
The Shift Network – Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit 2021

(6 customer reviews)

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Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit 2021The Shift Network – Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit 2021

Thank You for Registering!

The live event is over. However, we’ve sent you two recordings from this amazing series — for FREE! Check your inbox for details!

PLUS, here’s a Special Offer for you…

Empath Empowerment Collection 2021

When you purchase this powerful package, you’ll receive INSTANT and lifetime access to:

Video Recordings of EVERY session in the 2021 Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit series — watch on any connected device

Audio Recordings of EVERY session in the 2021 Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit series — listen on any connected device

PDF Transcripts of each session — to refer back to, follow directions, take notes, highlight, and search for keywords

PLUS Your BONUS PACKAGE of SIXTEEN compelling video and audio recordings, including THREE custom 90-minute masterclasses from beloved Shift faculty, recorded exclusively for this series (already a $300.00 value in itself!)

Discover Powerful Practices & Transformational Insights to Turn Your Sensitivity into Your Superpower

Do you embody the gifts that come with being sensitive, empathic, or intuitive — highly perceptive and uniquely attuned to what’s happening inside yourself and with other people…

and also to the energy and impending shifts within your environment and in the situations around you?

Or perhaps you have a relationship with someone who may be expressing their sensitive nature… and you want to develop the skills and learn about resources that can help them navigate the world around them?

You may be surprised to hear that your sensitivity is a gift and a powerful ally… because you consistently get overwhelmed, stressed, or depleted by the constant barrage of vampiric energies coming at you (even digital ones!).

Or maybe you’re further along on your journey and you’ve learned not to exhaust yourself by giving so much of your energy to others… but you’d love to refine your skills to optimize your life path and help others optimize theirs.

Imagine how your life would change if you learned how to integrate your sensitivity — in a positive, productive, vitalizing way — into your work, your relationships, your community, and your life purpose.

Imagine what life would be like knowing you can navigate the world without fear or limiting beliefs… having a strong, reliable community who understands you and supports you… and accessing the skills you need to manage the daily barrage of negativity with grace, ease, and resilience.

With the Empath Empowerment Collection 2021, you’ll be inspired, empowered, and fully equipped to stop being battered by the unyielding energy around you… and embrace your true nature to leverage your perceptions, inner knowing, and “feeling” gifts as your superpower.

PLUS, you’ll receive INSTANT ACCESS to these BONUSES when you act NOW:

Crafting a Lifestyle That Nurtures Your Sensitivity

An Exclusive Masterclass With Bevin Niemann

This 1-hour video masterclass with Bevin Niemann, co-founder of Empowered Sensitive Leaders Community, and a mentor for spiritual leaders worldwide, was filmed exclusively for The Shift Network’s Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit. She says that putting your own needs first is very uncomfortable for sensitives, empaths and intuitives, as you might see it as selfish or even narcissistic. Bevin helps you change your mind about choosing to make yourself a priority (while continuing to be present and helpful to others), a decision that’s essential to living a healthy and fulfilled life.

Healing for Empaths & Sensitives

An Exclusive Masterclass With Dave Markowitz

This 2-hour video masterclass with Dave Markowitz, bestselling author and intuitive healing facilitator, was filmed exclusively for The Shift Network’s Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit. Dave gently guides you to work with those parts of yourself that you typically judge and repress, by helping you go deeper to address the causal, emotional root of both mental and physical pain. As you begin to integrate the shadow, you can live more consistently from your inner light, healing pain with longer-lasting results.

Divine Muscle Testing 101: How to Access Your Intuition to Make Better Decisions

An Exclusive Masterclass With Dr. Karen Kan

This 80-minute video masterclass with Dr. Karen Kan, founder of TOLPAKAN™ healing method and Doctor of Light Medicine, was filmed exclusively for The Shift Network’s Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit. The body has an electrical network, or grid (which is pure energy), surrounding it, and also within it. Because energy runs through the muscles in your body, if anything impacts your electrical system that does not maintain or enhance your body’s balance, your muscles will virtually “short circuit,” or temporarily weaken. Karen will teach you muscle testing, and how to get into autohealing mode by accessing the zero-point field, so you can begin to receive light medicine activations.

