
Craig Forte – Million Dollar Agent Tool Kit

(6 customer reviews)

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Million-Dollar Agent Marketing Toolkit


2013 Real Estate Sales . . .

What Can a Roman Emperor, Legendary Business Leader and
Celebrated NFL Coach Teach You About Overcoming Today’s
Harsh Market and Achieving Success Beyond
Your Wildest Dreams in Real Estate?


Dear Agent Inner Circle® Member…

In 383 AD Roman Emperor Magnus Maximus faced an opposing Gratian army 3 times his size and power…yet on the day of battle he ordered to his army Upon my command, UNLEASH HELL! and brought the advancing force to its knees claiming one of the greatest military victories in recorded history…

In 1835, Scottish immigrant and weaver’s son Andrew Carnegie was born into abject poverty yet by 1860 he had built the largest and most powerful corporation in U.S. history…

In 1958 the Green Bay Packers were literally the worst team in the National Football League when legendary coach Vince Lombardi stepped in and propelled them to nine phenomenal winning seasons and two Super Bowl victories…

What do each of these cases have in common with YOUR success in real estate in 2013?

In every case these underdogs were outnumbered and out-gunned with little or no hope for success. Yet they propelled themselves to astonishing victory and achievement because each of them discovered…

The Right Knowledge, The Right Strategy…
And the Right TOOLS for Success

Today’s battlefield of real estate is stacked against you. Like the “perfect storm” a slow-moving buyers market, excessive inventory and a wave of foreclosures are huge forces threatening to quickly bury your business.

It’s a cold-hearted market that will slowly bleed thousands of hard-working agents out of their working capital and destroy the dreams they once held for success in real estate.

But a few smart, motivated agents will seize a powerful opportunity to tame this tough market and prosper like never before. The question you need to ask yourself is…

Will YOU be One of the Dominant Agents
“Unleashing Hell” in Your Market…

Or Will You be Swallowed-Up by the Tidal
Wave of Hardship Overtaking Real Estate?

Today I want to introduce you to a powerful resource of Knowledge, Strategy andTools capable of propelling your real estate business into a thriving, victorious cash machine…regardless of the economy, your area or current production level.

I’m Craig Forte, and whether or not you know me, I’ve quietly taught more than 22,000 agents how to create breakthrough profits in real estate.

I’ve been creating successful marketing and copywriting promotions for over 34 years now. Some of my individual ads and sales letters have made over $10 million dollars in profit…and the marketing I’ve created for REALTORS® has produced more than $10 billion in sales (yes, that’s with a “B”).

A few weeks ago I was digging through my files looking for a blockbuster prospecting letter for a real estate client.

After sifting and sorting through 12 years of hard, intense work – over 300 sales letters and marketing promotions I’d created for agents across the country – I found I had I accumulated…

34 of the Very Best, Direct-Response Real Estate
Marketing Letters from the Past 12 Years

How valuable are these letters?

I average about $600 an hour for my copywriting time (yes, it’s true). It’s only because my letters make money for me and my clients. A LOT of money!

I added up the time and cost spent to create these amazing letters and it totaled over $16,000…

And that’s when I had a “EUREKA” moment!

Why am I letting these valuable marketing letters sit in my deep, dark computer files when they could be working like a cutting-edge money machine for YOU?

So I spent the last 3 weeks diligently modifying and perfecting these letters for today’s market…and decided to share with my very best clients and friends. They’re so powerful I call them…

The “Million-Dollar Agent Marketing Tool Kit™”

My goal was to give you a great marketing letter for just about ANY real estate situation you’ll encounter. That way, all you have to do is plug the letter right into your practice and you’re ready to go.

