
Taylor Pearson – The Effective Entrepreneur

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Taylor Pearson - The Effective Entrepreneur

Taylor Pearson – The Effective Entrepreneur

Price: $99
Archive: archive.is/vBMtD

What if you could consistently accomplish your most important goals?

Most productivity systems fail for three reasons:

1. They don’t give you a sense of clarity and confidence

The struggle many people have, that I had, was that all my systems for school or non-entrepreneurial jobs were built around receiving tasks from someone else and getting them done.

When it’s up to me, how do I figure out what to do?

I’ve seen how the lack of clarity has eaten away days, weeks, months of my life and the lives of those I’ve worked with. You don’t trust yourself that the goals you’re working towards are the “right” ones so you set many goals and end up making progress on none of them.

Lacking clarity on a single objective, you don’t have the confidence to keep others from pulling you off your bearings. You see a new project, a new tactic that might be faster or easier and so you jump to it, leaving a wake of half-finished projects behind you.

We all know that if we try and work on too many different projects/concepts, none of them will excel. However, when you’re interested in pursuing many different paths, how do you choose? When do you branch out, if ever?

2. They lead to a feeling of overwork and overwhelm.

The problem with to-do lists and task management solutions is that lists go on forever, but your time and energy doesn’t. This results with cramming your day with too many tasks and ending the day tired and scattered.

Even if you’ve done goal setting exercises to get clear, you don’t have a way to “operationalize” focus. Focus is hard because it isn’t making a single decision, it’s making hundreds of decisions. You have to say no to competing priorities every hour of every day.

A single “yes” must be protected with a thousand “no’s”​

So you do things that make you feel like you’re being productive. But when you look back at your last month or year, you don’t see the the progress toward your goals that you know you’re capable of.

3. You know what to do, but you’re just scared?

Most productivity books and systems don’t even mention the concept of emotional work, what Steve Pressfield has called “The Resistance.”

The Resistance is the emotionally difficult work: it’s sending the cold email to someone you respect or publishing your thoughts for thousands of people to see. These are not hard logistically, they are hard emotionally.

Ben Horowitz, one of the most successful entrepreneurs and venture capitalists, had this to say:

“By far the most difficult skill I learned as CEO was the ability to manage my own psychology. Organizational design, process design, metrics, hiring, and firing were all relatively straightforward skills to master compared with keeping my mind in check. I thought I was tough going into it, but I wasn’t tough. I was soft.

Over the years, I’ve spoken to hundreds of CEOs, all with the same experience. Nonetheless, very few people talk about it and I have never read anything on the topic. It’s like the fight club of management: The first rule of the CEO psychological meltdown is don’t talk about the psychological meltdown.”

Not all work is created equal and often the difficult emotional work of fighting The Resistance and managing your own psychology

You need a system that helps you decide the right things to do and then to execute on them. That’s why The Effective Entrepreneur is so important for you. (And it’s not just for people that see themselves as entrepreneurs – more on that in a minute).

Today, I have a system in place that takes less than two hours per week to maintain and has brought me a persistent level of focus, clarity and confidence.

The principles have been derived from artists, scientists, traders and entrepreneurs.These include some of the most successful individuals of the past century: Buckminster Fuller, Scott Adams, Mark Andreesen, Ray Dalio, Steve Jobs and Warren Buffett.

Initially, I was focused on teaching this system to entrepreneurs. What I discovered though was that it wasn’t just applicable to people running their own business. It was relevant to almost anyone working in the digital economy.

These principles have worked for dozens of men and women that have started using this system, including…

  • Parents like Annelise – who used the system with her son as they both started businesses together
  • Intrapreneurs like Cam – who has used the system to break previous sales records at his company while still having time for side projects and his family
  • Entrepreneurs like Dan – who felt stuck and is now able to launch new projects and earn 6 and 7 figure incomes because they control their time
  • Writers like Liz – who used the system to write over 42,000 words in just one 90 day period.

In 90 days, I and hundreds of other masterclass participants are making more progress than we used to get done in a full year.

