
Dan Kennedy – Ultimate Insider’s Guide. Find and Get High Value Information Marketing Industry Clients

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Dan Kennedy – Ultimate Insider’s Guide. Find and Get High Value Information Marketing Industry Clients


on Sunday, Oct. 23 in Delray Beach, FL

That’s right.  Dan will be devoting a full day to helping you  FINDAND GET HIGH-VALUE ‘INFORMATION MARKETING INDUSTRY’ CLIENTS.

And, simply put, NOBODY on earth has worked with more of the clients … created and launched such clients … made more money from such clients … or knows more about this kind of client than Dan.

Like Tarzan knows jungle beasts, Dan Kennedy knows info-marketers.

He is also one of them himself, and has essentially been his own client for 40 years – and I have more to say about that in a few minutes.

We’re calling this very special hands-on workshop:

A Day with Dan Kennedy – 
The Ultimate Insider’s Guide to Finding and Getting High –  Value Information Marketing Industry Clients

Dan is going to spell out exactly how you can “catch” one or more of these super-high-value clients, no matter your present level of experience or success as a freelancer.

Dan says there ARE “just right” clients in info-marketing FOR YOU … whether you’re a direct-response copywriter or content writer; a highly experienced veteran with a fat portfolio to show or you’re a relative fledgling, just beginning your rise to better and better clients.

These kinds of clients include: authors, publishers – of books, newsletters, courses, education and training companies and entrepreneurs, coaches and coaching companies, seminar promoters, membership site and organization operators, e-publishers, speakers and consultants … in business, self-help and personal growth, health and wellness and countless niche and subculture categories … from huge numbers of “kitchen table operators” doing $100,000 to $1-million in revenue all the way up to giant companies generating $50-million to $500-million.

Dan has worked with hundreds of them, lived among them, and is a highly respected “guru to the gurus.” His No B.S. INFO-Marketing Letter is the premier trade journal/newsletter of the industry, and he created both the annual INFO-Summit attended by 500 to 800 of these “info-entrepreneurs” every year, and the Information Marketing Association.

THESE ARE FASCINATING, EXCITING AND “FUN” CLIENTS to work with. They’re creative idea people. Always plus-ing their businesses.

These kinds of clients all have ONE BIG THING IN COMMON, that makes them extremely desirable for you: every aspect of their businesses is dependent on, revolves around, draws life from the written word.

These businesses’ needs for writing are insatiable, constant, continuing, and grow as the businesses grow.

No other kind of business comes close in need for writers and copywriters, for sales copywriting and media, for content (written in a certain way); for freelancers who understand this industry and can supply the writing required by its online and offline media – and these businesses tend to USE EVERY MEDIA THERE IS.

These are the kind of clients to LUST AFTER!

Dan, The Ultimate Insider,
Will Reveal In Intimate, Complete Detail …

  • What You Need To Know About The Current ‘State Of The Union’ Of The Dynamic Info-Marketing Industry And What Both Its Perennial And Newest Needs Mean To You
  • Behind-Closed-Doors Looks At His CURRENT, NEWEST And LONGEST TENURED Clients: Where They Came From, What Their Businesses Look Like, What He Writes For Them, What Others Write For Them … So You Can Apply His Business Models For Yourself, In Getting And Keeping Similar Clients
  • What They Want To Hear & See From A Freelancer. Like A Bull Responds To A Waved Red Flag … The Info-Marketer Clients Respond To Certain “Waved Flags.” Dan Knows Their Minds Like No One Else, And Can Put Those Flags Into Your Hand!
  • Why And How You Can Average 2X To 5X … 200% To 500% … HIGHER COMPENSATION From These Clients Than Any Other Kind Of Client
  • Examples Of Info-Marketing Industry Clients – Start-Ups, Small Operators, Niche Players And Giant Companies Including Ones HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT – The Exact Kind Of Businesses You Should Make Yourself Known To
  • The #1 Gold Key To ‘The Hearts And Minds’ Of Info-Marketer Clients; How To Make Yourself IRRESISTIBLE To Them; How To Get An ‘Audition Opportunity’ With Just About Any Of Them
  • The Secret Of THE LIFETIME CLIENT – Some Of Dan’s Have Been Writing Him Nice Checks Every Year For 20, 25, Even 30 Years. Few Freelancers Ever Have Real Income Security. Just FIVE Of These Kind Of Lifetime Clients Can Erase Your Money Worries PERMANENTLY. What Is THE Chief “Characteristic” Of Such A Client?

And so much more … a fast-paced, tour de force. An insider’s guide to a galaxy NOT far, far away, in which you can ply your trade and get good clients and fascinating work IMMEDIATELY.

And Wait – There’s Even More!

