
By Referral Only – The Main Event – Upload I

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By Referral Only – The Main Event – Upload I

To guarantee you’ll be successful
in the real estate or lending business in this new world this
very well could be the most important letter you will ever read…

“Secrets To Creating Your Own Steady
Stream Of Quality Leads – Anytime You
Need Them”

Dear Success-Driven Professional,

Let me quickly get to the heart of the matter.

I’m offering you an affordable way to work with me and receive a laser-focused coaching and training experience to jump start your business right now, guaranteed – or your money back. This is without a doubt the most intensive training you will ever experience.

The Main Event Live CD Set includes instant access to the 30 Day Jump Start web site loaded with additional pre-recorded tele-classes, video trainings, audio trainings, and interviews, documents and templates, ads, scripts all for you to download and use immediately. You’ll get all of this right after you push the order button.

Then I’ll ship you the most current edition of the 234-page Main Event workbook, 17 Audio CDs and a bunch of extra bonuses only available if you order right now. Our newest BONUS is 6 video discs with over 6 hours of live footage from our Seattle Main Event. Very powerful training.

Everything I am giving you is working right now – on the street – in the real world. This isn’t something we dreamt up.

ME Live CDs – Group
You Get The Entire 17-CD Set PLUS
Instant Access To The 30 Day Jump Start Program

Click Below And I’ll Give You A Quick Video Tour…

Why Am I Doing This?

I have the specialized knowledge and want as many agents and lenders as possible to have access to this training. Live events are expensive for you to attend and prevent many professionals like you from ever learning the systems that By Referral Only has to offer.

Our phone was ringing off the hook when we cancelled the dates for the Main Events in 2009. Brokers, Owners, Agents, Lenders begging for the materials. Come to find out many brokers were using the Main Event Live Events and the materials as their number one training source for their teams.

This is the exact same program that I specifically designed for brokers and owners to get their agents producing quickly – literally from a dead start to full stride in 30 days.

I don’t have to tell you that the landscape of the real estate industry has changed – you know that. We’re living in a new world. One that has agents and lenders failing at an alarming rate. Doing the same things this year, that you did last year just won’t work – your business needs to adapt and change.

What you may not know is that there are agents and lenders out there right now who are thriving. Thriving because they have installed my systems and implemented proven marketing strategies that have absolutely market-proofed their businesses and changed their lives.

These agents and lenders are working less and making more money than ever before because they weren’t afraid to change and adapt themselves and their business for this new world.
Making More Money In Less Time
May Be Hard For You To Believe
And It Can Be True For You Too

You’ll meet business professionals that have already made this transformation as you read this letter.

This is the first time I’ve ever done anything like this – and don’t know how long this page will even be up. This IS a pilot program and I’m looking for some dedicated professionals to put me on their team.
Learn exactly how to jump-start your business
Joe Stumpf your mentor and Master NLP Practitioner

My name is Joe Stumpf, Founder of By Referral Only.

For more than 20 years I’ve been conducting live conferences all over North America. I’ve trained thousands upon thousands of agents and lenders on exactly how to generate a predictable flow of quality leads for their businesses, while working less than they ever have before. And they can turn the lead generation on and off anytime they want.

Imagine that you had this same lead generating machine for your business. You can – and it’s easier than you think if you can follow a recipe. That means you don’t have to create anything new on your own – it’s all done for you.

And now – for the first time ever – I’m making available my entire 3-Day Main Event Training Conference to you on audio AND video CDs for home study. Get one for yourself and one for the office. You’ll also get these additional bonuses all included – 30 Jump Start Program and the Secret Stash web site loaded with additional laser focused coaching WITH me.
The Only Thing You Have To Do Is Complete The Training
And I’ll Guide You Step-By-Step
To Your Next Commission Check

Ask anyone who has attended The Main Event (and paid anywhere from $398 to $998 to attend not counting travel and rooms) and they’ll say it was a, “life changing event.” And now you can have that exact same content on CD to experience again and again. Turn your drive time into learning time.