What would it be like to end every day completely confident and clear that you were moving in the right direction?


How much more could you accomplish if you could trust that all your resources were moving in the right direction, like a crew team all rowing the same direction?

How much more creative force could you bring to bear on moving the needle in your business and life if you weren’t distracted by worry that something lurked in your inbox, or that you were working on the wrong things?

How much more at-ease would you feel seeing the success of others around you if you could rest assured that your goals were the right ones, and that your efforts were getting you closer?

You can finally live a life of effortless productivity when you put in place these 5 Pillars:

Principle #1: The Fear is the Compass to Effectiveness


Principle #2: Do More of Less: Work In Sequence, Not In Parallel


Principle #3: Treat it Like an Experiment


Principle #4: Vertical Coherence


Principle #5: Systems Always Win


You are Part of Our Mission to Increase Self-Determination

In order for any organization to be successful, it has to have a “North Star” – a defining goal. Ours is to increase the self-determination people have over their lives.

When I was 17 years old, my football coach and mentor, was fired from my high school. Since that day, I’ve been obsessed with the notion of self-determination.

I remember standing next to the locker bank when someone told me he was gone, thinking it couldn’t be true.He had been at the school for a decade. How did he get fired? It turned out that he had just ticked off someone in power.

When I found that out, I got pissed. I created a website and started a petition to bring him back. I got livestrong rubber bracelets made. I got a group together and we picketed outside the carpool line.

I finally got a meeting with the school principal about it. I was going to go in very seriously and make a lot of very serious demands. I don’t remember much from the meeting other than I walked in there with my chest puffed up and ended spending most of the meeting crying at the idea of someone who had profoundly influenced my life being the victim of clear injustice.

This is a fairly naive story of a middle class kid raised in a Western liberal democracy having something pretty routine in the bigger scheme of things happen: good people get fired for unjust causes every day. But when I psychoanalyze myself, it is perhaps the defining story of the theme I’ve been obsessed with since: self-determination, a sense of control over my life.

At that point, I had none. I couldn’t affect the world in a way to bring him back.

So many individuals feel like I did in my high school principal’s office that day: powerless, without agency or control over their own lives.

We grew up in an environment where individuals were beholden to institutions. The world that most of us are raised in was constructed to deny us this control.

Looking out on the world today, I have dramatically more agency than I did five years ago.

We are bound by this mission and The Effective Entrepreneur is the system we’ve designed to help individuals all over the world take control of their lives: whether that’s getting healthy, making more money or making more time for family and friends.

Introduction and Principles

In this bonus ‘Getting Started’ module, you’ll start to set yourself up for success with the system. Before I send you into the Core Modules, I want to help shape your psychology to get the most out of the masterclass.

In this module, I’ll show you:

  • A summary of 40 years of research on productivity and what we can (and can’t) conclude from it
  • Why launching your project can be scarier than going on patrol in enemy territory and how you can act in spite of the fear
  • The neurobiology showing how social media acts on your brain (Hint: a lot like cookies) and how to build a system which lets you do your most important work (instead of eating the cookies)
  • The surprising cost of context switching and how you can eliminate it while still working on everything that interests you
  • What a 1990’s study of two unlikely professions teaches us about staying motivated

Module #1 Part i: 25 Year Goal Setting

The first thing you’ll be doing is getting clear on your long-term vision and how they align with your values and principles. Most people adopt pre-packaged principles from others, set goals based on those principles, then spend all their time and energy, often years of their lives, working towards goals that the didn’t care about them in the first place.

You’re going to work to better understand our own personal strengths and weaknesses so that you can build a system which is specially suited for you.

By getting clear on our own personal strengths and weaknesses you will be able to better leverage your strengths while mitigating your weaknesses.

