
Figure Elancer – Secrets Of A Six

(7 customer reviews)

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Secrets Of A Six - Figure Elancer

Figure Elancer – Secrets Of A Six

Sale Page: https://freelancetowin.com/ssfu-course/

The proven, step-by-step formula I used to personally earn 6 figures on Elance in just 12 months

learn the little known strategies I used to attract rockstar clients, command premium fees, and drive the old pros nuts

  • Sarah Ratliff, Elance legend

    When I found out Danny was creating an Elance course, I expected to be wowed. Yet even with all the experience I’ve gained over the past 5 years as a successful freelancer and now agency owner, I was still surprised at how much I was able to learn from Secrets Of A Six-Figure Elancer. Whether you’re brand new to freelancing or you’re looking for that extra edge on Elance, I highly recommend this course.

    Sarah Ratliff, Elance legend

  • Bryony Sutherland, Elance legend

    Danny is a freelancing force to be reckoned with. Not content with teaching himself copywriting to the tune of Elance’s top hourly rate, he also made it his business to master the finer nuances of this leading online staffing platform. Danny brings humor, first-hand experience, and brutal honesty to a modern workplace typified by competitiveness, self-doubt, and sheer bravado. He’s also a thoroughly nice guy!

    Bryony Sutherland, Elance legend

Yes, you can earn $50,000 – $100,000 doing what you love on Elance


I know because I’ve been doing it for the past 2.5 years.

Check out my last 12-month earnings:



And since I started off with no experience, no formal training or education, and no network whatsoever…


I think it’s safe to say that earning great money on Elance is something anyone can do, if you’re willing to put the work in.



There are two ways to make money on Elance


One involves being chronically overworked and underpaid.


Elancers who take this route spend lots of time bidding on job after job, day in and day out…


Seldom get hired (or even hear back from clients)…


And end up taking jobs at painfully low rates just to make ends meet.


They’ll give you “logical” reasons for being overworked and underpaid, like…


“There’s too much competition on Elance”


“Everyone here charges too little and drives the prices down to nothing”


“There aren’t enough high paying clients”


But they’re mistaken.

The truth is, they’re “doing” Elance totally wrong.



Luckily, my way of making money on Elance involves having fun, being as profitable as you want to be, and enjoying your freedom.

It involves more work up front, but…


Elancers who take this route don’t spend nearly as much time bidding on jobs.

They win more work, with less effort.


They get lots of repeat business from happy customers.


They charge — and get — higher prices. (Some even charge premiums.)

And clients often seek them out, rather than the other way around.


I know, because I’ve just described my students. Students of this course.


Like these cool peeps…

  • Rachel Schneebaum, Writer

    Almost as soon as I signed up (and thanks primarily to the revolutionized proposal-writing strategy I’ve been using based on your advice), I’ve found some great clients and am now making $60/hour on several longterm projects!

    Rachel Schneebaum, Writer

  • Oleg Starko, Copywriter

    Before I took Danny’s course, my Elance earnings would be all over the place from $30 to $60 per hour. I took a big break from bidding on the site, and came back to it after taking SSFE. And with Danny’s help I landed a $125 per hour gig right out of the gate!

    Oleg Starko, Copywriter

More than just a great income


One of the amazing things about succeeding on Elance is that it doesn’t just put money in your pocket. It’s also a lifestyle tool.


Elance allowed me to pay all of my bills and then some since day 1, with absolutely:

NO networking…

NO cold calls/emails…


NO blogging or social media marketing…

And none of the other headaches that most freelancers think of as “necessary evils.”



Best of all, my schedule has stayed full of great paying work, week in and week out, for over 2 years.


Yes, using Elance, I’ve managed to totally escape that nasty “feast or famine” cycle that most freelancers find themselves trapped in.


It really wasn’t for me. I want to feast all the time. How about you?


So, without further ado…

Now available: Secrets of a Six-Figure Elancer

A premium online course and proven path for winning all the work you can handle, commanding top fees, and getting the clients to come to you



Based on over two years of experience and research, this course offers time tested, game changing approaches that fly in the face of the conventional wisdom that has proven useless on platforms like Elance.