This is the best-of- the-best audio training from 20 years of conferences. And now you’ll get access to the same specialized knowledge as a blueprint to jump start your business.

This home study course is jam packed with the lead-generation techniques that I’ve been refining and field-testing in the By Referral Only Community for more than 20 years.

Everything you’ll receive is straight out of our By Referral Only coaching program and in use everyday by our successful community members all across the country.

And to make it even easier for you to get started right away – I’ve built a website that has a Secret Stash. This site is loaded with files, templates, audio and video trainings, and teleconferences to ensure you get new business right now. You’ll get instant access to everything on this web site right after you order. You’ll get your own personal username and password.

No one likes to go into uncharted territory alone. Me included. So, I’ll be there for you and to hold you accountable. I will coach you every step of the way. During your 30 days of unlimited access I’ll be right there with you, helping you to understand everything you’re learning and how to install it permanently into your business.

* Time Management – You need time for you AND your business, I’ll show how to get that done.
* Personal Development – This isn’t “goal setting” it’s keeping promises to yourself for good.
* Business Development – I’ll show all the short-cuts I know, including the art of getting quality leads in any market.

So to be sure you’re working on the right things – in the right order – you’ll have immediate access to 8 Pre-Recorded Tele-Classes where I hold you accountable to yourself, your business and your goals. There is no extra charge for this training because my single purpose is to get you bankable results in the next 30 days. Take what you want and leave the rest.

This is a training that was originally designed exclusively for our By Referral Only Broker Members. This training alone is worth your investment in this program. No extra charge.
You Don’t Have To Reinvent The Wheel
We’ve Done It All For You

I’m going to share with you – on this very page – a sampling of some of the most successful marketing strategies top producing agents and lenders all across North America are using right now to create new business for themselves in today’s new world.

You can get the same results in your market, too. You have to be willing to test – to get results.

Joe, I’m Ready To Get Started – Sign Me Up!

The only difference between you and a business professional that has already installed these lead-generation systems is time and effort. Let me show you how we make it easy. Step-by-step easy, so anyone can do it. That’s right, you’re going to have to do the work. If you have more time than money (and no business in your pipeline) this will keep you busy making long-lasting changes to your business systems.

You’ll want to read every single word and watch every second of video on this page because you’re going to find out exactly how to jump start your business right now using these very same strategies.

In days – not weeks or months. You can move as fast or slow as you want. You’ll have access to everything right from the beginning. I even put the first couple of CDs on the Secret Stash web site so you won’t have to wait for your shipment. You can literally get started right now.

First, we need to talk about you and this career that you’re in. If someone asked you what business you’re in, how would you respond? Think about it for a second…

I’m guessing you’d probably say, “I’m in real estate” or, “I’m a loan officer” or something like that.

Well that’s true – but aren’t you responsible for creating opportunities for yourself, too? You ARE the rainmaker. Unless your broker is giving you more leads than you can handle it’s up to you to create new leads.

The truth is…like it or not you’re in the marketing and lead-generation business. Pure and simple.

Think about it…without the ability to market effectively and create leads anytime you need them, you’re just doing business “by accident.” This may work for your first couple of years – but what do you do when your phone stops ringing and your pipeline dries up?

You are the chief marketer of your business, and all you need is a system to install so you always know where your next deal is coming from.

If you are flush with leads and don’t have this problem, good for you. You can stop reading and click away now. But, if you’re looking for help making your phone ring, I can help and I have just the solution for you.
Let’s Be Sure You’re Working On The Right Things
In Your Business – To Get You Immediate Results

It’s time you started treating your business like a business and got serious about how to make absolutely sure YOU are still in this business this year, next year, and for years to come, regardless of the economy or market conditions. Imagine how that would feel…

Let’s start with a quick little quiz and see how your business measures up today:

Do you have all your past clients and sphere of influence in a manageable database? (Post-its notes and 3 by 5 cards don’t count.)
Are you mailing or emailing to your database regularly? (I mean monthly or quarterly, not just holiday cards or birthday cards.)
Do you have a lead-generating system that you can just turn on and off anytime you need business?
Do you get referrals during AND after the transaction?
Right now, do you know where your next transaction is coming from – and when?

