the end in a systematic manner. By the time you study the last CD, you will be able to use all the professional secrets to your advantage and profit every day – sometimes with a single glance!

The first section of the Forex Commander course is headed:
The Affluent Desktop Video Teacher

This set of video CDs will teach you everything from starting up to downloading $500-$1000 every single week. This section is designed to go hand in hand with the Affluent Desktop Currency Trader manual. It will compliment, supplement and build upon everything taught in the manual.

The second section of the Forex Commander course is headed:
Mechanical Discretion

This set of videos follow the extremely popular book with the same name. The Mechanical Discretion videos are aimed at teaching intermediate traders (those who have completed the first section) to look for dangerous traps and pitfalls. This section also helps unsuccessful traders flip their trades on the head.

The third section of the Forex Commander course is headed:
The Master Method

This is where it really starts to get interesting. The Master Method will quite literally catapult you into the professional trader realm. After watching this section, you’ll never be the same again. This set of CDs is nothing short of astounding. I’ll tell you more about it later…

The alternative section is headed:
The Dynamic Gap Method

This section is taught by another professional trader who uses an alternative method of trading from my own. Some traders may prefer to use these methods. It’s down to personal choice.

All of the above CD sets form the profound and thorough Forex Commander Home Study Course.

With this course…

<p>Let me give you a little more detail about each section of the course…</p>
<p class=The Affluent Desktop Video Teacher (ADVT)

If you’ve been in Forex for a while, chances are you’ve purchased the Affluent Desktop Currency Trader manual. This manual is the foundation for learning and implementing the currency trading game.

If you have been fortunate enough to buy the Affluent Desktop Currency Trader manual in the past, you now have a complete set of rules and instructions to trade currencies profitably. The manual will guide you through a number of tools and indicators which you can use to make money.

However, the manual can only take you so far. Reading instructions on paper is normally limited to what can be explained on paper. There are certain items which can be expanded upon and can be explained in more detail if you were to sit next to me and learn to trade.

Although I can’t teach you physically, I’ve done the next best thing. I have recorded each and every step on video. I have spilled my guts and taught everything in an easy to understand manner live on screen. By watching the video, it would be as if you pulled up a chair, sat next to me and started watching, learning and then copying everything I do.

Watch and Learn as if I’m Teaching you Face to Face

Let me ask you a question here…

As a person who doesn’t have to go to work anymore, I make a good amount of money. “If you were to sit next to me and watch me, learn from me and then copy me on your own computer, do you think you too could make money?

Of course you would! There’s absolutely no doubt about it.

This is what I am offering to do for you. I have put together 9 CDs which teach and demonstrate the entire ADVT section in detail and then it goes out of its way to make sure you understand.

The Affluent Desktop Video Teacher puts the entire currency trading structure together in a neat orderly fashion. It compliments and enhances everything you’ll learn in the ADCT manual.

<p>It’s a well known fact that some people learn better when they’re watching and listening to instruction. It stimulates 2 senses at once which helps retain information and helps accelerate the learning and understanding process. Ask yourself, do you learn better by reading or by watching and copying practical trading?</p>
<p class=Copy What I Do

For some people, it takes 2 to 3 months before they understand the concepts and start putting the methods into practice correctly. By learning with the aid of visual tutoring, you’ll cut this time period almost by half. Don’t misunderstand me here…

There’s nothing wrong with learning to trade from my manual and spending 2-3 months to comprehensively understand the concepts, systems and strategies, but you can make life much easier on yourself and get into the profitability zone much faster by learning thoroughly in a visual manner.

The techniques and methods taught in the Affluent Desktop Video Teacher are cast-iron. They will almost certainly propel you into “Star Profitable Trader” status before you know what’s hit you.

You will see your profits build and build on a weekly basis in front of your eyes but all of this depends on how well you watch and learn from me and then put that into practice. You see, I could be the best coach in the world and I can drill all the information in your head but then, if you go away and do nothing about it or you simply do the opposite of what I have taught you, then you just won’t make money.

So, If you’re interested, you’ll need to be reliable and willing to follow my instructions. As long as you follow along and do as I do, I’m almost certain you’ll make a generous amount of money every single week.

