
Robin Flynn – Entheogenesis 2023

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Entheogenesis 2023Robin Flynn – Entheogenesis 2023

As the field of psychedelic research continues to expand, science is gaining a deeper understanding of the therapeutic potential of these substances and their ability to catalyze profound healing and transformation on all levels of the human experience.

Discover how master teacher plants and psychedelics can help radically improve every aspect of your life — healing mind, body, heart, and spirit!

The modern world has yielded many blessings, but also a deep sense of alienation from the natural world and each other. Consequently, humanity is facing an existential crisis — and materialistic science and industry aren’t providing answers that satisfy our souls.

That’s why so many are turning to the healing powers and potential held in ancient plant medicine traditions.

They’ve demonstrated the ability to help us heal from general physical and psychological discomfort — connecting us with our souls to live in a way that is more harmonious and connected to Nature.

We can reclaim our sovereignty — and awaken the power of our inner healer to connect with the great systems of support and love that are flowing around us all the time.

It’s time to explore the secrets of Entheogenesis, a term that expands on entheogen, a phrase coined by a group of scholars of mythology and ethnobotanists in the late 1970s. The term blends two Greek words — entheos, meaning “full of the divine, inspired, possessed,” and genesthai, meaning “to come into being” — signifying an embodied state of divine or spiritual inspiration.

Essentially, Entheogenesis means making a connection with your inner divinity through the use of master teacher plants and psychedelics for healing and awakening. In the process, you’ll discover practical tools and wisdom for navigating expanded states of consciousness and creating your own sacred space.

Visionary artist and plant medicine ceremonialist Robin Flynn, informed by her personal story and hard-won lessons, will guide you with clarity and compassion. Having experienced her own healing journey, which included working with the wisdom keepers of the sacred medicines — Huachuma (aka San Pedro), Ayahuasca, Vilca/Yopo (DMT-rich plant snuff), Peyote, the Sacred Mushrooms, and Cannabis — she found profound healing through her ceremonial work.

In this 7-module transformational intensive, you’ll:

  • Receive a clear invitation — through learning about the psychedelic experience — to understand and experience yourself as a non-physical divine spark (i.e., a “soul”) having a human experience
  • Explore the power of consent, body autonomy, and spiritual sovereignty — as well as the Law of Free Agency, the Universal Non-Interference Clause, and how these dynamics are operational within the shamanic realms
  • Gain understanding on how everything within creation is alive — and therefore we can create relationships with all of life through the law of Ayni (sacred reciprocity)
  • Examine the potent force that is ancestral trauma — shamanic practitioners worldwide generally consider cancers and most diseases to have roots in un-resolved ancestral trauma
  • Recognize that healing resides within your true essential nature — and the role of divine sacraments and heart-centered practitioners is to help you awaken your inner healer
  • Identify the specific conditions required for your inner healer to awaken — so you can cultivate these conditions within you each day
  • Embrace the power of mythos and allegory to discern and differentiate visionary experiences within expanded states of consciousness
  • Explore “Shamanic Street Smarts 101” — cultivating discernment in non-ordinary states of consciousness, particularly how ego shadow and unhealthy power dynamics can result in a cult of personality
  • Discover how disillusionment can be a painful — but necessary — rite of passage, as you learn to differentiate between inferior and superior ego structures
  • Examine what integration really means when it comes to the powerful experiences of divine sacraments and psychedelic medicine — and how you can weave the gold of your medicine journeys into your day-to-day life
  • And much more…

Many are turning to entheogenic plants and psychedelics in search of what conventional Western medicine cannot provide — solace, healing, and transformation from the pain, afflictions, and trauma that allopathic treatments have failed to cure.

This program is a summons to reclaim your own innate power as a healer… and rediscover the wisdom of the ancient healing traditions.

These practices have been at the heart of humanity for centuries — bridging our connection with ourselves… our communities… the natural world… and the great unknown that lies beyond our five senses.

Though it may often seem as if there is not enough time or room in your life for rituals and ceremonies, we cannot flourish and find meaning in our day-to-day lives without a way to pause, reflect, and align ourselves with something greater.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Robin will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully reclaim your sovereignty, connect directly with Source — and awaken the potential of your inner healer through the power of Entheogenesis.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Robin. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to explore master teacher plants and psychedelics for healing and awakening — to achieve physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.