If you answered “no” to one or more of these questions, continue reading this letter and find out how to turn those “nos” to “yesses…” Guaranteed.

I’ve been coaching and training Real Estate and Lending professionals exactly how to build predictable, reliable, profitable businesses for over 20 years. I’m an expert at taking business professionals from where they are to where they want to be through the Main Event and my coaching program.

I don’t need to tell you that the market has changed – you know that. What I will tell you is that we have built the systems for you to thrive in this new market.

I’m sure there are a lot of reasons you got into this business. Maybe you wanted freedom from the rat race. Maybe the freedom to work your own hours and spend more time with your friends and family. Maybe you wanted to make a lot of money. Or maybe you just wanted to start helping people realize their dreams of homeownership.

Is that the life you have now? Freedom, steady income, and confidence in your career?

Well, you can still have all of that AND generate a huge income AND free yourself from the 60-hour work weeks so common in this business. You CAN have a great life and business, too.

But first you need to make some changes.

Here’s a great quote about change from Question Behind the Question! one of my favorite personal accountability books by my friend and author, John G. Miller

…Learning is really about translating knowing what to do into doing what we know. It’s about changing. If we have not changed we have not learned.

Profound wisdom in that quote. It’s not just knowing what you should do – it’s about taking action.

Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.
Will Rogers

Are you the type of person who I call an “Information Collector”? You have clipped and copied and printed and saved a bunch of information, techniques, and ideas but never really DO anything?

Let’s meet some community members to motivate you to do something. After all if you don’t get help from me – you still need help. This might help motivate you to put down the remote control and that box of cookies and go get something done for your business.

The strategies you’re going to learn about are the best-of-the-best from what I teach at The Main Event. All are field-tested and working right now for members of the By Referral Only Community. And they’re ready for you to use in your business – right now.

In fact, here’s a look inside the 3-day training. You’ll have all the audio to listen to again and again and again.

Click the play button and take a look inside.

When you got into the real estate business maybe you didn’t realize that the toughest part of this business IS lead generation. Maybe you thought, “I’m pretty smart, I think I can run an ad that will make my phone ring. It can’t be that tough – I see real estate ads everywhere, I’ll just copy one I like.”

You were thinking, “…all I need is one deal and this gamble will more than pay for itself!”

How’s that working for you? Getting your return? Did it more than pay for itself?

How much more perfectly good money are you going to risk this year to make your phone ring?

The truth is, specific targeted marketing is the key to getting your phone to ring with qualified clients.

Joe, I’m Ready To Get Started – Sign Me Up!

If you don’t know how to make your own phone ring with new QUALITY clients – whenever you need – you’ll want to read every word and listen to every audio and click and play every video on this page – to see that it is possible for you, too. This will be worth your time – guaranteed.
How To Eliminate Your Competition And
Get Prospects To Call You FIRST

First off – let’s agree that this business is tougher and more stressful than you thought.

You saw other Realtors and lenders, maybe not as sharp as you, making big money. And you thought, “Huh, if they can do it, I can do it! I’ll get my license and run some ads and do some mailings and be rolling in the dough.” That may work for awhile – but it’s not consistent – and certainly not reliable or predictable.

It’s about understanding marketing – and all the answers are in The Main Event Live CD Set!

You need to be able to CREATE new business for yourself anytime – and in any market to survive times like these. If you don’t know how to market you may as well go back to what you were doing before you got into this business. You may have even been “freshening up your resume” not sure if you’ll make it in this business…it’s time to take action.

Be honest with yourself – you can’t just keep sending calendars, recipe cards and pumpkin seeds to the people in your database and expect to build a predictable business. That will only work so long – if at all. You need proven marketing systems.

