
Ray Edwards & Dave Bernstein – Seminar Strategy Secrets

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Seminar Strategy Secrets

“Proven Advice To Make Money Every Time You Attend A Seminar — From The Experts Who Do It All The Time.” 

Want To Learn The Specific Strategies Of What To Do Before, During, And After
Any Seminar…And Make Money 
Every Single Time You Attend One?

From: Ray Edwards 
Location: Spokane, Washington, USA
Subject: How to profit by attending seminars…

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Dear Frustrated Internet Marketing Friend,

If you’re sick & tired of throwing thousands of dollars away on seminars… 

…spending wheelbarrows of money on airline tickets and hotel rooms… 

…and buying one “magic box” after another but never making any money online… 

…this could be the website that changes your life. Here’s why:

Every Year, Millions Of Dollars Are Wasted On Seminars

You’ve seen them.

The “seminar junkies”.

They attend every seminar that comes down the pike. 

They spend thousands of dollars on seminar tickets and all the expenses that go along with attending these events.

They buy the “boxes” at the back of the room: the home study course boxes, the coaching program boxes, and the “business in a box” boxes.

Yet these people somehow never seem to make any money.

Every time you talk to the “seminar junkies”, they’re onto the “latest thing”.

And still not making a dime.

Hey..maybe you know one of these “seminar junkies” a little better than you’d like to admit…

Well, don’t feel too bad. Lots of smart, hard-working people are in the same boat.

We attend seminars because we’re looking for something: more money, more freedom, more independence, more time off…

…it’s something different for each person.

The only thing that holds true for almost every single one is…

The Way You’re Doing It Isn’t Working

If any of the last paragraph sounds familiar, then maybe you’re already thinking that the way you’ve been doing it isn’t working.

Maybe you thought at one point, “Okay, I’ll spend the money and invest in myself and attend some seminars and maybe then I’ll finally start making the big money everybody talks about.”

And now you’re not so sure.

Or…maybe you haven’t quite taken that step yet, and you’re still wondering if attending seminars, workshops, and conferences is really worth the investment in time, energy, and dollars.

Let me tell you: it definitely is. In fact, I know from experience…

…you can make a very comfortable six-figure income by attending seminars. I’ll explain more about exactly how that works a little later on this page.

But first, let me just say one thing straight out: chances are the way you’re doing it (attending seminars) isn’t working.

If you’re not seeing a real “return on investment” from each and every seminar you attend, then you already know it’s not working. Right?

And by “return on investment”, I am not talking about some nebulous, feel-good mumbo-jumbo like “well, I’ve made a great investment in myself and I learned some new ideas”.

Sorry, but that kind of “return” won’t pay the bills.

What I’m talking about here is a real “return on investment”, as in: for every $1 you spend attending a seminar, you get $2 back. Or $3. Or $4.

And not at some distant day in the far away future…but right now. Today.

You need to ask yourself a question…

Where Will You Be A Year From Today?

Look back one year ago – where were you then?

One year ago, did you have goals and plans and things you wanted to accomplish?

How’s that working out for you?

Have you achieved all the things you hoped for back then?

I don’t want you to feel worse about this than you should; but I also don’t want to let you to kid yourself. 

Just see things as they really are! Only when you do that can you truly change them and make progress down the right path.

So…back to our original question:

Where will you be a year from now? 

Will you achieve your income goals? Your freedom goals? Maybe you’d like to:

  • “Fire your boss” and work only for yourself and your clients.
  • Buy that new car you’re dreaming of.
  • Wear the nice clothes you really want instead of settling for clothes that are “good enough”.
  • Win the respect of others by finally succeeding.
  • Care for the people you love financially – in the way that they deserve.
  • Be free to do what you want…when you want to do it…with whom you want — instead of letting money dictate what you do, who you associate with, and how you spend your time.

Whatever else you may learn from reading this website, I hope you’ll learn this:

Your dream of freedom and success is alive and well, and you can achieve these goals (or any others you dream of) quickly and even easily — if (and only if) you will only take the time to learn how to do it.