In this module, I’ll show you:

  • How new research in the field of psychology on priming can help you identify more opportunities to achieve your goals faster with less effort
  • The one question which will reveal your deepest values and beliefs (and keep you motivated)
  • A technique developed by a Japanese manufacturing company that lets you identify and eliminate your limiting beliefs and set more ambitious goals
  • How to prioritize between all the important areas of your life from business to relationships to health so that you’re not neglecting any of them

This is the module that many students call “beyond illuminating” for understanding what they should be working on.

Module #1 Part ii: The Quarterly Plan

This is your roadmap for creating success (what that means is up to you). At the end of this module, you’ll have a fully completed 90 Day game plan. What would knowing what your next 90 days will look like, do for your confidence?

In this module, I’ll show you:

  • How to comb your past like a detective to identify the best projects for your individual skills and passion
  • Why quitting is under rated and how to know when it’s time to drop a project
  • The Lead Domino Theory and the exact steps to keep the main thing the main thing so you’re always focused on the activities that drive results for you
  • The one small tweak that let a group of salespeople increase their annual sales by over 50% (and how to put it to work for you)
  • How to overcome imposter syndrome and do your best work
  • The answer to “But, what if I fail?”

You’ll finish this stage with a clear vision of what your most important values, principles and long-term goals are.

You’ll also have a 90 day goal that will move you towards that vision, a plan in place to achieve that goal, and the sense of clarity and confidence you’ve been looking for.

Module #2: The Weekly Review

With a clear 90 day game plan in place, and the confidence and conviction that come with it, you’re going to move to the weekly review.

In this module, I’ll show you:

  • Why airplanes never land at the wrong destination and how you can make sure you don’t either
  • How to make sure you stay on track and focused on your most important goal
  • How to turn “mistakes” into feedback that actually lets you get better, faster
  • A simple 30-minute process to turn off for the weekend and spend time relaxing or with your family and friends
  • How to end your week with a feeling of accomplishment that makes hitting your goals a question of “when,” not “if.”
  • One question that lets you identify your most important task for the coming week.

Finishing the weekly review will leave you with a renewed sense of clarity and focus. You’ll see how the steps you are taking everyday are leading towards a bigger, brighter future in all aspects of your life – health, wealth and relationships. Or if they aren’t leading in that direction, you’ll have a clear plan for how to adapt.

Module #3: The Daily Ritual

In this module, you’ll get clear on how to structure your ideal day, one where you can make meaningful progress towards your most important goals, and how to flexibly adapt that ideal to the realities of your life.

In this module, I’ll show you:

  • The two easy questions you must asks yourself every morning to have a happy and productive day
  • The five essential components to design your ideal day (These will help you prioritize between different aspects of your life like health and relationships as well as between different projects)
  • How to adjust your schedule to do your best work whether you are a morning person or a night owl
  • Three simple questions that will let you shut down at the end of the day and get confident and clear for the next day

You’ll go through the exercises yourself and feel the sense of clarity and confidence that come from cutting away the unnecessary and focusing on the essential work that aligns with your values and goals. You’ll be able to clearly see how every hour you spend is leading you where you want to go.

Conclusion and Implementation

Instead of just leaving you with broad concepts, I’ll be immersing you in a day-in-the-life.

In this module, I’ll show you:

  • How the “80% Rule” can help you get the most of the system without feeling constrained or deprived
  • The wisdom of “muddling fuckery
  • The tradeoff between stress and meaning and how to balance between them
  • A tour of my complete implementation of the system showing you exactly how I put it into practice on a day-to-day basis

You’ll see exactly what the quarterly, weekly, and daily review and planning look like when I do them. You’ll finish with the system already implemented in your life.

5 reviews for Taylor Pearson – The Effective Entrepreneur

  1. Kayla Kelly (verified owner)

    The instructor’s passion for the subject is contagious.

  2. Heather Edwards (verified owner)

    I appreciated the clear and concise explanations.

  3. Amanda Rivera (verified owner)

    The instructor’s expertise is evident throughout the course.

  4. Megan Ford (verified owner)

    Clear and concise explanations. This course is worth every penny.

  5. Aadarsh (verified owner)

    This course provided a solid foundation. Highly recommend for beginners.

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