The marketplace is flooded with Realtors and lenders – all competing for the same business. To eliminate your competition you want the prospects to call you FIRST.

You do that by creating a compelling offer that makes them call you asking for your help. You need to do something different. Because what you’re doing now isn’t working…

Marsia Powers has prospects calling her first. She gets so many calls – 10 to 20 a day – with this strategy that she has to “pick and choose” who she works with.
How would it feel to have as many leads as Marsia? Oh, and she made $160,000 in EXTRA commissions with just this one of the many tested and proven simple marketing strategies. Money she would not have without this specialized knowledge.
Click the play button and let her tell you…

There’s nothing surprising about Marsia’s results. It’s working right now in the real world. These are results that we are hearing about from those people who just follow the directions we give them.

I hear these success stories over and over, month after month. We are obsessed with getting you results. Bankable Results and commission checks consistently and reliably.

I can hear you thinking…“well, maybe for her – but that won’t work in my market.” Maybe this type of sign strategy isn’t for you. That’s OK. Maybe you’ll use a postcard or a flyer. Maybe you’ll run an ad. The choice is yours. What’s nice is there are plenty of low cost tests you can do to see what works for you…This is just one of many that I’ll show you in The Main Event Live CD Set.

Joe, I’m Ready To Get Started – Sign Me Up!

After all, why not try something that’s already tested and proven? That’s what marketing is all about – testing, testing, and more testing. We love to test and read the results and retest until we just can’t beat the control. That’s what I’ll give you – all the control ads and templates.

And we do lots of testing for you – so you get a recipe that has already proven to make the cake rise. No more copying other ads and just hoping for your phone to ring gambling away your hard-earned money.

Let’s talk to another member of the By Referral Only Community using the same sign strategy as Marsia with the proven Magic Words right out of The Main Event Workbook.
Meet Michael Jimenez, we talked to him in February at the Las Vegas Main Event. Michael has a similar problem to what Marsia experienced above.
He has too many leads!
“I’m set for the year,” he says. Listen to his results. He was #1 in his office IN DECEMBER, usually a slow month. He closed 5 transactions for over $12,500 in commissions in December alone.

Did you hear that? Michael says, “Set for the year!” He looks pretty happy, doesn’t he? Wouldn’t you be happy, too?

Imagine how great it would feel knowing that at anytime you could just plug in your lead-generating system, turn it on, and get some leads. Then once you had enough leads (or too many leads) in your pipeline just reach over and turn it off.

And imagine being able to do that ANYTIME you needed business. That would get you closer to that freedom that you were looking for in this business.

Joe, I’m Ready To Get Started – Sign Me Up!

Here are some recordings to give you an idea of what people sound like when Michael and Marsia get them in their voicemail.

Click on the player below and imagine how it would feel if these prospects were calling you asking for your help…every day…

These aren’t just tire-kicker leads that won’t give you their real name – these are real, hot prospects who are asking for your help right now!

Don’t they sound nice and ready to engage in dialogue with you? These people called and left messages immediately – the signs had only been up for 22 hours! You’ll learn how to quickly identify “Five Star Prospects.” I’ll teach you how to pick and choose who you work with when you have more leads than you can handle. Because when you have this many leads you have to be picky about who you invest your time with because you’re not paid by the hour anymore.
The Only Thing You Have To Do Is Complete The Training
And I’ll Guide You Step-By-Step
To Your Next Commission Check

As you know, the name of my company is By Referral Only.

Some think that’s all I teach – how to get referrals.

It is a major part of our overall business-building systems, but we know that leads from all sources are important to your business:

* Leads from referrals
* Leads from friends who may have never worked with you
* Leads from other businesses like Lenders, financial planners, lawyers, and other services, trades and associations

Leads from all sources are valuable to your business and we’ll show you exactly where to find them fast so you can get started right away.