And the best, easiest, and fastest way to learn is to get the information you need from the people who have actually done what you wish to do…

Why Do Some People Make A Killing Every Time They Attend
A Seminar — While Others Just Go Deeper In Debt?

Some people are not faced with the prospect of losing money every time they attend a seminar or conference.

Some people profit every time.

There are people who make a very nice (even six-figure) income solely by attending sold-out, expensive seminars all over the world.

I know, because I’m one of those people.

So is my business partner, Dave Bernstein.

Between us, we know dozens of others who have learned the same “secrets” to making seminars a profit-producing activity, instead of a cash-consuming one.

Wouldn’t you like to know what we know, and what our friends know?

You should be nodding your head, and thinking “yes”…because…

You, Too, Can Profit By Attending Seminars —
Once You Know Exactly How

Making money every time you attend a seminar is not some arcane, difficult skill to master. I’m convinced that anyone can do it. Anyone.

  • You absolutely do not have to possess any special skills or contacts.
  • You don’t need to be a guru, or to be known by gurus.
  • You don’t need a list.
  • You don’t need a product.
  • You don’t need to know anything about HTML or web design.
  • You don’t need to be a financial wizard.
  • You don’t need to have supernatural “people skills”.
  • You don’t need very much money to get started.

Here’s what you do need – a gameplan. A blueprint. The step-by-step roadmap showing you the precise steps to take and when to take them…and more importantly, when not to take them.

This way, you ensure your greatest chance of success.

You wouldn’t start a long road trip without consulting a map…

An airline pilot wouldn’t start a flight without his charts and his electronic navigation systems…

And you don’t want to attend another seminar without a detailed, bulletproof plan of action.

Do you think you could make money with a plan like that, giving you an “unfair advantage” over everyone else?

“Seminar Strategy Secrets” — The
Complete Step-by-Step System For Making
Money By Attending Seminars

Now, right off the bat, you might be thinking, “I don’t need your so-called system! I can figure this out on my own!”

You’re right…if you have unlimited time and money.

It took me years of trial-and-error, and tens-of-thousands of dollars to figure all this out.

Same for Dave.

Along the way we both made some costly mistakes that could have been avoided if we’d had a systematic blueprint like Seminar Strategy Secrets.

True, you might be able to figure it out. Maybe you could do it faster than us – or maybe not. But are you really willing to risk your hard-earned money, reputation, and success by going it alone?

Why would you – when the roadmap is already available?

Now that we’ve done the heavy lifting for you, why not just let us lay it all for you, step-by-step, so you can know with confidence how to make money every time you attend a seminar?…

Meet Your “Seminar Strategy Secrets”
Masters-Level Instructors

Alex Mandossian

Alex is known as one of the top marketers in the world today, and one of his key marketing strategies is attending seminars. He’s also a well-known speaker and host at world-class events. In this jam-packed interview, you’ll learn…

  • Alex’s secret of the “audio logo”, and how it can supercharge your results.
  • How to overcome the frustration of “seminar overwhelm”.
  • Using the power of intention to create your own successful seminar results.
  • Alex’s own personal seminar preparation routine.
  • Secrets of maximizing your energy level when attending any seminar.
  • The one list you must make before you attend a seminar.

Armand Morin

If you’ve been interested in Internet Marketing for longer than a week or so, you’ve heard of Armand Morin. He started online in 1996, and has since generated over $25 million in revenue. He’s the host of the largest, most successful Internet Marketing event in America – the Big Seminar. When you check out this fast-paced interview, you’ll get the inside info on:

  • The first seminar Armand attended – and what he did there that changed the future of his online business.
  • The behind the scenes secrets of putting on a successful event like Big Seminar.
  • The one key to making powerful contacts at a seminar – and how using it can make you hundreds of thousands of dollars.
  • The secret F.O.R.M. strategy of powerful networking.
  • How Armand can tell who’s a true expert, and who’s a “fake” — and how you can use the same strategy.
  • How to use the power of the Mastermind in the way that actually works, and how to avoid the mistakes most people make in a Mastermind.

