
Client Blitz – Pat Rigsby

(6 customer reviews)

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Client Blitz – Pat Rigsby

ANNOUNCING: A powerful, new fitness-marketing program created to turn your business into a cash-generating, client-serving, perpetual money-making machine . . .

“How To Skyrocket Your Personal Training Business, And Make More Profit In the Next Few Months Than In The Entire Previous Year…Guaranteed!”

Dear Fellow Fitness Pro,

RIGHT NOW is the greatest opportunity professionals like you have ever had to build lucrative, fulfilling and successful businesses in the entire history of the fitness industry.
Unfortunately, less than 5% of Fitness Pros will ever scratch the surface of what this opportunity can offer.
Let me explain…
My name is Pat Rigsby, and I am the Co-Owner of some of the most successful brands in the fitness industry, including the International Youth Fitness Association, The Fitness Consulting Group, Resistance Band Training and the two fastest growing training-based franchises in the world – Fitness Revolution and Athletic Revolution. Over the past few years I’ve helped thousands of fitness professionals grow their businesses, make more money and enjoy more freedom.

When I first got into the fitness industry, I didn’t have an MBA from Harvard Business School, much less any business experience. What I did have was a passion to learn all I could about building a successful business, and a willingness to work my butt off in the process.
Anyway, several years and countless trial-and-errors later, I had in my grasp the ability to take a fitness business, and develop a marketing strategy for it that was so powerful that doubling, tripling, or quadrupling the profits was not uncommon!
Now, as for most fitness pros, they have formed one of two widely different opinions on marketing and what it means to their businesses. . .
One segment of the industry thinks marketing is useless! It is a waste of money and, more importantly, a waste of time. The only way to get more clients is by getting referrals from current clients or by generating positive “word of mouth”- and that any other type of marketing is for scam artists and trainers that aren’t good enough to ‘earn’ their clients.
– OR –
The other segment of the industry believes that marketing is the magic pill that will overcome bad training and indifferent service. They don’t worry about getting better at their craft – they just need to figure out the hidden and secret magic formula of marketing and all their problems are solved
Which is true?
Neither one.
Marketing is not some black magic that cures all business ills. It can’t overcome bad coaching. It can’t fix bad service.
If you’re not concerned with delivering great results for your clients, great marketing will do nothing but allow people to know that you’re bad at what you do quicker.
But if you’re a fitness professional that delivers a top quality service then I, along with my colleague – fitness-marketing expert Justin Yule – can teach you highly effective marketing strategies and tactics will allow you to:
Build a client base that generates 3 to 5 times the current revenue. It’s amazing that less than 0.01% of Personal Trainers are using this technique!
Get anywhere from 2 – 7 times the amount of referrals from your current clients that you’re getting now and your clients will be lining up to give you these referrals!
Build marketing systems that provide passive streams of income, which could surpass what you currently make all together. Learn how you can soon have multiple streams of revenue flowing to you.
Quit living month-to-month and now have a true business that consistently pays you well. Learn the secrets to never having to worry about money again!
Get started marketing your personal training business with low budget (or no budget) techniques. Even if you don’t have a huge marketing budget, you can still get the results of the “big boys”
Tap your in-house client list to generate more profits in the next 30 days than you ever thought possible. If you are not consistently marketing to your client list, you’re walking away from a virtual goldmine!
Use cutting edge methods of marketing to get new clients by the bushel (less than 1% of Trainers are using things like Groupon and Facebook effectively)
Revive past clients like never before (if a good amount of clients have left your business, don’t worry – there are techniques to bring them back!)

I will warn you though: you will have to do the work. We will provide you with the most comprehensive fitness-marketing program ever developed – with over 20 different proven marketing systems and tactics – but you have to put them into action.
This is not a ‘sit at the kitchen table in your underwear’ or ‘4 hour workweek’ type false promise. It’s a collection of proven strategies that have worked in fitness businesses large and small in every corner of the U.S. and around the globe.
When it Comes to Making More Money, Building Marketing Systems That Pay (Big Time!) and Getting New Clients, We Get Results!
And that’s what you’re going to get with Client Blitz – RESULTS.
It is possible for any Quality Trainer or Coach with a passion for what they do and an ounce of ambition to make tons of money and get more personal training clients that they can handle…if you know what you are doing.
I have talked to too many fitness professionals that have invested in products or programs that were made out to be the “Magic Pill to Success” but end up being nothing more than hype and empty promises. That’s why we created Client Blitz.
Trainers and coaches that are truly invested in their craft and in getting results for their clients don’t have the time to waste sifting through misinformation and trying every ‘ninja’ marketing tactic that come along. They need to be able to focus on what works and spend what little time they do commit to marketing on implementing provensystems and strategies that consistently yield results.
So, we’ve complied only the ‘best of the best’ marketing strategies that have worked everywhere from Elizabethtown, KY to New York City – so that you know the time you invest implementing will pay you back BIG!
With Client Blitz we’ve decided to provide something that has never been offered in our industry before…instead of piecing out each marketing strategy individually and selling them as stand alone products – we’ve put them all together in ONE COMPLETE PACKAGE that will teach you…
How to make more money doing what you love and
How to get so many clients that you’ll be forced to put them on a waiting list
Using techniques that have been proven to stand the test of time while incorporating cutting-edge strategies you will leave the competition in the dust.