It couldn’t get any easier than that. Here’s a list of these powerful marketing weapons…

  • TWO FSBO farming letters – different from anything other agents will send them, and proven to get results…
  • A powerful letter to convert RENTERS to buyers – brilliant “benefit-rich copy” like nothing you’ve ever seen…
  • Not one, but TWO proven letters to neighbors of a home you just listed…loaded with response marketing secrets and designed to get you more listings…
  • A market update letter sent to your farming area – a great system for becoming a household name in your area and multiplying your market share…
  • A warm, personal “thank you for listing with me” letter to reinforce the relationship…
  • Request for referral letter – that really works, & doesn’t make you look like you’re begging!
  • Thank you for referral letter to reinforce the referral behavior in your network…
  • A great introduction letter to CLOSE any buyer/seller you were referred to…
  • A request for testimonial letter – marketing studies confirm that comments from other people about your services dramatically increase your closing rates. Are you using testimonials in all of your marketing? You can now – the easy way!
  • A thank you for testimonial letter – keeps reinforcing positive perceptions of you and keeps you top of mind for referrals…
  • A ready-to-use SURVEY you can send immediately after any closing – all designed to instantly get you more business…
  • A profit-producing letter to your Inner Circle for getting referral and word of mouth business…
  • TWO listing farming letters we’ve actually tested for great results!
  • An open house invitation to neighbors that automatically prospects for you…
  • Do you get business from your service providers? Here’s a simple thank-you letter to service providers that’ll keep the referrals coming…
  • This technique should be worth $50,000 a year to you: the Free Supplier Host Endorsement Letter – now you can instantly build a huge referral network, and get immediate business from other professional’s clients who could be yours too!
  • The Holiday Greeting Message stimulates referrals and builds your word of mouth…
  • Birth of a New Child Farming Letter. Adding new family members frequently mean the need for a bigger house. Shouldn’t they work with you?
  • Here’s a wonderful change of office letter – perfect when the inevitable happens…
  • Here’s a great way for you multiply the people who know you: the offer to speak letter. Studies confirm: your success in real estate is directly related to 1) how many people know you, and 2) how well do they know you. How often do you share your knowledge with interested community organizations, make yourself a household name and almost instantly get more clients?
  • The Marriage Farming Letter will bring you newlyweds looking for a new home…
  • The Farming Letter to Recently Retired can get you a listing AND a buyer from empty nesters looking to trade down…
  • The Free Home Value Audit Coupon is the surest way to differentiate yourself from other agents – and gives you a powerful farming tool…
  • The “Welcome To Neighborhood” farming letter makes you a specialist where you just sold a home…motivates listings as well!
  • Here’s a great update letter to your listings – set the stage for a price reduction if necessary…
  • A letter to report results from an open house will help reinforce your listings…
  • Here’s a proven Price Reduction Proposal Letter – this one will perfectly handle a touchy situation with sellers, and help get your listings sold faster…
  • Here’s a letter to follow-up a price reduction – virtually eliminating seller remorse…
  • A letter you WILL use often in your career: The Proposal For Listing Extension letter…
  • A follow-up letter to listing extension – reinforces their decision to continue with you…
  • YOU MUST USE THIS LETTER: It’s a “Thank You For Your Business & Moving Checklist” letter all designed to get you referrals, word of mouth and repeat business.
Will These Letters REALLY Work For You??

Use just a few of the letters and I’d be shocked if you don’t quickly increase your production by 30% to 80%. Use 10 or more of the letters and the sky’s the limit!

Your colleagues in your office and your competitors all over town will think you’ve hired your own personal copyrighter (you have – me!). They’ll want to get their hands on “The Million-Dollar Agent Marketing Tool Kit™,” but this offer is only available from me to you.

And the great thing is this: You don’t have to be a marketing or copywriting expert to get the results of a seasoned pro. All you do is fire-up your computer, open a letter, plug in your name, make any changes you want, and you’re ready to go in minutes!

I’ve finally created a low-priced, high-results Tool Kit any agent can use…even if you can’t write a grocery list.

Nowhere will you find ANY letters like this. Not from your Broker. Not from your bookstore or real estate trainer. That’s because I created and tested these letters right here and only here.

And each one of these letters has all the built-in strategies to GET RESPONSE. Whether you’re farming a subdivision, looking to convert renters to buyers, or simply asking your clients for referrals, your best chance of getting new business is right here with these letters.

But there’s something else I want to include…

4 FREE BONUSES Worth $226.85

Earlier I promised you this was a powerful resource of Knowledge, Strategy and Tools – and I meant what I said. I want you to have every possible chance to reach outrageous success with your business, even in today’s tough market.