As if the ultimate insider “reveal” of getting and keeping super-high-value info-marketer clients wasn’t enough …

 … we also, persuaded Dan to explain “HOW TO BE YOUR OWN (BEST) CLIENT.” He has quietly guided quite a few freelance copywriters including AWAI Members to “schizophrenia riches” – to being copywriters and writers for their own new info-marketing businesses as well as for clients. In this Extra Day, he’ll show you exactly how you can too. (You MIGHT think “Not For Me!” – but then again, you might change your mind by the end of this Day!)

Featured, the simplest, most streamlined business models ideal for the part-timer, spare-timer, day-job-holder freelancer. Paths to an easy and certain extra $500 to $5,000 a month, all from the written word – illustrated by examples. Beyond that, an introduction to the Really Big Money that is available via Info-Marketing, should you want it – how 7-Figure Incomes are created. Also, a “formula” for creating Joint-Ventures with clients, that can double or triple the value of the client to you AND make you invaluable to them.

Again, there could be no better Guide.

Dan started his own info-marketing activities with few dollars, good copy, and ads in a few magazines. He built his information-marketing businesses to encompass over 1-million subscribers, members and customers, a 50 page catalog of info-products, seminars and conferences, coaching … featuring a company he has twice sold, continues to draw a large income from and use as a platform without managing it or even setting foot in its offices.

He also leveraged this as an author of more than 20 published books, as a professional speaker including 9 years on the #1 public seminar tour, as a stakeholder in several valuable companies including the #1 marketing software company in America, and more importantly …

… as the means of creating his Ideal Lifestyle: a 5-minute commute; one staff-person; clients coming to him and travel required of him only on rare occasions; his schedule built around his vocation – racing horses, not his occupation.


Dan has promised to lay all this out, as clear as a sunny Florida day.

A One-Time Only,
One-Of-A-Kind Opportunity,
Strictly Limited To Those
Who Act Now

This IS a unique opportunity – to spend a full day, in a small group setting with Dan, in an in-depth “reveal” of the business, industry and reservoir of clients he knows most intimately, and has had unrivaled success in and with.

From this, you will certainly gain new, deeper understanding of the opportunities waiting for you within the Info-Marketing field –as a freelance copywriter, writer, graphic artist, etc. and/or “as your own client,” converting your interests and ideas into “gold.”

AWAI is, of course, itself, an info-marketer, and I can assure you, Rebecca, myself, and the rest of the AWAI team constantly marvel at Dan’s breadth and depth of knowledge about our field.

And I can promise you: you won’t get even a sentence of mere theory or ideas from Dan. All 100% solid, factual, experience-based, insider information. Nothing less.

Imagine … finally having that client, the grade-A, gold-plated, genuinely interesting, capably collaborative, respectful, appreciative client … a bottomless well of good projects. Seeing your work mailed by the tens of thousands, in print magazines, at successful websites, driving sales, creating real influence. Getting your day’s mail and finding a nice royalty check and a thank-you note from that client. Well, although he grumbles about some of his clients, some times, Dan will admit, the truth is, 90% are PURE GOLD, and over 85% REPEATEDLY call on him, returning again and again. THAT IS THE SITUATION HE WANTS YOU TO HAVE FOR YOURSELF, TOO. Really. He is generous about this. And he is preparing this Extra Day with that goal in mind – and with no other ‘agenda.’ There is nothing being sold or promoted on this Day. Further, you will have an opportunity to have your particular questions answered, on the Day and on a FREE FOLLOW-UP GROUP Q&A CALL.


To quote Dan, “There is no second bite at this apple, later, at some other time. To be included, you’ll have to respond immediately.” So –

Here’s What To Do NOW:

Click this link to reserve your spot for A Day with Dan Kennedy – The Ultimate Insider’s Guide to Finding and Getting High-Value Information Marketing Industry Clients … then make your plans to spend the day with us in Delray Beach … learning Dan’s insider secrets to FINDING AND GETTING HIGH-VALUE INFORMATION MARKETING INDUSTRY CLIENTS.

I suppose I should say a word about the Day With Dan’s fee. It should be no surprise: Dan is not a cheap date! But it should be OBVIOUS that getting just ONE client of this kind repays this investment in spades. Aces. Clubs. Multiples.

Just as a point of interest, an IMA survey of 100 info-marketers puts the average one’s spending on “outside copywriting and writing services” in 2015 above $50,000.00. That means their pool alone had over $5-million in it, available to freelancers. Dan has 16 in his “Titanium Info-Marketer Mastermind Group,” and they each spent twice that and more (and only a few spent theirs with him). In short, there is an ocean of money flowing out of these info-marketing businesses to outside, freelance writers. Why not to you, too?

Dan never wants un-earned compensation, so, at his request, we GUARANTEE: if you complete it doubting that you’ve been given the insider information you need to get these ideal clients, or for some other reason, you feel your time was wasted, just say so and take a FULL, 100% FEE REFUND. The only reason you CAN’T claim a refund is simply by being offended – Dan does tend to ruffle some peoples’ feathers.

