
Bob Serling – Killer Copywriting Simplified

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Bob Serling – Killer Copywriting Simplified

From Bob Serling:

Case Study #1: From $2 million to $25 million at warp speed

Hakim Chishti spent years working for one of the world’s largest media conglomerates, selling services to Fortune 500 corporations. He had been trained in state-of-the-art sales methods and had an excellent track record of many years as a successful sales professional.

When Hakim started his own company providing emergency web development services for the federal government and defense contractors, he found the competition for market share was brutal. Because of his sales skills, his company was profitable — but not to the level he felt it really should be. Sales had leveled off at about $2 million annually.

Hakim originally contacted me to give him advice on improving his web site copy. After looking at the copy, I told him it was quite good, asked a few questions, and realized the problem wasn’t with his web site but with the copy in his lead generation letter.

Using a simple, but powerful two-page lead generation letter I created, Hakim ramped up his sales to monumental proportions almost overnight. The first time out the gate, he immediately won an agreement for a $25 million government contract, as he describes here:

“I recently used your lead generation strategy and letter to get a meeting with a US Congressman. As you can imagine getting a personal meeting with such individuals is extremely difficult, much more so even than with Fortune 500 CEO’s. Nonetheless, using your letter, I actually had the person calling me back, virtually demanding that we meet.

I was able to obtain a one and a half-hour personal luncheon with this Congressman and his chief of staff. During our luncheon meeting I pitched a multi-million dollar development project for our community in upstate New York. The net result was that a verbal agreement was reached right then and there at the table, and the Congressman said the project sounded ‘fantastic’ and that the $25 million price tag presented ‘no problem, quite reasonable.’ Needless to say, you helped me to succeed beyond anything I could have imagined.”

Hakim Chishti, CEO
IMC Digital Universe, LLC

So what was the true value of a single, highly successful sales letter to Hakim’s business? In actuality, it was far more than just this first contract. He also told me that by using the same letter, his staff members were now closing $2 million and $3 million deals in record time.

By the way, I’ve also modified versions of this letter and used them in emails to produce spectacular results for my own business and for a number of my clients. Which demonstrates that once you have an effective copy theme, you can use it in multiple ways and improve your sales and profits even more.

Can you imagine the difference being able to create this type of results winning copy — both online and offline — could mean for your business? Hakim increased his annual revenue by more than ten times with this simple letter. But even if you only doubled or tripled your revenue, think how much more enjoyable your business would be.

Case Study #2: Nine highly profitable years
of business from a single sales letter

Then there’s the sales letter I wrote for Book Marketing Update, one of the most respected newsletters in the publishing industry. This letter trounced all comers for over 9 years.

In most industries, if a sales letter lasts six months before it loses its selling power or is beaten by a more effective letter, it’s considered a major success. But a letter defending its winning status and remaining the control for 9 years is almost unheard of.

“Our most successful package, which we still use, contains a sales letter that Bob wrote nine years ago! It’s helped us make Book Marketing Update the number one newsletter for book publishers and publicists. A lot of copywriters can make a strong logical sales argument, but Bob also has a real knack for presenting things in an exceptionally emotional and persuasive way which makes a HUGE difference in your response rate.”

Bill Harrison, Publisher
Book Marketing Update
Bradley Communications Corp

Now I don’t know the exact dollar amount that this letter has produced for Bill’s company. But I can tell you that over a period of nine years, it’s produced hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars they never would have seen without this letter. Not to mention all the back end business they’ve generated with all those new subscribers they wouldn’t have otherwise had.

Do you think it would be a powerful advantage to be able to create letters like this for your own business? Letters that bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars automatically year after year without you having to lift a finger. I’ll show you exactly how to do this, quickly and easily — and even guarantee your results — with my new course Killer Copywriting Simplified.

Case Study #3: How a single ad campaign was so successful
the owner sold the company and retired

This next case study teaches a very powerful lesson any business owner or entrepreneur can profit from. A few years ago, I was asked to create a space ad and sales letter for a company that sells bulk advertising in hundreds of newspapers at dirt-cheap rates. By purchasing large blocks of advertising space at a discount, then marking it up with a reasonable commission, they could give businesses three times the exposure they would get for the same price from other sources.

While their business was doing quite well, the owner was smart enough to realize that improving the copy they used to promote their services could pay off handsomely. So I used the same power techniques and copy shortcuts I’ll show you during this program to quickly create a new space ad and sales letter for him.

Here’s how he sums up the powerful results he enjoyed in a single sentence:

“Bob Serling’s copy increased our profits on one project by a very real 917%!”

Phil Kratzer, President
National Response Corporation

Within just a few years of using this copy to literally explode his sales and profits, Phil sold his business and retired to a life of leisure. While that might not happen for everyone, the real lesson here is simple: if you can dramatically improve the selling power of your copy, while keeping the same fixed expenses, you can quickly and easily generate windfall profits.

Isn’t that something you’d like to do with your business?

Case Study #4: How a simple 5-minute change to a web site
increased response by over 300%

This final case study amazed even me. In working with a client, I recommended that he make substantial changes to the structure of his web site and to the copy.

Realizing that it could take weeks before his new copy would be ready, my client decided just to make the structural changes I recommended. While these changes were substantial, he was able to accomplish them quickly by chopping out huge sections of his copy. It only took about five minutes, and as he’s told me, what he was left with was a bit disjointed, and not even close to what his site would finally look like.

Still, it was enough to get started. The next day, he sent out an email announcement inviting people to his newly restructured site. Within minutes the responses started rolling in — and they kept piling up for hour after hour.