A Healing Journey for Sensitive Souls

A PDF Trauma Workbook by Dr. Natasha Fallahi

Dr. Natasha Fallahi (also known as The Sensitive Doctor) has created this 34-page interactive healing workbook to help you assess and track progress on your own, individualized healing journey. Discover ways to love, respect, and care for your sensitive self. Determine your unique types of sensitivity, trauma, and wounds, so you can customize your holistic healing care with Yin and Yang medicine tools and techniques.

The Empowered Highly Sensitive Person: How to Harness Your Sensitivity Into Strength in a Chaotic World

A PDF ebook by Julie Bjelland, LMFT

Many Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) find the chaotic, modern world quite challenging. You might often feel misunderstood or overwhelmed, and have high stress levels. You are not alone, and fortunately, there is a way to feel better. This 181-page ebook, written by psychotherapist Julie Bjelland, LMFT, (founder of Sensitive Empowerment Community, and host of The HSP Podcast), will show you how to implement empowering strategies to help you reach your goals, live your best life, and access your gifts and strengths.

How to Stop Absorbing Other People’s Energy

An Audio Teaching With Judith Orloff, MD

In this informative talk, based on psychiatrist Judith Orloff, MD’s New York Times bestseller The Empath’s Survival Guide, you will discover how to identify if you’re an empath, recognize empathic illness, identify draining people, surrender relationships with unavailable people, and avoid absorbing other people’s stress and pain. An empath herself, Judith discusses the techniques she uses to stay grounded and centered, while remaining open and intuitive.

Get immediately download The Shift Network – Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit 2021

Reclaim Your Self-Worth: You’re Always Enough!

A Teaching & Guided Meditation Video With Karyn Kulenovic

Karyn Kulenovic, empowerment coach and master practitioner of hypnotherapy, NLP, and MER®, leads you through this beautiful experiential teaching and guided meditation, to reconnect you to the truth that you are always enough! Review past stories to gently release them, tapping into deeper patterns at the subconsicous level, so you can reprogram your thoughts and energy to match your intended outcomes.

How the Rise of the Feminine Strengthens Boundaries for Empaths

A Teaching and Guided Meditation With Wendy De Rosa

Oversensitivity happens when there are vacancies of personal power in the energy body. These vacancies (weak areas) arise from unprocessed wounds and powerless-ness in certain chakras of the body that relate specifically to feminine power — particularly the 2nd chakra. In this teaching and guided meditation with internationally renowned healer, teacher, and author Wendy De Rosa, you will discover how nurturing aspects of your feminine will help restore your vital essence, and strengthen your personal power, so you can have stronger energetic boundaries.

A Highly Sensitive Person’s Emotions Wheel

A PDF Guide by Melissa Schwartz

In this PDF guide created by author, speaker, and coach for parents of highly sensitive children (HSCs) Melissa Schwartz, you’ll access an invaluable tool that helps you to identify and express your emotions. Using crayon colors to represent emotions, you’ll discover not just primary but also secondary (or ‘blended’) emotions — which are often more nuanced and difficult to reveal. Have fun using this lighthearted tool to develop your emotional vocabulary!

Mirror of Existence: Stepping Into Wholeness

An Audio Reading by Dr. Christine Page

Internationally renowned inspirational speaker, author, educator, gifted intuitive, and alchemist Dr. Christine Page describes herself as a “mystical physician.” In this 2-hour audio session, reading from her book Mirror of Existence: Stepping Into Wholeness, she invites us to embark on a journey of self-discovery by stepping into the “Mirror of Existence.” Here we can explore how our thought processes (and particularly our perceptions) create our reality. We are inspired to move beyond limiting beliefs and ensnaring emotions, and tune into intuition and inspiration, creating lives embracing soul fulfillment. Her thought-provoking writing and illustrations help us to recognize that those who we find challenging are often a mirror of ourselves, as well as those who we hold up as role models.

Advanced Integrative Therapy (AIT) Writing Best Practices

A Video Session With Asha Clinton, MSW, PhD

This video session features Asha Clinton, MSW, PhD,the developer of Advanced Integrative Therapy (AIT). AIT is a new in-depth therapy that integrates the energetic removal of trauma with analytic understanding. Whether you’re a new AIT practitioner or an experienced one, it’s always helpful to write better phrases. Asha explains the types of phrases used in AIT, demonstrates how to write each type, and helps you practice them as well.