Clients who are referred to you are
5 times MORE likely to refer you to their friends, family and coworkers than someone who comes to you by marketing.

Think about it – it makes sense. They came to you through marketing – they think you get all your business from marketing. If they come to you by referral – they think you get all your business by referrals. So here’s how to be sure you are firing on all cylinders and maximizing all your opportunities.

You WILL thrive with all these systems working for you! Not just one or two, but ALL these systems will give you the predictable Bankable Results and the freedom you deserve in this business.

* YES it is about getting referrals
* YES it is about running tested, proven ads that work
* YES it is about media that compel prospects to call you first
* YES it is about keeping in touch with your past clients consistently

To Convert More Leads
To Contracts And Commission Checks
You Need To Have The Right Words
To Maximize Your Results

Ok, so let’s recap. You need to be able to generate leads. Then you need to turn these leads into appointments and these appointments into contracts. And these contracts into closings. You want a commission check. We want to help you get more closings and more checks. We call that getting “Bankable Results.”

And the whole time you are working with your clients, you want to get more referrals by asking at the right time and in exactly the right way. You’ll learn how to master these new language skills.

Getting referrals from your current clients is easy when you know the right words to use – and when. It’s like having the combination to a bank vault loaded with money.

The beauty is that everyone has access to the same words. The key to unlocking the bank vault is putting the words together in exactly the right order. During your Initial Consultation and throughout the transaction is the best time to plant these referral seeds. I’ll teach you how to access these hidden opportunities in your business and turn them into Bankable Results.
What If Half The Clients You Worked With This Year
Had Referred You To Your NEXT Client?

How Much More Would You Have Made In The Last 12 Months?
An Additional…$20,000? $50,000? 75,000? More?

Experience shows that the best time to ask for a referral is during the transaction.

Think back to the last car you bought – remember that once you bought it, you saw the very same model and make of your new car everywhere you went?

That was your Reticular Activator at work. Your Reticular Activator is the part of your brain that heightens your awareness of certain things as you experience them.

Now let’s apply that to your business.

When your client is working with you they are “seeing and talking to other people just like them.” Friends and coworkers who are considering doing the same exact thing they are. Your client’s Reticular Activator is in overdrive.

This is the best time for you to ask them for referrals – and right now you may not be asking at all. That’s an untapped goldmine for you.

You’ll hear and see the exact dialogues that will create an unforgettable experience for your clients from beginning to end, so they start referring their friends, family and colleagues to you DURING the transaction.
Peter uses these exact dialogues in his initial consultation. Now he gets his referrals from clients before the transaction even closes.

STOP! If you didn’t catch that, play that video again. Peter got a referral from someone he HADN’T EVEN WORKED WITH YET! How would it feel for you to get referrals from people you just meet with? You meet with way more people than you close a deal with. Pretty powerful isn’t it?

Are you getting these kind of referrals right now in your business – well, you can, and it’s easier than you think – when you know how.

It’s about using the right communication at the exactly the right time and in exactly the right way. In some situations it’s a phrase or dialogue. At other times it’s a hand-written note, letter or postcard.
Bob and Diane send a Popcorn Letter to every one of their clients during the transaction and ask for referrals.

Another one of many touchpoints that will WOW your clients every time you send it. Are you doing this? This isn’t rocket science it’s a system and they love it. And you will too.

Have you ever noticed that your clients love you the most when you’re solving their problems? This is a great opportunity to have them recognize your value as a consultant and ask them for a referral. The BRAG Formula is designed to orchestrate this referral moment. You’ll see just how it works in the next video.

Barbara used the BRAG Formula with her client and received 2 referrals and $8,700 in commissions from using it just once. Just think of how many times you have a chance to ask for a referral when you’re solving your clients’ problems and bringing value to the experience. Once you know how it’s easy.

Joe, I’m Ready To Get Started – Sign Me Up!
Stop Sending Recipe Cards and Pumpkins Seeds
That Will Only Teach Them How To Cook and Garden –
It Does Nothing For Your Business!