Stu McLaren

Stu is the behind the scenes affiliate manager for people like Armand Morin, Alex Mandossian, Mark Victor Hansen, Stephen Pierce, and many others. He’s worked with the top names in marketing, and he’s also just launched the most successful new seminar in the Internet Marketing world – the Idea Incubator. Stu will share with you:

  • The one seminar that changed Stu’s life, and how you can apply the powerful lesson he learned to your own situation.
  • The creative approach to seminar attendance that got Stu into the inside track with top marketers.
  • The magic element of attending a seminar that makes things happen.
  • How Stu keeps track of the flood of ideas that overwhelm most people…Stu reveals for the first time in public his proprietary way of taking notes, creating action lists, and following through.
  • How to prepare for any seminar in such a way that you cannot fail to achieve your goal for that seminar.
  • Make every event wildly successful – every time.

Sylvie Charrier & Michel Fortin

Michel Fortin and Sylvie Charrier have been the “secret weapons” of most of the top marketers online. Michel is the top copywriter in the online world, having written the famous salesletter for John Reese that brought in over $1 million in a single day. He’s also worked with people like Kirt Christensen, Frank Kern, Yanik Silver, Armand Morin, and many others. Sylvie is the behind-the-scenes magician for people like Frank Kern, Ed Dale, and other top marketers. They both view seminar attendance as one of the keys to their success — and you’ll learn:

Why attending seminars is vitally important for Internet Marketers, no matter what your specialty. 

  • The secret power of attending seminars for those who are just starting out in the seminar scene.
  • The “magic moment” that launched Michel’s career.
  • The power networking secret that can change you from an “unknown” to the person who “knows everyone”.
  • The best time of day to network – this one tactic is a goldmine.
  • How to grow your network of contacts like crazy.
  • How anyone can make the transition from seminar attendee to seminar speaker – it’s easy when you know this secret.
  • The power of attending a seminar with a friend, spouse, or partner — and how you can turn that power into nice big piles of cash.
  • The secrets of getting to know the speakers and gurus – once you know this, you’ll find your Rolodex filling up with the rich and famous.

Craig Perrine

Known as the “Maverick Marketer” and the creator of the “bible” of list marketing, “List Profit Secrets”, Craig is one of the fastest growing Internet success stories today. He was a featured speaker at the latest Big Seminar…and he has risen to that status from a complete beginner just a few short years ago. Get the total inside story on:

  • The real value of preview seminar calls, and how to use them to your advantage.
  • Why doing your homework ahead of time can transform you from “seminar wallflower” to “seminar superstar”.
  • The secrets to creating joint ventures at a seminar – and how to avoid the biggest mistakes that most people make.
  • How to be yourself, but in a unique way that will draw people to you like a magnet.
  • The secrets of building relationships that are real, that are long-lasting, and that are profitable.
  • Craig’s secrets to getting the most out of any seminar (and how to make sure you know how your own brain works so you take the right kinds of notes).
  • How to directly transform “takeaway ideas” into “action items” – before you leave the seminar.

Tracy Childers

Tracy Childers was a successful business owner with 35 employees at the age of 26 — when he decided he wanted to become an information product creator and marketer.

  • How to make the transition from the corporate world to the Internet Marketing world – and the important role seminars can play in that transition.
  • How to attend events and seminars and accomplish multiple goals instead of just one.
  • How seminars can almost disaster-proof your business…so that even in the case of a natural disaster you can rebuild your business in a matter of days.
  • Using seminars to grow your business — and a step-by-step method for doing so.
  • Tracy’s unique, action-oriented definition of success, and how you can use it to build your own empire.
  • The one tool Tracy would never be without at any seminar – you’ll be surprised by how important this simple tool can be.
  • Tracy’s powerful insight into business cards – put this tactic to work at the next event you attend and watch your profits multiply like bunnies.
  • How to overcome shyness almost instantly, and start building your network in the first 5 minutes at any seminar.