Module 1: Invitation to “Know Thyself” Through Master Healing Plants & Psychedelic Molecules to Awaken You to Your Soul

We’ll begin the course with the timeless call to know thyself as a divine being of an eternal nature, married to form in the animal kingdom through your mortal coil, the physical body. The inner calling to divine sacraments for healing is our ancient birthright and soul path of initiation.

In a design of infinite beauty and elegance, we’re engaged in a cyclical dance of the mutually supportive dynamics of healing and awakening — experiences of awakening heal our bodies, minds, and hearts… and healing fosters greater awakening.

You’ll be guided to realize yourself as a unique individual soul on a specific evolutionary track — and feel yourself become part of something much larger…

You’ll be invited to explore the initial steps of the inner call to the divine sacraments that are your ancient birthright — and to the soul path of initiation into higher expressions of yourself.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Receive a clear invitation to understand and experience yourself as a non-physical divine spark (i.e., a “soul”) having a human experience
  • Explore the holonic model — how layers of experience and wisdom transcend and include preceding and informing inner layers — and how they extend into the realms of the imaginal, giving birth to “what will be”
  • Learn how profound healing is an experience of awakening — for all experiences of awakening heal hearts, minds, and bodies
  • Discover how master healing plants and psychedelic medicines awaken you to the truth of your soul
  • Experience Holon Embodiment Practice #1 — Consecrate your sacred space and take a shamanic breathwork journey* called The Temple Within Awaits You to begin the process of cultivating your inner sacred space — a Circle of Sanctuary.

(*Each shamanic journey throughout this course incorporates original music co-created with conscious hip-hop artist Kosmic T, Darcy Kopas, and producer Entheo, guided heart-coherence practices, vagal nerve-toning, simple breath pattern, and awakening of shamanic sight.)

Module 2: Understand Bodily Autonomy & Spiritual Sovereignty to Embody Clear & Clean Physical & Energetic Boundaries

The key to profound healing lies in the reunion of our spiritual sovereignty and bodily autonomy. For too long we’ve sought answers and divinity beyond ourselves, surrendering our power in the process. This misalignment only serves to perpetuate harm — especially in the realm of plant medicine ceremonies.

As we approach our work with reverence for the sacred mysteries and the use of mind-expanding elixirs, we invite ourselves to embark on a journey of heightened awareness. The path to personal power is one we must traverse ourselves, lest we surrender it to those who would be all too eager to seize it in our stead.

Reclaiming our sovereignty is not a one-time feat — it’s a constant journey. You’ll delve into this pursuit, peeling back the layers to understand how our power has been diminished, and what steps must be taken to reclaim it.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Explore the power of consent, body autonomy, and spiritual sovereignty — as well as the Law of Free Agency, the Universal Non-Interference Clause, and how these dynamics are operational within the shamanic realms
  • Discover that spiritual sovereignty and body autonomy are one in the same — and that in order to experience true healing, we have to clean up our co-dependence, patterns of personal disempowerment, and tendencies to look outside ourselves for the “healer”
  • Gain understanding on how everything within creation is alive — and therefore we can create relationships with all of life through the law of Ayni (sacred reciprocity)
  • Contemplate the Sovereignty ParadoxI can respond to everything, and I am in control of nothing
  • Experience Holon Embodiment Practice #2Shamanic Journey: Spiritual Sovereignty & Soul Power — fortifying your energetic body for remembrance, reclamation, and reconciliation

Module 3: Escape the Labyrinth of the Past — Draw Your Precious Power Back to the Present to Live Fully Now!

In the world of divine sacraments and psychedelic therapy, we have the opportunity to tap into immense power for healing trauma and moving into post-traumatic growth. However, it is crucial to be well-informed about the effects of trauma, as this element is often overlooked in plant spirit medicine ceremonies, ketamine clinics, and underground psychedelic therapy. Without proper guidance, it can be easy to fall into the trap of the past — getting lost in repetitive thought patterns that reinforce limited beliefs about oneself and reality.