The videos will probably take a few days to go through and understand, which is why I’ve split the CDs into logical sections. This will allow you to learn at your own pace with no pressure. Don’t be in a hurry to learn and then start trading live instantly. This is almost certainly a recipe for failure.

Take your time and make sure you understand each section before you go on. If you are unsure, read the same section in the ADCT manual and see if that helps your understanding of the subject matter. If you still can’t comprehend the point, my door is always open to questions. Please take advantage of this offer and use me. Very few course providers offer this type of fall back.

OK Amin, sounds really interesting, so tell me, what exactly is it that you teach? And what do I need to do?

If you’re not already convinced by the type of information laid down in the ADCT manual, then it seems like you’re a bit of a hard nut to crack. Ok, that’s not a problem. I like a challenge.
Sit down, relax and let me personally take you on your first steps to what is a…

Truly Wonderful and Lucrative Visual Course

The ADVT course teaches you to trade by way of example. In the course, I cover each subject by plotting, drawing and delineating the item I’m discussing. With the aid of pictorial representations, I am able to explain the use of various tools, indicators and other concepts in more detail than by writing them down.

Other than the technical aspects of trading, I thoroughly cover the most important aspect of trading. You’ll find this information on CD 6. This section deals with training yourself to be the best trader possible. As you’re reading this, you’re probably thinking this is a load of psychological mumbo jumbo.
But as you read, watch and learn from CD 6, you’ll realize just how important it is; and when you start to practice, you’ll understand it even better.

Furthermore, I’m going to provide you with something that every single successful trader has. Do you know what this is? It’s not about having a good system. It’s something which you probably haven’t thought about before but I have provided one for you and included it in CD 9.

<p>The systems and strategies in this video set are different from the systems contained in the ADCT manual. This gives you almost <strong>twice as much choice</strong> and allows you freedom to choose a system which suits you best. Most courses contain 1 system. My manual contains 9 systems and my video course contains a few more.</p>
<p><span id=Some of the systems I reveal to you in this video set are so profitable, I was thinking of keeping them until a later date. I could have sold each one of these systems individually for a tidy profit but after much deliberation, I decided to put more value in this set by over-delivering on expectations.

Furthermore, I take things further. With some of the systems, I actually LIVE TRADE them after I have explained their rules. This serves to teach you how it should be done.

Remember what I said about watching and then copying? Well this is it! This is what you will learn and do and this is the route to become one of the 5-10% of traders who flourish. This is how you will rise a smart trader!

Oh, and in addition, I thought it might be a good idea if I also quizzed you along the way. After each logical section of the course, I question you and you must provide the correct answers before you can go on. This way, it will keep you involved and make sure you are actually paying attention and learning something useful.

Towards the end of the course, I connect everything together making sure you really have the whole picture and you know with certainty how to trade. I go over the nitty gritty of how you should use all the available tools to trade and profit from.

You will watch me as I place live trades and explain things as I go along. You will learn simple rules and steps you should take when entering a specific trade. I walk you through the process of collecting profits from the decisions you make. I feel that I need to do this because these trades are so easy to spot and enter, it’s difficult to understand how you can make so much money from them.

I’ll Walk You Through the Profits
as if it’s Second Nature

Recently, I’ve spent some time trading in the morning. As soon as I’ve made a few pips, I simply spend my time doing something else. Sometimes I surf the Internet and at other times, I go back to sleep. This is how easy it’s become. For example, all of last week, I spent my time trading in the morning.

On almost all of my trades, profits matured within minutes. I was in and out within an hour on other trades. This was all done and dusted with one single trade in the morning. I had my quota for the day and I enjoyed the rest of my day as I saw fit.

As I make money week in-week out, I’m happy as can be. I can simply collect profits by transferring the money to my bank account. It’s as easy as that!

Actually, while I’m on the subject of money, I think I should really say a few words about the amount of money you could be handling in the coming months…

As long as you follow and copy everything I’ve laid down in the video course, you will almost certainly start to make money from month one. You are advised to start small and then scale up as your trading account balance grows and grows.

When it reaches a certain size, you can trade with more risk and more gain. In other words, you can start to make $500-$1000+ every single week. This amount will continue to grow as you scale up at every milestone marker you reach. As you’re reading this message, I don’t want to mention the incredible potential as this should not be the focus at this stage. In any case, you’ll find out soon enough.