Paul Colligan

Paul wrote the book on Microsoft Front Page – literally! Most recently, Paul has just published “The Business Podcasting Bible” (which he co-authored with Alex Mandossian). You’ll be spellbound as Paul reveals:

  • Why interaction is so important, and can’t be achieved in any way other than face-to-face meetings at seminars.
  • Do this before you arrive at the seminar – do his and avoid wasting piles of money.
  • The different kinds of seminars – the ones that can cost you money, and the kinds that can make you money. If you don’t know this, you could easily get sucked into a money trap!
  • How to build a list, and how it can lead to something like making a million dollars in a single day (true story).
  • Instant rapport tactics – how to get people to like you quickly and easily.
  • No-cost airline travel tips that can make your life much easier – especially if you’re a tall person sitting in coach!

Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero

Lorrie is a top-flight Copywriter who writes for big names like Dan Kennedy, Michael Port, Les Brown, Mark Victor Hansen, and many others. She’s also a direct descendant of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Get the story of how she went from a seminar “nobody” to a sought-after “seminar celebrity” who does her own seminars now! Learn:

  • Why someone like Lorrie still manages to show up at almost every seminar — and why you should, too.
  • How attending a seminar can build your name and client list if you’re a service provider or vendor.
  • What to do if you’re shy, and want to make connections at a seminar. Lorrie offers some great tips that will get you off to a roaring start.
  • How to know if someone is a good contact, client, or joint venture partner.
  • Lorrie’s techniques for absorbing the waves of content that come at you during any seminar. Get the most from your learning experience.
  • How to manage your energy when attending seminars, so you’re fresh for the key networking moments.
  • The story of the red cowboy hat…(if you’ve ever met Lorrie, you know about the cowboy hat — and there’s a valuable lesson in the story).

Jose Espana

Jose is from Guatemala , and a fast-rising star in the Internet Marketing world. He teaches students all across Latin America how to trade Options on the US Market and change their lives. Jose is an action-oriented person who has ramped up his success with shocking speed over the last couple of years. You’ll learn:

  • How important attending seminars is to building success — no matter where you are from, who you are, or what your vision is.
  • How taking control of your emotions moving steadily toward your dreams is the vital key to your success.
  • How to deal with doubt when you’re just starting and have very little money — even if you live very far away and have to deal with high travel costs, as Jose did.
  • Achieving the right mindset when attending a seminar.
  • Jose’s tips on how to make the most of meeting with speakers and attendees.
  • The power of being focused on your goals for any seminar, and avoiding the time-wasting activities.
  • The secret to action-taking that has propelled Jose to phenomenal financial success.

Chris & Jim Howard

Jim & Chris have risen from seminar attendees to well-known successful Internet Marketers in their own right. You, too, can go from unemployed, to being successful high-profile marketers – let Jim & Chris tell you how:

  • Getting through that first seminar experience, overcoming shyness and anxiety.
  • What seminar to start with – picking the right one is critical to your success.
  • How to help your “unenthusiastic spouse” understand what it is you’re doing, and take them from being skeptical to being excited.
  • How to go from being known by nobody at all, to networking and meeting with top marketers and gurus – and future top marketers.
  • How to choose the right mentors and teachers — and how to make the most of those relationships.
  • The secret of focusing time and energy in a way that gets things done.
  • How to start with no list, no product, and no clue — and create big-time success.
  • How working “backstage” at a seminar gives you startling insights…Jim & Chris really “peel back the curtain” and give you an insider’s look at the world of seminars.

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6 reviews for Ray Edwards & Dave Bernstein – Seminar Strategy Secrets

  1. Nathaniel (verified owner)

    I learned more from this course than I expected. Fantastic!

  2. David Diaz (verified owner)

    Good quality.

  3. Alexander King (verified owner)

    The instructor was very knowledgeable and approachable.

  4. Joshua Wilson (verified owner)

    I learned a lot from this course. Great value for the price!

  5. Thomas Peterson (verified owner)

    The practical examples made it easy to understand the concepts.

  6. Ryan (verified owner)

    The content was well-presented and easy to understand.

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