11 exclusive videos (5 hours) packed with groundbreaking training

Video 1

Your Big Picture Game Plan: High Quality Clients, Repeat Business, & The Hidden Elance Economy

You can’t earn $50k-$100k on Elance just by doing a lot. You need a proven plan. See how my 3-point big picture strategy earns me more money in less time–and discover the invisible game the Old Pros don’t want you to know about.

Video 2

Starbucks. Apple. YOU. How to Strategically Design Your Elance Business to Attract High Quality Clients Who Pay Premium Prices

It’s no fluke that most Elancers barely scrape by, while an elite few have more high paying work than they know what to do with. Learn how to capitalize off the key business principles these winners have successfully applied to freelancing.

Video 3

Tapping the Riches of the Hidden Elance Economy: How I Added $40,000 to My Freelancing Income In Just 12 Months

See how I’ve been getting premium Elance clients to come to me for most of the past two years–with little to no competition. The secret lies in what I call the B.E.E.F.Y. profile, and it’s my #1 asset as a freelancer. You’ll learn exactly how to create one of these for yourself, so you can start attracting high level clients and charging more too.

Video 4

Behind The Scenes Exclusive: Six-Figure Elance Profile Breakdown

My Elance profile has been my #1 freelancing asset for nearly two years. In this video, we’re going to tear it down so you can see all of the psychological principles that make it such a workhorse and lead generating machine. I’ll show you everything I was thinking when I wrote it, along with tips that’ll help you gain a deep understanding of how to make your profile just as “sticky.”

Video 5

The Dollars Are In The Details: Choosing the Right Business Name, Tagline, Photo & Payment Terms

You have literally 3 seconds to stand out from the crowd and get noticed by clients. And even that’s not enough; if you want to charge premium prices on Elance, your first impression matters more than you think. Having a clever business name and tagline isn’t enough — and are likely to work against you. In this video, I’ll show you how to craft a winning business name and tagline that’ll make clients take notice — complete with specific examples. (Note: Think you don’t need a business name? Then you really need to watch this video.)

Video 6

Red Flags, Tire Kickers and Time Wasters: How to Really Tell the Difference Between High Quality Clients, and Everyone Else

Succeeding on Elance means working smart. If you’re going to invest time looking for clients, then you may as well maximize your payoff. Learning the tricks of spotting the best clients takes only minutes, but the rewards last a lifetime. Here, we’ll highlight all of the signs and signals of clients you need to run from, as well as the ones you should be gravitating toward. And of course there are always exceptions — we’ll cover those too.

Video 7

Endless Clients: The Art & Science of Writing Proposals that Actually Work

Why do my proposals snatch jobs from under the noses of freelancers who charge less than half what I do? Because I take a scientific approach that’s designed to win. This video takes you behind the scenes and shows you breakdowns of actual winning proposals (lots of screenshots and commentary included) over the course of 2+ years. You’ll learn the exact strategies behind them, which you can start using right away to win more work while commanding higher fees. .

Video 8

Unlimited ROI: Simple Steps For Leveraging One Off Jobs Into Clients For Life

Would you rather spend half your time hunting and pecking for new clients–or get emails from half of your previous clients asking you to do more work for them? In this video, I’ll show you the formula I’ve used for generating 48% repeat business.

Video 9

The Path Of The Six-Figure Elancer

Freelancing is most fun when you get to raise your rates and negotiate with confidence and power. Learn my “Rock Climbing Method” for raising your rates, which I’ve used to grow my income beyond what most Elancers believe possible. This method has its roots in the principles of successful investing, and I’ve simplified it so that anyone can do it.

Video 10

The Advanced Psychology of Negotiating Elance Jobs with Confidence and Power

Imagine being able to command more money, without doing more work. That’s the power of negotiation. In this video, I’ll walk you through the advanced negotiation strategies I’ve used to consistently charge up to 20x what average Elancers do. You’ll learn proven, scientifically based techniques like my Breadmaker Approach to getting clients to say yes to your price quotes, increasing clients’ budgets through “freerolling,” the real reasons clients haggle on prices and how to avoid them, how to handle counteroffers, and more. I make all of this simple and easy enough for anyone to execute.

Video 11

The Fast Track: How to Win Work Whenever You Need It (Regardless of Your Experience Level)

Find out how I broke into freelancing in 2 business days with no formal experience or training. See one of my first copywriting samples that I used to get thousands of dollars in work. Learn my Crystal Ball Technique, which landed me 5 jobs in my first week on Elance. Get the detailed, step-by-step approach I’ve used to win work whenever I needed it.