You’ll delve into the ancient wisdom of the Kamaska Curanderismo tradition and learn tools for liberation from past trauma. This knowledge will be reinforced by cutting-edge research on memory. You’ll also build your second Circle of Sanctuary through a guided process to re-establish your connection to the cosmos of earth and sky.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover that to be trauma-informed within psychedelic/entheogenic containers creates a space where we can finally begin to heal the incredible impact of harm, loss, suffering, pain, and fear from the past — which paradoxically does not actually exist, except for in the present
  • Receive an overview of neuroplasticity, neuroimmunology, epigenetics, intergenerational trauma, and the awesome power of strategic work with entheogens to transform the imprints of the “past”
  • Explore the potent force that is ancestral trauma — while not accepted as such by conventional medicine, shamanic practitioners worldwide generally consider cancers and most diseases to have roots in un-resolved ancestral trauma
  • Discover a powerful practice for restoring and revitalizing your energy field that you can do every day at home… limpias and elemental cleansing
  • Experience Holon Embodiment Practice #3Shamanic Journey: The Eternal Love of Creation… Earth, Moon, Sky, Sun, Soul — build your second Circle of Sanctuary through a guided process to re-establish your connection to the cosmos

Module 4: Reclaim Your Invincible Innocence to Awaken Your Inner Healer & Connect With Your Guides, Ancestors, Ascended Masters & Your Higher Self

Within each of us lies a healer, waiting to be awakened — the elusive inner healer that dwells within the very essence of our being. Alignment with truth and love, with the Divine, brings about this healing. Through the use of sacred sacraments and the guidance of heart-centered practitioners, we are able to tap into this inner wisdom and rebuild our neural pathways — fortifying our meridian system, those “rivers of light.”

You’ll delve deeper into ancient healing systems that have long understood the power of ceremonial entheogens, nootropics (i.e., brain performance boosting “smart drugs”) that can elevate your mind, body, and spirit.

The creation of a sacred ceremonial space is of utmost importance, as you are surrounded by oceans of benevolent support with whom you can connect — angelic guides, enlightened ancestors, ascended masters, and the very wisdom of our Higher Selves.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Explore how healing is not something that anyone or anything outside yourself can give to you — it is within you
  • Examine how healing always resides within the invisible innocence of your true essential nature — and the role of the divine sacraments and heart-centered practitioners is to help you awaken your inner healer
  • Discover that a true medicine (and/or teacher) helps us to awaken from the illusions of separation into the reality of Oneness — the goal of true healing ceremonies
  • Explore the specific conditions the inner healer requires in order to awaken — so you can cultivate these conditions within you each day
  • Experience Holon Embodiment Practice #4Shamanic Journey: The Guardians of Your Innocence — calling forth the third Circle of Sanctuary with a powerful invocation

Module 5: Face Your Fears & the Ego-Based Shamanic Shadow Dance to Receive Healthy Power Cultivated From Truth & Love

Embarking upon the journey of Entheogenesis is a dive into the very depths of one’s being — a plunge into the ocean of gnosis, knowledge of spiritual mysteries. It requires a steadfast heart, an unwavering spirit, and an unflinching gaze into the light and shadow that lie within. Without a foundation built on truth and love, the adventure may turn into a reckless romp, a dangerous dance with the illusions of projection, delusion, and ego.

But fear not… you’ll embark upon a quest, a journey to the very heart of Pachamama (Mother Earth). There we shall call forth the guardians of the sacred mountains and waters — to guide us on our path.

As we reclaim our place in the dance of creation, we shall come to understand the true meaning of spiritual warriorship, and how to sidestep the separating game of “light and dark,” coming face to face with the healing that awaits us.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Discover that Entheogenesis is a mythic experience of gnosis (embodied knowing born of direct experience), and discuss the light and shadow that live within this exploration
  • Embrace the power of mythos and allegory to discern and differentiate visionary experiences within expanded states of consciousness
  • Explore “Shamanic Street Smarts 101” — cultivating discernment in non-ordinary states of consciousness, particularly around the cult of personality — and the pros and cons of entering into sometime dangerous states that are achieved using the most powerful psychoactive substances
  • Discover that disillusionment can be a painful but necessary rite of passage, as you learn to differentiate between inferior and superior ego structures within shamanic power dynamics — sometimes our greatest teachers show us how and who we don’t want to be
  • Experience Holon Embodiment Practice #5Shamanic Journey: Divine Interventions of Grace — creating the fourth Circle of Sanctuary to make amends and release energetic hooks