Understanding Your Rainforest Mind: A Quick Guide for Empaths, Sensitives, and Intuitives

A PDF Guide by Paula Prober, MS

Psychotherapist, consultant, and author Paula Prober, MS,coined the term Rainforest Mind to describe people who are complex, highly sensitive, intellectually advanced, gifted, creative, curious, deep thinking, and empathetic. This short, yet powerful, PDF guide explains the types of issues they typically face, including anxiety, perfectionism, existential depression, relationships, loneliness and impostor syndrome. Each issue is briefly explained, and simple strategies are recommended to expand insight and self-compassion.

Dreamwork: How Dreams Connect Sensitives to Intuition

A PDF Guide by Ritu Kaushal

This 8-page PDF guide created by author Ritu Kaushal will help you start working with your dreams, based on principles from Jungian depth psychology. Topics covered include general principles of dreamwork, and practical tips for recording dreams. Rita offers several dream examples that illustrate key Jungian depth psychology concepts of the unconscious, shadow contents, and the idea that we need to circumambulate an image (walk around it, look at it from different angles) to really understand it. This guide simplifies dreamwork without making it simplistic.

Calm Your Sensitive Nervous System With Essential Oils

A PDF Guide by Jodi Cohen

The parasympathetic nervous system regulates physical, mental, and emotional states, so learning to calm it quickly and effectively is key to maintaining optimal health. Counter intuitively, by stimulating the vagus nerve (the longest nerve in our body), we can make the gear shift from fight or flight, to flow. In this 19-page PDF guide, aromatherapy expert Jodi Cohen shows you how to activate your body’s ability to calm, focus, and heal itself by using essential oils to stimulate the vagus nerve. Jodi shares 25 powerful techniques to help you heal your gut, reduce stress, improve sleep, boost immunity, support detoxification, and combat pain, fatigue and brain fog.

Family Dream Teams

A “Team-Building With Horses” Video With Alane Freund

Using beautiful images featuring Alane Freund’s herd of horses, this video session illustrates team-building with horses and humans working together, methods you can adapt to form your own family into a dream team — through understanding, temperament, sensitivity, communication, and team dynamics.

10 Simple Tools to Live Both Peacefully & Productively for Introverts & Highly Sensitive Leaders

A PDF Guide by Brandon Bennett

In this PDF Guide by coach, teacher and mentor Brandon Bennett, you’ll learn about 10 health practices recommended for the physical body that enhance inner peace, energy, sleep, and productivity. This simple and easy-to-incorporate list of tools will create more ease and flow within your life, so that you can slow down and mindfully do less, while producing more.

You’ll receive ALL of these bonuses PLUS infinite access to the video and audio recordings and transcripts of every series session — empowering you to hone your skills, embrace your gifts, and function more effectively than ever in this world. With the Empath Empowerment Collection 2021, you’ll find life-affirming wisdom from the Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit series experts — and the modalities they use to help you step into your power.

Leverage Your Sensitivity Superpower to Thrive!

With the Empath Empowerment Collection 2021, you’ll discover profound insights and practical tools that will give you a new guidance system for your life.

You’ll benefit from the years of wisdom and hard-earned knowledge accumulated by top experts in the continually emerging fields of HSP, intuitive energy, and empathic power.

Our brilliant speakers will provide you with guidance and support to help you take ownership of your life, energy, and responses — so you can stop people pleasing, depleting yourself, and reacting in ways you’ve energetically outgrown.

With this soul-enriching resource you can turn to time and again, you’ll begin developing the skills you need to protect your energy, set healthy boundaries, and receive the love you deserve as a conscious, masterful person of sensitivity and light.

Here’s a sampling of what our incredible speakers will be sharing with you…

Spiritual teacher Matt Kahn will help you master your empathic abilities and fully embrace your gift of sensitivity.

Harness your sensitivity superpower and stop struggling with the constant onslaught of negative emotions and energies with Dr. Karen Kan.

Dr. Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt share tools and strategies that empaths, sensitives, and intuitives need to improve personal relationships, enhance communication, and experience more fulfillment.