Last point: Most of Dan’s stand-alone, specialty Trainings price upwards from $2,500.00 to $10,000.00 per person.

But, AWAI is actually subsidizing this Day to lower your investment.

Any way you look at it, your investment in this “Day with Dan” is a very good one! Right-priced, guaranteed, and of tremendous potential value.

Think of it as a door OPENED, to one or several or more super-high-value clients you’ll love having.

Again, this IS limited.

Katie Yeakle

PS: “NEVER BEFORE & NEVER AGAIN” – that’s what Dan said, after finally agreeing to cover this information in this Day, completely customized and personally prepared just for us; for AWAI freelancers. This is YOUR GOLDEN-TICKET TO A SMALL STABLE OF SUPER-VALUABLE, SUPER-INTERESTING CLIENTS! – Don’t let it slip through your fingers!

If You’re Wondering …

1. Where will it be held?

Dan’s coming to our hometown – Delray Beach. This “Day with Dan” will be held at The Delray Beach Marriott. It’s a stone’s throw from a gorgeous white sand beach and the warm, clear waters that have made Florida famous.

The beach is wonderful, but what you’ll really like is our city. The hotel’s just a few blocks from downtown Delray Beach where you’ll find sidewalk cafes, antique shops, restaurants, art galleries, jazz clubs, and lots of shopping, too. With temperatures in the mid-70’s, October is one of the best times to be out and about.

Delray is a great place to visit so you may want to take a day or two before or after to enjoy our charming beach town. There are a limited number of rooms at the event hotel, but there are numerous nearby hotels that are just a short walk away.

It’s on Sunday, October 23rd. When does it start and end on Sunday?

Dan will start promptly at 9 a.m. and go straight through until 3 p.m. (And, knowing Dan … if he doesn’t cover everything he wants to in those 6 hours, he’ll follow up with a webinar or two.) Don’t worry about lunch … it will be on Dan. Just know it will be a “working lunch.” With the 3 p.m. end time, you should be good to catch evening flights home that night if that’s what you’d like to do.

2. Why a full day just on Writing for Info-Marketers:

It’s the biggest niche with the greatest demand for copy. Think authors and publishers of books, newsletters, and courses … education and training companies … entrepreneurs, coaches and coaching companies … seminar promoters … membership sites … speakers and consultants. From “kitchen table operators” doing $100,000 to $1-million in revenue all the way up to giant companies generating $50-million to $500-million … in every niche and industry under the sun.

As Dan says, Info-Marketers are “ideal, super-high-value clients with fascinating copywriting and writing projects.”

And, Dan wants the whole day to show you … step-by-step … how you can “catch” one or more of these super-high-value clients … regardless of your experience level.

3. What’s Dan going to cover?

He’s going to walk you through his current, newest, and longest tenured clients: where they came from, what their businesses look like, what he writes for them, what others write for them … so you can apply his business models for yourself, in getting and keeping similar clients.

He’s going to show you what they want to hear and see from you. As Dan says, “Like a bull responds to a waved red flag … info-marketer clients respond to certain ‘waved flags.’” Dan knows their minds like no one else, and can put those flags into your hand!

He’s also going to show you how you can average 2x to 5x … 200% to 500% higher compensation from these clients than any other kind of client.

4. If I can’t make it, will there be a Home-Study option?

No. This is going to be very hands-on … lots of back and forth with Dan so it won’t lend itself to a Home-Study format.

5. What are the chances of Dan doing this again?

“NEVER BEFORE & NEVER AGAIN” – that’s what Dan said about that.

This is a unique opportunity — to spend a day with Dan, in a small group setting, in an in-depth “reveal” of the business, industry, and clients he knows most intimately, and has had unrivaled success with.

6. What if I’m brand new to copywriting … will I be lost?

It doesn’t matter whether you’re brand new or an old pro … if you write long sales letters or prefer writing content for websites or newsletters … you will benefit from knowing these powerful secrets to landing the clients who pay big fees. It can propel your career further and faster than you can imagine.

Get download Dan Kennedy – Ultimate Insider’s Guide. Find and Get High Value Information Marketing Industry Clients at Forimc.com right now!

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Delivery Method

– After your purchase, you’ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.
– Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed, we’ll also send you a download notification email separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from imcourse.net.
– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC+8).

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6 reviews for Dan Kennedy – Ultimate Insider’s Guide. Find and Get High Value Information Marketing Industry Clients

  1. Owen (verified owner)

    I appreciated the hands-on approach to learning.

  2. Eric Howard (verified owner)

    A fantastic resource for beginners. Easy to follow and very informative.

  3. Jessica Jones (verified owner)

    The instructor’s passion for the subject is contagious.

  4. Amanda Martinez (verified owner)

    I found the course to be very informative and useful.

  5. Benjamin Butler (verified owner)

    The step-by-step instructions made it easy to follow along.

  6. Patrick (verified owner)

    The examples provided were very helpful in understanding the concepts.

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