
Cari Cole – Step Up to the Spotlight 3.0

(5 customer reviews)

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Cari Cole – Step Up to the Spotlight 3.0

Price: $597
Sale Page: http://caricole.com/stepup

You’re just scared. And that’s ok.

Claim Your Craft.

Whether you’re a folksy singer/songwriter with your heart on your sleeve, a heavy metal bandleader imagining bringing the house down with your signature guitar licks, or a hip-hop future music mogul with beats to spare and a killer fashion sense, the secret to making it as an artist – is claiming your craft.

Sure, you’ve got some songs. You’ve got dreams about where you think you might go and a few people who really believe in you. You’ve researched all you could about social media and started promoting yourself –

but there’s just one problem – and it’s not your fault – You’re not ready yet.

It’s easier than ever to put out a record today – but it’s still just as difficult to make a truly exceptional record. The kind every artist needs to break through.

In today’s music business, you can’t wait to be discovered. You must discover yourself. This means taking control of your craft, your brand, your plan, and your mindset before you start on the road to making music a real career. Too many artists are out there on their own today, making decisions and releasing material before they’re ready. You end up spinning your wheels – not because you don’t have the talent – but because you don’t have a strong enough foundation.

Being an artist is scary stuff. There’s no support, no right answers, and no guarantees. So it’s no wonder that you feel lost, overwhelmed, unsure, and like you’ll never break through the noise. But there is a way.


 Feeling confident in your voice, songs & stagecraft and never having to introduce yourself with an excuse or apology.

 Developing an image that stands out from the crowd and feels true to who you really are.

 Having a step-by-step plan of what needs to happen in each stage of your career so that all your bases are covered when fans & industry start paying attention to you.(Plus a 52-week, full-year map of exactly what to do each week to stay on track!)

 Finding your lane as an artist so you know exactly what opportunities to pursue and what to say no to.

 Transforming from amateur to professional and make a living off your music.

Whether you’re releasing your first record or your fifth, getting your new website together or amping up your social media, and whether you’ve toured for years or are just about to start playing regular shows

The secret to your success as an artist lies in your craft.

Learn what it takes to be purposeful in your career every single day and finally become the undeniable artist with the confidence and brand to go the distance.

Step Up to the Spotlight is an in-depth, life-changing crash course on laying down the foundational support to make it as an independent artist in today’s music industry. In fact, it’s the only course of it’s kind. From craft, to mindset, to branding, this program will take you step by step through what it really takes to be an artist with the skill, image, and vision to stand out from the crowd and build a tribe of followers. But what makes this program different is that it doesn’t just teach you how to replicate someone else’s success. Step Up to the Spotlight teaches you how to step into your own spotlight, so you can stay true to yourself and become the artist of your life.

Step Up With the

Step Up to the Spotlight Virtual Bootcamp

A 6 Week Artist Kickstart Development Program

Brought to you by Cari Cole

Course Materials:

Module 1: CRAFT. Step Up Your Daily – Habits & Practices of Successful Artists

No matter what your genre or marketing skills, the secret to your success as an artist lies in your craft.Daily habits and practices are what make the musician master of their instrument whether it’s your voice, or your guitar or your diggeridoo! And if discipline is not your strong suit (or you’re looking for a bootcamp to up your skills)  – this is it!

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • My personal step-by-step plan for how to build an effective daily practice and improve your voice or musician skills!
  • How to make a huge difference in your vocal range, pitch, tone and endurance right away with my Singers Gift Warmups(you get for free in this module)! And while you’re at it, improve vocal problems, hit better high notes and say goodbye to tension forever!
  • Learn the real difference between good and great. Great artists are nurtured and developed, there’s a behind the scenes process to it.  Learn the step by step process of how to dive fully into your artistry and become an artist / musician /songwriter that turns heads!
  • My very own Daily Regimen and Resource Library to keep your voice and body healthy and vital for performance with all of my natural remedies and favorite products.
  • PLUS, each module comes with its own Momentum Builder Took Kit with downloadable worksheets, resources and tools.

Module 2: : CONFIDENCE. Step Up Your Confidence – Mindsets & Methods + Bonus Q&A Recording

If you’re like any artist I work with you struggle with your confidence. You wrestle with it every day. Just like Adele who said on 60 minutes that she struggles with performance nerves, most great artists do.  Whether you are at the beginning or at the top, you get nervous because you care. It’s a part of being great at what you do. But getting your nerves and your mindset under control are a critical component of your success.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • My personal step-by-step plan for how to build real and lasting confidence from the inside out.
  • Including how to deal with stage-fright and how to build an unstoppable presence on stage and get comfortable in your own skin.
  • The Major 3 Components all Stars have and how to get them.
  • PLUS, each module comes with its own Momentum Builder Took Kit with downloadable worksheets, resources and tools.