In Client Blitz, you’ll discover how to use these proven low-cost and no-cost External Marketing Strategies to explode your business:
Facebook Ads
Facebook Fan Pages
Business of the Month
Chamber of Commerce
Deal of the Day
Door Hangers
Gift Cards
Greeting Card Marketing
Health Fairs and Events
Joint Ventures
Lead Boxes
Local Expert
Power Networking
Press Releases
Public Speaking
School of the Month
You’ll also learn how to use our rather clever Internal Marketing Strategies to leverage the clients you already have to rapidly grow your business and your profits:
Charity Workouts
Communication Sequences
Member of the Month
Specialty Workouts
Bring a Friend
Referral Contests
The Reverse Marketing Funnel

If you could only put one or two of these to work for you, you’d be making a lot of money. Of course they all work great. But, when put together in a true system, they’ll blow the lid off your yearly income – cranking up your business 30%, 50%, 100% or more in just 60 to 90 days’ time!
If you are serious about skyrocketing your business growth, then you need to invest in Client Blitz immediately.

There is a Catch Though!
I only want to you to invest in Client Blitz if you meet the following two criteria:
When you invest in Client Blitz – you will take action and implement what you learn. If you don’t take action, you won’t get the results and both of our time would have been wasted.
People tend to be lazy once they get into their comfort zone. In fact, I bet you would be shocked at how many Fitness Pros buy every piece of information, and spend thousands of dollars on seminars, videos, information products, and never do anything with it!
But if you’re willing to learn AND to take action . . . this will be one of the most profit-generating life-changing experiences you will ever have!
When invest in Client Blitz – you must be 100% committed to being a great trainer or coach. I have zero interest in helping fitness professionals that are out to do nothing more than make a quick buck and aren’t passionate about being great at what they do.
The fitness industry already has too many crappy trainers – and my goal is to starve them out by empowering quality fitness pros to attract those people seeking help to reach their fitness goals. So if you’re not passionate about your craft – Client Blitz isn’t for you.
SKEPTICAL? Well, I Guess I Can’t Blame You.
So let’s go over a few concerns you may have.
Q. How much will these strategies cost to get started?
A. That’s a fair question. Some of these strategies will cost nothing and most others cost very little to put into place. You’ll see immediate profits from them regardless which strategies you use first. It doesn’t matter whether you run a facility, work in a club or are just starting out – Client Blitz will work for you.
Q. What if I’m dead broke?
A. That’s okay. Don’t believe that you need money to market. Many of the strategies we teach can be done with just an investment of your time and effort.
Q. How long before I see results?
A. Some of the strategies will produce immediate results. You can start using them today and see results this week. Others will take a week to 10 days and some others will take a few months. Within 6 months, you won’t remember how it felt to struggle.
One thing is for sure, within the first four weeks, you will know you made a smart decision grabbing on to this system and putting it to work for you.
Q. Will this System work in my town?
A. Yes. These strategies have been shown to work just as well in California as they do in rural Kentucky. They’ve worked in other countries from Canada to Australia. They’ll work in good economies and bad. While others around you are complaining how bad things are, you’ll be making more money than ever before.
Q. Can’t I just learn this stuff on my own – Why should I pay you guys?
A. Sure you could learn this on your own. After all, Justin did and so did I. But, we also made a lot of mistakes too. We’ve both spent thousands of dollars on marketing approaches that didn’t yield results. So we’ve compiled what does work into this one-of-a-kind resource!
Q. What makes Client Blitz so special?
A. This is the most complete fitness marketing toolkit ever produced. Here’s what I mean:
This is not just 2-3 marketing strategies that you can use. It’s over 20 proven marketing strategies that you can choose from to implement into your business. If you don’t like a certain approach or it’s not a good fit for you and your business – choose another. It’s not a one size fits all system – it’s a virtual buffet of choices so you can pick the perfect strategies and tactics for you.
This is not theory. Every marketing strategy presented in Client Blitz has been tested in either Justin’s business or my own, as well as hundreds of other locations owned by the people we coach. No theory here. Only proven, profit-producing stuff.
It’s not based on fads or trends. A while back some of the ‘gurus’ were touting Craigslist ads as THE way to get clients. By the time they made their money off of touting Craigslist that source was dried up. We focus on strategies that have a much longer lifespan so you can trust that the fundamentals that we teach will not only have value in the next 3 weeks, but also in the next 3 months and 3 years.