It seems like everybody does it: I ask about results and their return on investment. I ask specifically how many transactions can you say came as a direct result of these mailings? And they say, “Well, none really, but people like them.”

I hear agents and lenders tell me, “Oh, I send things of value and then call them up and ask for business.” That may work for awhile – but you need something that works all the time, predictably.

They know you’re in the business – if you’re asking all the time you might even seem a bit needy. Be careful with your list. It’s your number one greatest asset.

What is the very best way to stay top-of-mind AND get referrals from your past clients? You have to remind them every month – FOREVER – that you are still in the business helping people. Without being annoying. That’s what all successful companies do – large and small.

How many times have you bumped into someone at the grocery store and they ask you, “Hey, Bob, are you still in real estate?” That’s a disaster. They didn’t remember you were even in the business. If they were looking for a house today – they would have called another agent off a sign before calling you.

This may have happened to you before. Think about it…

Someone may be calling that sign right now because they didn’t hear from you this month. Someone is staying in touch with your clients and trying to steal them from you right now – and you’re letting them.

That’s an expensive mistake. Fixing this could keep $10,000, $20,000 or more of your money that you deserve from going to the other agent.

And whose fault is it? The client didn’t hear from you. Another agent was a better marketer and stole them from you.

That’s OK! Here’s just one of the many easy ways to guarantee you’ll never lose the business and the commission to “the other guy” again. Inexpensive and effective.

Phill uses the exact postcard template from The Main Event workbook to generate 1 to 7 referrals each and every month. You’ll want to send out this postcard too. It’s on the Secret Stash web site.

He got $16,000 in commissions his first time mailing it.

Phill knows the value and peace of mind of predictable results in his business. He sends this simple mailing out every month – so he doesn’t lose business by not mailing.

Remember our little quiz? Are you reminding everyone in your database that you’re in business and available each and every month to help their friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers? If you aren’t – you have definitely lost business and money.

Money that was rightfully yours.

You’ll learn exactly how to install this inexpensive, highly effective mailing into your business because they are your clients – and you want to keep them…FOREVER.
When You Engage In Conversation With People
In Your Database – Don’t Be All About Business Or
You’ll BREAK Your Database

Let me explain exactly why a different type of personal communication works better.

Watch this short video.

You have to connect on an intellectual level as well as a personal level to maximize your top-of-mind awareness each month. I’ll teach you exactly how to do this in The Main Event Live CD Set.

If you over communicate with your database they’ll stop taking your calls. They’ll look at the caller ID and say, “Not him again…he’ll be begging for business just like last month…I’m not taking his call.”

You can’t just pick up the phone and ask for business from your sphere and past clients they’ll think you’re needy and desperate.

There are better, far more effective ways to consistantly stay in touch and remind them you’re still in the business and always available to help them.

That’s why it’s so important to connect with your database on a personal level and not always talk about business, business, business. Big mistake.

The Letter From The Heart is a great way to stay in touch in a personal way. Remember people will do business with you because of what you do. And people will refer you business because of who you are as a person.

The Letter From The Heart connects with them on a personal level and will create a flood of referrals for you all year long.

Terry Enns did 49 real estate transactions and the next year he did 70 and he uses the exact templates from The Main Event workbook.
You D

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– Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed, we’ll also send you a download notification email separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from imcourse.net.
– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC+8).

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6 reviews for By Referral Only – The Main Event – Upload I

  1. Steven Hughes (verified owner)

    I appreciated the practical examples included in the course.

  2. Edward (verified owner)

    The examples and case studies were very helpful.

  3. Heather Edwards (verified owner)

    I appreciated the hands-on approach to learning.

  4. Olivia Hall (verified owner)

    The content was well-presented and informative.

  5. Lauren Perry (verified owner)

    I found the lessons to be very practical and applicable.

  6. Isaac (verified owner)

    I appreciated the real-world applications included in the course.

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