Module 3: Step Up Your Brand – Identify Your Unique Strengths

Every artist has exactly what they need to become a star – it just learning to leverage what you have. Stars learn to feature their strengths and downplay their weaknesses – that’s what makes them stars. And they have a whole team of people helping them do that. But over the years I have watched it happened and learned all the insider tricks and trade secrets for how they do that and I’m going to teach that to you.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • How to I.D. your Signature in your Music & Brand and why that’s so important.
  • How to create Signature Look and Persona that is unstoppable and undeniably compelling (and authentic to YOU!)
  • 10 Ways to Immediately Step Up your Image & Brand – authentically and powerfully! The keys to building a real career in music.
  • PLUS, each module comes with its own Momentum Builder Took Kit with downloadable worksheets, resources and tools.

Module 4: Step Up Your Game Plan – You are the CEO of YOU, Inc. + Bonus Q&A Recording

The single most common mistake I see across the board is waiting to be discovered. Unfortunately waiting for the “big break” makes artists WAIT! The trick is to realize that success comes from their own efforts, it is not “outside of themselves” or “reliant upon others”. The music industry has changed and you have to change with it. The BIG secret is that you have more power than you think when you know how to build your career and your platform the right way. Having a plan is the key to success in this new paradigm of “direct-connect” from artist direct to fan.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • How to build a Plan that actually does something instead of sit there.
  • The Steps to Stardom Blueprint. Learn the path & System used by actual stars to create a successful career in music (your OWN way!)
  • Design a Gameplan that’s right for you and YOUR music.
  • How to build a team that supports you and your music!
  • PLUS, each module comes with its own Momentum Builder Took Kit with downloadable worksheets, resources and tools.

Module 5: Step Up Your Year – Cari’s 52 Week Artist Development Plan

Please do not make the same mistake that almost every artist makes (and it doesn’t matter if you’re new at this or you’ve been out there awhile.) DO NOT try to have a career in music WITHOUT A PLAN! In fact, if you have music out in the marketplace, don’t go ONE STEP FURTHER without doing this module! This will save you countless hours and effort spent in the wrong direction! There is a path and this module teaches it to you!
Cari’s 52 week Artist Development Plan walks artists step-by-step through the process of putting your music together (being sure you have the right material is KEY); finding the right producer that takes you to a pro level; and the right A & R guidance to create a massive shift in your presence and the state of your career.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Why you need a Plan and how to build one that suits you and your music!
  • My own simple secrets for creating real momentum no matter where you are in your career.
  • The #1 secret for to build industry connections that actually help your career.
  • PLUS, each module comes with its own Momentum Builder Took Kit with downloadable worksheets, resources and tools.

Module 6: Step Up Your Truth – Finding Your True North: How to Become the Artist Of Your Life and Realize Your Full Potential – Instead of Settling. Plus, + Bonus Q&A Recording.

Do you secretly wonder if you are on your right path as an artist? Do you secretly wish you had someone who could see you better than you can see yourself and help you become better than you think you could be? A mentor who has your best interests and artistry at heart? Becoming an artist that merits praise from your peers and fans is what it’s all about. Learn the insides of what makes a great artist from the ground up, and how to reinvent yourself after a hiatus, or after failed attempts. This step alone can save countless years and efforts spent swimming upstream.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • My exact step-by-step formula for building real artistry – the kind that wins Grammy’s (or stands up to your own indie cred!)
  • Simple pre-qualifying secrets to help you eliminate dead-ends in advance (before you spend lots of time and energy going down the wrong roads.
  • The Four Pillars of Clarity to give you instant vision in your career, including the keys to your Internal Guidance System that will never fail you no matter what!
  • PLUS, each module comes with its own Momentum Builder Took Kit with downloadable worksheets, resources and tools to apply immediately!

The exclusive Singer’s Gift Vocal Warm Ups I use with all my stars – a 45 minutes audio warm up and Mini E-Book (a $97 value if purchased separately).







Build It, Brand It – my 3-part webinar series on how to build a powerful online presence and brand.







A 2-Module Training on writing “signature songs” for you as an artist. Learn the inside details of how to write songs that will breakthrough and brand you with more distinction and power. Stand out don’t fit in!







As a Step Upper you get VIP Lifetime Access to our Annual Run of Step Up with updates, group calls and access to the Step Up Community!

Step Up Daily Juice / Daily Fuel for Your Muse – Daily emails of motivation, musical mojo + inspiration in your inbox every day!

Step Up To the Spotlight will Give You the Tools You Need To:

Claim your craft

Discover yourself

Stand out from the crowd

Learn what it takes

5 reviews for Cari Cole – Step Up to the Spotlight 3.0

  1. Zachary Cook (verified owner)

    I found the lessons to be very practical and applicable.

  2. Rebecca Bryant (verified owner)

    I learned more from this course than I expected. Fantastic!

  3. Owen (verified owner)

    The content was high-quality and well-organized.

  4. Natalie Morris (verified owner)

    I learned a lot from this course. Great value for the price!

  5. Kimberly Powell (verified owner)

    Very fast delivery.

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