  1. Do you guarantee this will work?
    A. Absolutely! It amazes us that anyone would buy or sell ANYTHING without a huge guarantee. Personally, where Justin and I come from, if you’re going to ask someone for their hard-earned money in exchange for providing a product or service, you’d better be prepared to back it all up with a great guarantee.
    The marketing strategies we provide in Client Blitz have proven themselves time and time again, and we’re so certain they’ll put tens of thousands of dollars in your pocket, we’ll double the average guarantee:
    Risk Free, 365-Day Money-Back Guarantee!
    If at any time within the first 12 MONTHS (!) you aren’t completely head-over-heels, jumping up and down with joy, absolutely thrilled with the System, you can let us know and you’ll get a full refund of your purchase price.
    This guarantee is very straightforward. No teeny, tiny print. No notes needed from your mother. Nothing. We’re only interested in having extremely satisfied customers. So if you aren’t happy, we’re not happy either. Please return it and we’ll send you your money back. Period.

You see WE’VE DONE ALL THE HARD WORK FOR YOU! You won’t have to “re-invent the wheel” like we did. You can go ahead and spend a ton of money and several years to discover all these profit producing strategies – but why? – when we’re prepared to hand them to you on a silver platter AND guarantee a massively profitable impact on your business!
Justin and I have designed Client Blitz to make sure that you increase profits in the shortest time possible…with as little work as possible. Every strategy can be put into action immediately.
Not only will we tell you WHY a technique works, we’ll give you clear, step-by-step instructions of exactly HOW to put it to work for your business.
“OK! You’ve Got Me Interested. How Can I Get The Ultimate Fitness Professionals Business Success System And Put It To Work For Me?”
You can gain instant access to Client Blitz here:

“All right, so how much does this thing cost?”
When we put this system together we considered what business coaching costs. Most all the industry experts charge $200-$600 per hour…to sit down and talk on the phone and start to map out a marketing plan. Getting Client Blitz is like getting both of us, and having us there to craft your own marketing plan – and keeping us around all the time. Refer back to us whenever you need to. What’s eight hours of that worth? $2,500.00? $3,500.00?
Well we’ve got good news…
We have no intention of charging anywhere near that amount. In fact, Client Blitz costs just $197. And let me just point out the obvious: if you sell just one extra training client you more than pay for the entire program. You should easily accomplish this the first few days!
Heck, you can put Client Blitz on your credit card and make back the full investment BEFORE you even get the bill!

Should we charge more? We will – but we want to get Client Blitz into the hands of the people that NEED this information now.
Really, what do you have to lose? NOTHING of course! You have our super generous guarantee with no questions asked, featuring A FULL 12 MONTHS to actually use and profit from Client Blitz. And YOU get to be its sole judge, jury, and executioner.
What do you have to gain?
On the other hand, you have tons to gain. Once you start using our strategies, new clients and cash will start rolling in. Soon, all your money worries and all that ‘stress’ will be gone. Your business will be fun again, the way it’s supposed to be. Once you have financial control, everything is better. You can smile and enjoy life. Deal with better clients. Grow your business. Take more time off!
You literally have everything to gain and nothing to lose!
We can promise you that if what you are doing now is not working, it won’t be working two weeks from now, 2 months from now, or even two years from now!
You’ve got to change the way you market. You must learn how to work smarter, using strategies that gets results, instead of working harder, “spinning your wheels” doing what everyone else does or just sitting around waiting for the phone to ring.
Or, if you’re already very successful, then do what all successful business people do – decide to better your best. Get that extra edge. Excel!
Decide right now to make a change and create the kind of business, income and lifestyle you and your family deserve. This is a positive decision you will be very, very glad you made – we guarantee it.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Delivery Method

– After your purchase, you’ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.
– Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed, we’ll also send you a download notification email separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from imcourse.net.
– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC+8).

Thank You For Shopping With Us!

6 reviews for Client Blitz – Pat Rigsby

  1. James Rodriguez (verified owner)

    A valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their skills.

  2. Ashley Parker (verified owner)

    A valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their skills.

  3. Nicholas Perez (verified owner)

    I learned a lot from this course. Highly recommend!

  4. Kai (verified owner)

    I feel more prepared for my career after taking this course.

  5. Laura Griffin (verified owner)

    The course exceeded my expectations. Very comprehensive.

  6. Brian Ward (verified owner)

    The practical examples made a huge difference. Great course!

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