Exclusive access to the private SSFE community

I have a really cool private forum set up just for course members. It’s a fun and laid back place where you can ask a question (and get an answer from me), get support, and learn from other smart people who all have the common goal of kicking ass on Elance.

Be one of the 5% of Elancers who earn 95% of the money

Join Secrets Of A Six-Figure Elancer for only $197

(Pays for itself in just one job)


  • Kristopher Wood, B2B sales writer

    Danny’s infectious attitude alone is enough to get you to the finish line. But, I can tell you that he also provides you with actionable items that you can put into practice on day one!

    Kristopher Wood, B2B sales writer

  • Sophie Childs, author & Web Copywriter

    Within just a couple of weeks of signing up for Danny’s course, I was able to charge (and get) $600 for work I would previously have charged just $100 for! Pretty darned cool and it’s all thanks to SSFE. ?

    Sophie Childs, author & Web Copywriter

How is this course different from other Elance-related courses?


The difference between this course and other books, videos, and paid trainings that claim to teach you how to make money on Elance is that I’ve personally used this exact system to earn over $100,000 in just a single year.


I’ve seen other courses too. And I’m a guy who likes to invest money into training. But notice how those other course instructors never seem to post screenshots of their earnings–or even TELL you how much they’ve made. Curious, no?


By all means, purchase whichever course you like. But before you do, send a quick email to the person behind it, asking them how much money they’ve actually EARNED on Elance. And ask for screenshots (likes the ones on this page).


If all they can produce are meager earnings for themselves, how are they going to help you earn the kind of money you want and deserve from your freelancing career?


  • Emily Fowler, Writer

    I followed your advice about proposals and submitted a proposal this morning that was completely different from my usual proposals. My bid was one of the highest and there were already 15 other proposals. I was awarded the job literally 5 minutes later, with the client actually commenting that he loved my proposal. I’ve had comments before that clients liked my samples or liked my experience, but never any ‘proposal love’. ?

    Emily Fowler, Writer

  • Cynthia Sass, Writer

    Danny gives amazing advice! As a newbie to freelance writing, I needed help navigating how to highlight my unique skill set, write an exceptional freelancer profile, and winning proposals. After joining the Freelance to Win community, I was able to use Danny’s guidance to write my 1st proposal, which secured a job paying almost $50 per hour! I strongly recommend FTW to help advance your freelancing career!

    Cynthia Sass, Writer

Guaranteed results, or your money back

I know the strategies in this course work. They’ve worked for me over and over again throughout the years. And they work for my students, too — both new and experienced freelancers alike.


So I’m willing to guarantee your results. If it doesn’t work for you, you don’t have to pay. Why should you?


If you follow the action steps in the course, and see don’t get results within 30 days, you can opt-out for a full refund. Just email me ([email protected]), show me you did the work and I’ll send you a full refund that same day.



Be one of the 5% of Elancers who earn 95% of the money

Join Secrets Of A Six-Figure Elancer now for only $197

(Pays for itself in just one job)

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this course for people new to Elance, or ones who have been on Elance awhile?

Both. I’ve had plenty of people sign up for the course after being on Elance for 1-3 years, and many who hadn’t even created an Elance account yet or won their first job. So I can now say from experience that both groups can benefit greatly from SSFE.

Is this course only for writers?

Though SSFE is taught from the perspective of a writer (me), many different types of freelancers have taken the course and successfully used these strategies to earn more money on Elance. These include graphic designers, transcriptionists, web developers, IT and engineering professionals, consultants, translators, and more. The skills I teach are designed to win on Elance across all categories.

What Elance categories do you work in?

I work in two categories on Elance: Writing & Translation, and Sales & Marketing.

Can you guarantee I’ll make six figures?

I can’t, but let me ask you this: If you made only half of that on Elance in the next 12 months as a result of this course, how many times over would the course have paid for itself?

What if I don’t want to spend more time and energy marketing myself on Elance?

That’s exactly the point of this course! I want you to spend less time looking for clients, not more. The approaches I teach are designed to help you get maximum effort without having to spend hours on end looking for new clients. If you’re someone who hates having to constantly market and sell yourself online (Elance included) then this course is for you.