So I’m including the following FREE BONUSES (powerful weapons to use in your practice) with your Tool Kit …

FREE BONUS #1: Your Own Personal Buyer and Seller Consumer Guides (valued at $97).

I’ll include 2 blockbuster consumer guides, pre-written in MS Word and ready for you to personalize to your practice. They include: “8 Secrets for Saving Thousands When Finding, Buying and Financing Your Home” (19 page guide for buyers), and “44 Money-Making Tips for Preparing Your Home to Sell” (12 page guide for sellers).

These guides work 3 ways:

  • First…they act hand-in-hand with your marketing letters in creating a “response magnet” for people to call you – no more outbound cold prospecting…
  • Second…they include important information your prospects and clients will value – positioning you as a true professional, and…
  • Third…each Guide is loaded with secret direct-response strategies, designed to automatically convert inquiring leads into clients.

FREE BONUS #2: Your “28-Step Home Marketing Plan ” Sample (valued at $29.95)

Do you know why clients ask for commission reductions?

Because they don’t understand the value of your services – everything you do for them. And when value is perceived as equal, people look for the lowest price (wouldn’t you?).

That’s why I’ve included this powerful tool to include with your pre-listing packages and listing presentations.

When you list out everything you do (in detail) your clients automatically see your value, how you’re different from other agents, and wouldn’t think of asking you to reduce your commission.

FREE BONUS #3: Your Own Personal “Maximum Home Value Audit™” Template (valued at $49.95 – actually priceless!).

Do you offer to give listing prospects CMA’s? BIG MISTAKE! Every agent offers CMS’s and you’re just seen as another ripple in the sea of Realtors.

Make yourself different: Don’t give CMA’s…offer your “Maximum Home Value Audit™” where you evaluate every area of the home and provide helpful recommendations for selling your prospects’ home for top dollar. Your clients will LOVE this analysis, and with this strategy you’ll close lots more listings.

I’ll provide you with the complete 8 page template in an MS Word format – you just customize with your name, print as many as you like, and they’re ready to go to work for you.

FREE BONUS #4: Your REALTOR® Guide: “How to Make a Fortune with Direct Mail” (valued at $49.95).

I’ve saved the best for last – essential knowledge and strategy for success.

When I first wrote this guide, the reaction I got from agents was so exciting, I decided to expand it into a complete, yet concise guide for turning ANY letter into gold-plated cash machine.

Within 20 minutes you’ll have a powerhouse of time-tested techniques that make people respond to your letters (and what I haven’t told you is the very same elements will make your ads, flyers, brochures…ANY marketing pull leads and calls).

I’m certain you’ll continue using the report as a helpful, money-making reference guide for years. Here’s just a tiny sample of money-making techniques you’ll get…

  • 10 essential ingredients you MUST have in a money-making direct mail campaign…
  • The SINGLE ELEMENT that will instantly transform your current marketing promotions into guaranteed money-makers…
  • Why traditional farming of big markets is like flushing your money down the drain, and how to get BIG results from small, well defined low cost markets
  • Why 83% of YOUR farming mail is either trashed by the Post Office or never even gets opened, and 6 strategies to guarantee you never get mistaken for “junk mail again.
  • How systemizing” your mailings can bring you consistent new business, month after month…
  • 12 ingredients of GREAT COPY most agents are absolutely clueless about. You’ll have a distinct advantage over any agent once you know these…
  • NEVER lose money on a big mailing again! Here’s a simple strategy for protecting your downside risk, while accurately predicting your upside potential.

I’m planning on adding these bonuses to our product list, and at $226.85 they’d be a bargain.

But you won’t pay that because they’re FREE as part of this limited offer to our Agent Inner Circle® community.

But There’s a Small “Catch”…

Over 84,000 Agent Inner Circle® members are getting this offer. But I don’t want to FLOOD the real estate market with agents sending the same letters all over the place – and I’ll bet you don’t either!

I only want agents serious about maximizing their competitive-edge, so this offer is available only for a limited-time. And that means…

Less Than 1 Out of 1,000 Real Estate
Professionals Will Own The Million-
Dollar Agent Marketing Tool Kit

I’m a big believer in taking action. So if you’re the slightest bit interested in this opportunity…

…in having a ready-to-use marketing tool, specialized knowledge and powerful strategies for building your business to new heights…you better move FAST

Because your opportunity to get them could EXPIRE at any time!