From Judith Orloff, MD, you’ll receive centering and replenishing techniques to stop absorbing other people’s stress, deal with burnout, and effectively manage overwhelm.

Integrated health physician Dr. Keesha Ewers explains the unexpected connection between HSPs and autoimmune disease — and how to address it with effective mind-body-spirit practices.

Dr. Divi Chandna offers you rituals to strengthen your intuitive channels so you can connect authentically, restore your own health and wellbeing, and use your gifts to help others.

Empath and empowerment coach Karyn Kulenovic will show you how to fulfill your purpose, attract financial abundance, and realize your cherished dreams without budgeting or burnout.

Join David Gandelman to cultivate your intuition through meditation so you can awaken your untapped spiritual potential and live a life full of balance and purpose.

Dr. Natasha Fallahi will break down the neuroscience behind being sensitive and why it contributes to your suffering in the form of anxiety, depression, stress, and chronic illness — and offer a step-by-step path to restore and heal yourself.

Julie Bjelland will shed light on how highly sensitive people (HSPs) can properly balance their nervous system… by using self-care techniques to move out of survival mode and into thriving so they can live to their fullest potential.

And much more!

Access a Dream Toolkit You Can Use for Years to Come

The brilliant luminaries, doctors, empathic experts, and transformational educators in the Empath Empowerment Collection 2021 will guide you to become a powerful force for good who can help shift the way we understand the gifts of sensitivity, empathy, and intuition… and raise the collective consciousness to pave the way for greater peace, equality, and more loving ways to navigate and heal our planet.

They’ll offer deep insights as well as practices and tools for mastering your gift of sensitivity — and using it as your superpower. You’ll no longer feel the need to avoid outside stimuli or succumb to knee-jerk reactions that do not serve you. Instead, you’ll learn how to engage fully with society (and those you most care about) as you rise to your full potential and fulfill your highest mission and purpose.

Get immediately download The Shift Network – Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit 2021

It’s time to let your light shine!

In this groundbreaking series with more than 35 incredible speakers, you’ll discover:

  • Stop seeing being sensitive as a burden — and instead see it as a powerful gift
  • Receive self-care tips to prevent sensory overload and help you deal with overwhelm, which can lead to addictions, overeating, anxiety, and exhaustion
  • See how a little-known scientific discovery has the ability to improve your intuition and increase empathy, without draining your energy
  • Discover the 3 types of boundaries that empaths need to stay centered in today’s world — and receive an energetic practice to implement these boundaries in your life
  • Explore easy strategies to shift into calm by stimulating the vagus nerve
  • Learn the 3 most important things you need to know to stop feeling overwhelmed by outside energy, so you can thrive as an empath, HSP, or intuitive
  • Integrate the skill of Transformational Telepathy™ so you can quickly and easily release conflict and harmonize your relationships with others
  • Witness time-tested and highly effective techniques (intuited for empaths and sensitives) to get off the “hamster wheel” of healing and get the results you’re seeking.
  • Explore the deeper purpose of being an empath — and the role it plays in global leadership and the awakening of consciousness
  • Learn to regulate your nervous system and address the root of self-sabotage, mindset challenges, and caretaking tendencies so you can show up as your best and highest self
  • Realize that making sure your own needs are met instead of always putting others first is not selfish — so you can finally let go of the martyr mentality
  • Discover how to instantly change your energy and take charge of your life!
  • And much more!

When you own the Empath Empowerment Collection 2021, you’ll discover key insights and science-backed techniques to break free from the pain of over-absorption, unleash your natural vibrancy, restore your radiant energy, and connect deeply and authentically with others (and the world around you!) in a safe and satisfying way.

Delivery Method

– After your purchase, you’ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.
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– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
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6 reviews for The Shift Network – Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit 2021

  1. James Rodriguez (verified owner)

    The practical examples made it easy to understand the concepts.

  2. Lindsay Morgan (verified owner)

    The course was very engaging and easy to follow.

  3. Jason Brooks (verified owner)

    The content was well-presented and informative.

  4. Amanda Martinez (verified owner)

    A fantastic resource for beginners. Easy to follow and very informative.

  5. Julian (verified owner)

    The instructor’s expertise is evident throughout the course.

  6. Michael (verified owner)

    The examples provided were very helpful in understanding the concepts.

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