Module 6: Safely Access the Bliss Realms & the Greatest Medicine of All — to Achieve a Life of Authentic Direct Revelation & Healing Grace

You can’t live at the mountain top — but it is absolutely necessary to visit from time to time! The journey of awakening is an age-old rite of initiation, a path of preparation, purification, and integration — crafted and refined by the wise and experienced for those seeking to embark on the journey.

To avoid the dangers of derailing from life (also known as experiencing Kundalini psychosis), a delicate balance must be struck between the intensity of awakening and the need to survive and thrive.

There is an art to transcending the veil and experiencing divine communion, true ecstasy, and orgasmic bliss — and to bring these transformative energies back to earth, for healing and service.

The fifth Circle of Sanctuary will be established, with the guidance and love of the ascended masters from far and wide.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Explore and understand the “path of Initiation” — which includes processes of preparation, purification, direct experience, and integration, so that the initiate can survive and thrive within the intense energetics of awakening, not derailing from life, which can sometimes happen
  • Learn how to consecrate and ground in sacred space and be a bridge to “Heaven on Earth,” able to safely enter and exit the bliss realms
  • Understand the ego dynamics of the brain, including how grace-induced, expanded states of consciousness can be hijacked by the need to feel special or important
  • Learn how to differentiate between true awakening experiences vs. “superior” ego trips
  • Experience Holon Embodiment Practice #6Shamanic Journey: Everything is in a State of Evolution

Module 7: Master the Art of Integration to Realize the Future of Entheogenesis for Personal & Planetary Healing

The next Buddha will be the Sangha.
— Thich Nhat Hanh

The future is bright! And Entheogenesis holds the key to unlocking and realizing it, but only through embodiment. To embody is to fully experience life in this physical form; and it is through this embodied state that we can heal, awaken, and integrate the gnosis we’ve gleaned through our spiritual practices.

Integration is a crucial aspect of this journey — and it’s through this successful integration of our direct spiritual experiences that we see transformative change in our lives. Healing doesn’t come from one large experience, but rather from the small moments where we remember the gift that has been given to us and choose to apply it.

This is how personal healing leads to planetary healing — as every time one person truly heals, that event has the power to shift all potential realities toward greater health, wellbeing, and beauty for all. In the final module, we will consecrate our sacred space, the circles of sanctuary, in divine love, divine truth, and in alignment with divine will.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Explore what integration really means when it comes to the powerful experiences of divine sacraments and psychedelic medicine — and how you can weave the gold of your medicine journeys into your day-to-day life
  • Understand why nature is our greatest resource for integration and stabilizing our energy body after initiatory entheogenic experiences
  • Know how to choose your right medicine and right timing on your healing journey
  • Know how to call in the support of integration coaches and the emergence of non-local communities to support your journey
  • Experience Holon Embodiment Practice #7Shamanic Journey: Closing Ceremony — for a direct connection to Source and full activation of your personal Temple of Sanctuary — also reflecting on the future of Entheogenesis, personal and planetary healing, spiritual maturity, and sacred reciprocity

Sale page: https://theshiftnetwork.com/course/30RFlynn01_23
Archive: https://archive.ph/wip/3tcWx

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6 reviews for Robin Flynn – Entheogenesis 2023

  1. Anna Sanders (verified owner)

    The course was very informative and well-structured.

  2. Amanda Martinez (verified owner)

    I was able to apply what I learned immediately. Thank you!

  3. Lindsay Morgan (verified owner)

    The course was very comprehensive and thorough.

  4. Samantha Wright (verified owner)

    I learned a lot from this course. Highly recommend!

  5. Anthony Clark (verified owner)

    The instructor’s passion for the subject is contagious.

  6. Eric Howard (verified owner)

    I enjoyed the interactive elements of the course.

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