I just felt that I needed to mention the potential because it’s difficult to understand how you can make so much money by just following my lead in this video course.

If you’re completely new to trading, you’ll want to know more about the how I handle my affairs before, during and after my daily trading. If you’re like me you’ll hate working for someone else … trading only takes a few hours a week … you work when you want and how you want. No boss … no one watching you. You do as you please!
I used to fly as an airline pilot but I gave that up so I could work for myself. Does that say something?

<p>The reason I’m writing this message and directing it to you right here is because I know what it’s like to be in your position. As a person who plans on watching these videos, you DON’T need prior experience – Anyone can do this. I was completely new to this when I was first started and yet, <span id=I learned with the aid of a mentor.

These videos will teach you what I know and what I have learned since I started trading. In fact, I’d never even heard of Forex Trading before I started. But this didn’t stop me making a killing over the next couple of years.

I am nothing special. There is no reason why you can’t achieve for yourself, everything I’ve just run through. When I started, I had no special skills and had no idea how to run this type of business.

But over the years I’ve developed the necessary knowledge and know-how. To save you the time it’s taken me to put various pieces of the puzzle together to run this type of business, I’m offering to do all the ‘hard work’ for you. This is what I’m offering to teach you with these 9 CDs. This is what will cut out most of your learning curve and propel you so you can “hit the ground running“.

And remember, I know what I’m talking about… I’ve seen almost every single currency trading course available on the market today. I can tell you from now, some of those aren’t pretty! I’ll talk more about this later in The Master Method part of this letter.

In case you’re wondering, YES, I do already make lots of money each year so certainly DO NOT need to sell this CD course. However, saying that, NOT to do something with them seems a complete WASTE to me. I know how much it will benefit many people and this is just one of the reasons why I reveal everything on these videos. By following the instruction on the CDs, you will do what I do.

Going back to my own early days, I started earning as soon as I completed my own training… and am still able to pay myself a huge WAGE EVERY MONTH even though I’m all but sitting at home on my computer.

I love to teach and tell others about what works and what doesn’t. Apart from the additional income stream, this love for teaching is the other reason why I have put these videos together and this is why I consider what I am now about to share with you to be the single best way to make money online

So please, really think about it. If nothing else it’ll at least educate you and bring you some money if not tens of thousands. I’d like to take you on as a personal apprentice and do what I have done in the past for other students of mine who have taken the route of learning from me. I will help you on the road to becoming a real trader in your own right with the knowledge I’ll hand over to you.

As you start to learn and practice, you’ll start to see profits accrue in your trading account. As your trading account gets larger and larger, you’ll want to withdraw some of that money into your bank account. A good idea would be to withdraw…

$2000-$4000 A MONTH

You will need to keep some money in your trading account which you can use to grow your account and make bigger trades. But you should be able to withdraw a large sum every month for your own use.

Withdrawing $2k-$4k at a time, I’ve generated TENS OF THOUSANDS OF POUNDS in the last few years alone which has enabled me to enjoy an incredibly enjoyable lifestyle… and yet all I’ve done is bought & sold here and there…

Look, I’ll Let You in on a Secret…

The ones who succeed at this are those who aren’t afraid to pull the trigger. If you’re looking at a good potential trade and yet you let it pass you by simply because you are too afraid of entering a trade, then you may need to control your emotions before you start trading.

In exactly the same way, if you’re still not convinced about what this CD set will do for you, you’re most probably one of those people who likes to sit on an idea and sleep over it. By the next day, the excitement has

Delivery Method

– After your purchase, you’ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.
– Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed, we’ll also send you a download notification email separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from
– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC+8).

Thank You For Shopping With Us!

6 reviews for Amin Sadak – The Forex Commander Home Study Course (

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6 reviews for Amin Sadak – The Forex Commander Home Study Course (

  1. Stephanie Hayes (verified owner)

    The course materials were top-notch. Excellent quality!

  2. Jason Brooks (verified owner)

    The course was very thorough and detailed.

  3. Emily Russell (verified owner)

    The content was engaging and easy to follow.

  4. Anthony Clark (verified owner)

    The course was very thorough and detailed.

  5. Samuel (verified owner)

    Clear and concise explanations. This course is worth every penny.

  6. Megan Anderson (verified owner)

    I appreciated the clear and concise instructions.

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