How long is the course?

SSFE currently contains 5 hours of exclusive premium video content. I am currently in the process of adding even more video-based material to the course; once I do I will likely raise the price. However, existing course members who purchase SSFE at the current price will receive free updates for life.

Is this course for beginners or experienced freelancers?

I created SSFE for both beginning and veteran freelancers. The reason I say that is because there are many seasoned freelancers who nonetheless realize that mastering the game of Elance can help them significantly increase or even double their current income. I am also uniquely qualified to teach newbie freelancers since I came to Elance in 2012 with no experience whatsoever.

Are updates included with the course?

Yes. Whenever the course is updated, you’ll immediately be notified by email and get access to any and all updates instantly at no additional charge, forever. I’ve already updated the course several times, adding more content, tools and resources to help you win.

Does the course work for Upwork (formerly oDesk), Freelancer.com, and other bidding sites too?

Though Elance is my favorite site, the approaches in the course can be applied to making money on any freelance site(s) you choose. There are lots of students in the course who are using the strategies to win on Upwork and quite a few other platforms as well.

  • Nate Finch, copywriter

    Danny’s course is a game changer! Thanks to SSFE, I’ve revamped my entire Elance approach from top to bottom. Want to talk about results? After just a few days, I’d already seen a better response rate to my proposals, with two deals closed quicker and easier than ever before…and no doubt more on the way.

    Nate Finch, copywriter

  • Chad Frisk, Translation Specialist

    I feel lucky to have found Danny’s course. His initial email series was great and was packed with tons of value, so I knew I’d get that much more by joining Secrets of a Six-Figure Elancer. And as expected, it was more than worth it. Danny’s BEEFY profile principles alone strike me as something that will help anyone have great success in any interpersonal pursuit. Honestly after going through all the videos, I have to say that $197 for all this stuff seems like robbery!

    Chad Frisk, Translation Specialist

  • Eleanor Johnson, graphic designer

    Danny’s course helped me to revitalize my profile and my work ethic. It provided concrete advice and tips, with examples from his own experience, as well as helping me to improve my own attitude towards my own work and my clients. With an enthusiasm which was contagious, he also showed me how to be more positive and friendly, and I have reaped real benefits in work, money and Elance rating. I think his course will help to improve the Elance community of freelancers and clients alike.

    Eleanor Johnson, graphic designer

  • Jalanda James, email specialist

    Before Danny’s course, I’d spend hours applying for jobs and not win any. It was disheartening. After implementing Danny’s method, everything changed. I’ve been getting invited to high quality jobs, and I now know what to say and how to win them. Last week alone I landed 2 jobs that paid $1,300 using the exact strategies Danny taught me! And both were the highest paying freelancing jobs I’ve had to date. I highly recommend Danny’s course!

    Jalanda James, email specialist

  • Opher Ganel, technical writer

    If you’re ready to break through mediocre performance on Elance, you owe it to yourself to take Danny’s course as your very next investment in your freelance business. You may have heard (and likely experienced) how hard it is to get traction on Elance; this course is crucial for anyone just starting out on Elance who wants to avoid spending many frustrating months with little or no success. It’s also very likely to teach even seasoned Elancers a thing or three they can implement right away to improve their business results.

    Opher Ganel, technical writer

Be one of the 5% of Elancers who earn 95% of the money

Join Secrets Of A Six-Figure Elancer now for only $197

(Pays for itself in just one job)


Delivery Method

– After your purchase, you’ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.
– Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed, we’ll also send you a download notification email separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from imcourse.net.
– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC+8).

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7 reviews for Figure Elancer – Secrets Of A Six

  1. Joshua Wilson (verified owner)

    A fantastic resource for beginners. Easy to follow and very informative.

  2. Bryan (verified owner)

    The examples provided were very helpful in understanding the concepts.

  3. Emily Johnson (verified owner)

    I was able to apply what I learned immediately. Thank you!

  4. Tyler (verified owner)

    This course is a must-have for anyone looking to learn this topic.

  5. Max (verified owner)

    The course was very thorough and detailed.

  6. Anthony Clark (verified owner)

    I enjoyed the hands-on approach of this course.

  7. Jacob Turner (verified owner)

    I feel more confident in my skills after taking this course.

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