Now YOU Can Profit From These 34 Letters
Than You Spent on LUNCH Last Week

This is a ground-floor opportunity for Agent Inner Circle® members only. These letters will be sold on a first come, first serve basis. You can have the rights to use every one of the 34 letters…

…not for the $16,000+ my clients happily paid…

…not for $600 you’d pay to some high-profile “guru” or coach to knock-them-off…

…not even for the $300+ I know I could get all-day-long sending a letter just like this to other agents…

But for only $97

That’s just $2.85 each!

Think about it…There’s no way anyone could create or compile these letters so fast, so inexpensively… letters written by a 34-year, seasoned copywriter and marketer with PROVEN response elements built right into them.

I hope you can see what a bargain I’m offering to you. And just in case you’re the slightest bit skeptical, or wondering if they’ll really work, I want to share…

Get The Million-Dollar Agent Marketing Tool Kit™. Use the letters to make as much money as your heart desires…

Read about the amazing strategies, Consumer Guides, Maximum Home Value Audit™, 28-Step Home Marketing Plan™ sample, and the Special Book, and “How to Make a Fortune with Direct Mail” I’m giving you as FREE bonuses…

AND if you don’t think this is the most valuable $97 you’ve EVER spent to help your career, simply send them back within 90 days (3 full months) of ordering and I’ll immediately refund your purchase price …

AND you can KEEP ALL FOUR BONUSES (worth $226.85) as my way of saying thanks for trying The Million-Dollar Agent Marketing Toolkit™.

YOU are the sole decider if this is right for you. It can’t get any simpler than that, don’t you agree?

Here’s The “Bottom Line”…

Just like military victory, business success and sports achievement…the secret to success in real estate is by having the right Knowledge…the right Strategy…and the right Tools working for you.

That’s the only way to maximize the amount of money you make for every minute in the day.

The most successful agents I know have a secret other’s don’t know about: they use the right marketing strategies to prospect for them…while they spend their time working with clients, closing deals, and making money.

You don’t make money if you don’t close deals. And if you’re spending your time LOOKING for clients, instead of working with them, you’re working for FREE.

That’s why I put together The Million-Dollar Agent Marketing Toolkit™: to help you better systemize your marketing, so you can maximize the amount of money you make for every minute you work.

The only way you lose is by doing nothing…

Warmest wishes for your success,

Craig Forte
Agent Inner Circle®

P.S. Remember, because I don’t want to flood the market with this Tool Kit and have agents tripping over each other, this offer is available only for a limited-time.

Don’t miss your chance to use the world’s most powerful, money-making real estate marketing Tool Kit. You get full rights to use every one of my 34 ready-to-use real estate marketing letters for the ridiculously-low price of just $2.85 each.

PLUS, I’ll also send you ALL 4 FREE BONUSES – worth $226.85 alone! You get complete rights to use these letters any way you want. Even if you can’t write a grocery list, you’ll make more money, with less work and less time invested…all by simply using this tool kit.

Get download Craig Forte – Million Dollar Agent Tool Kit at Forimc.com right now!

Salepage: https://agentinnercircle.com/million-dollar-agent-marketing-toolkit/
Archive: https://archive.ph/wip/hHSnj

Delivery Method

– After your purchase, you’ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.
– Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed, we’ll also send you a download notification email separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from imcourse.net.
– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC+8).

Thank You For Shopping With Us!

6 reviews for Craig Forte – Million Dollar Agent Tool Kit

  1. Samantha Wright (verified owner)

    Good quality.

  2. Nathaniel (verified owner)

    The instructor’s knowledge and passion for the subject were evident.

  3. Nolan (verified owner)

    I found the lessons to be very practical and useful.

  4. Daniel (verified owner)

    I appreciated the clear and concise instructions.

  5. Jonathan Adams (verified owner)

    The practical examples made a huge difference. Great course!

  6. Rebecca Baker (verified owner)

    The examples and case studies were very helpful.

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