Now, you can start getting similar or even better results
with all your emails, web pages, sales letters, and space ads

…and I’ll put my money where my mouth is by
fully guaranteeing your results

The examples above are just a small sampling of the results my copywriting techniques have produced for hundreds of clients over the past 20 years. However, it’s been 10 years since my last copywriting seminar, and more than 7 years since my last course on copywriting, and much has changed during this time.

Since then, I’ve tested and perfected an ingenious new Killer Copywriting Cheat Sheet that lets you create powerful sales letters, web pages, emails and space ads faster and more effectively than anything you’ve ever seen.

The Cheat Sheet breaks any marketing piece down into just seven “power blocks” that can be plugged in quickly and easily to create the kind of copy that produces maximum sales. This lets you create powerful copy each and every time with minimum time and effort, because the same seven “power blocks” apply to any kind of copy you’re writing. There are minor differences on how and when to apply each block depending on the type of marketing piece you’re creating, but using the Cheat Sheet makes writing killer copy as close to automatic as you could ever hope for.

You’ll find the Cheat Sheet and all my other new power copywriting techniques in Killer Copywriting Simplified. But that’s not all, because you’ll also get my Killer Copywriting Cheat Sheet Templates for four different types of marketing pieces — emails, web pages, sales letters, and space ads — that take all the guesswork out of creating response boosting winners. Just open a template on your computer, follow the simple, step-by-step instructions for each type of marketing piece, and you’ll be able to repeatedly create powerful copy whenever you need it.

Regardless of whether you’re a seasoned copywriter or a complete beginner, you will master the ability to use my simple Cheat Sheets to quickly and easily create highly profitable sales copy. I absolutely guarantee your success — or you won’t pay a dime.

Killer Copywriting Simplified is a comprehensive course that gives you the ability to create powerful email, web pages, sales letters, and space ads on demand. There are five volumes in the course — each with it’s own Cheat Sheet Templates — that will have you writing high-profit winners in no time.

Let’s take a look at the powerful strategies and techniques you’ll discover in each of the five volumes:

Killer Copywriting Simplified — Volume 1
Fundamentals of High-Profit Copywriting

bullet The Killer Copywriting Cheat Sheet that’s helped me rack up sales of $84,500 in a single day… $119,500 in just six days… $150,000 in one day… and many more five and six-figure paydays. This is the secret weapon I use every time I sit down to write copy. It’s produced more five and six-figure paydays for my business than anything else I’ve ever used. You’ll get my actual Killer Copywriting Cheat Sheet along with a step-by-step breakdown of this remarkably simple formula you can use to create your own massive winners any time you want.

bullet 30 minutes to creating a million-dollar marketing piece. Did you know that the first 30 minutes can make all the difference in the world between a massively successful sales piece or a total flop? Most people don’t have a clue what to do during this critical “success window”. I’ll show you exactly what to do — and give you an outrageously effective, easy to use three-step formula to use during these 30 minutes that will lock in your ability to create highly profitable winners.

bullet The only two “psychological triggers” you’ll ever need to produce a massive flood of sales. Entire books have been written on various psychological triggers you can use to increase your sales. The problem is, it would take hours or even days to work them into your copy. Fortunately, there are just two psychological triggers that dramatically outperform all others. I’ll lay them out for you and give you step-by-step instructions on how to use them in all your copy. These two triggers alone are all you need to earn your “master’s degree” in making money!

bullet The 8 greatest copy mistakes that instantly flatten your sales — and how to make sure you avoid them. There are 8 critical mistakes that can kill your copy in a heartbeat. Problem is, a few of these are actually taught by some so-called “experts” as being items you must include in your copy! I’ll guide you through the fog and show you what these critical mistake are, why they’re so damaging to your sales, and simple ways to eliminate them in seconds.

bullet How to know exactly what any market wants by harnessing the inside secret of Customer DNA. If you really want to maximize your sales, you need to know your customers better then they know themselves. My simple Customer DNA formula makes you a master sales profiler and will arm you with all the ammunition you need to make sure your copy is firing on all cylinders to deliver exactly what your market wants and setting new sales records.

bullet The four reasons why customers don’t buy — even if they desperately need your product or service. There are only four real reasons why customers don’t buy. Miss any one of them and you’re flushing money down the drain. I’ll show you what these are and how to use simple, on-target copy techniques to overcome them and make your copy even more effective. bullet The two Cheat Sheet “power blocks” I really sweat bullets over. Two of the seven copy “power blocks” are absolutely critical to sales success. Misfire on either one of them, and your promotion is doomed to be tossed in the trash or delete bin. Get them right and your sales will soar — plus, they set it up so the rest of your copy practically writes itself.

bullet The only 3 types of headlines you’ll ever need to rivet your reader’s attention. I have to laugh when I see some of the ebooks promising “63 Headline Formulas” or “The 500 Best Headlines Ever Written”. Who has time for that? I know I don’t and I’m sure you don’t want to waste a minute of valuable time either. But I’ve got you completely covered. There are actually only 3 types of headlines that are worth your time. And they’re worth their weight in gold. I’ll show you how and when to use each type to create compelling headlines that rivet your readers’ attention and practically force them to read your entire sales piece.

bullet Triple your sales by creating maximum response offers. I’ll let you in on a major secret. In today’s market, your offer makes or breaks your success. Crafting a powerful, highly profitable offer is easy when you use my Cheat Sheet method. Just follow the simple instructions to create a breakthrough offer every time — and start enjoying greater sales volume right away. bullet 4 ways to create and leverage bulletproof credibility. Credibility is essential to making any sale. If your prospect has even the slightest doubt that your product isn’t what it seems, you’re dead in the water. Discover four foolproof ways to generate maximum credibility, then find out how to use your Cheat Sheet to leverage that credibility for massive sales.

bullet How to pack maximum selling power into your bullet copy. Professional copywriters know one of the main secrets to doubling or tripling sales is great bullets. The right kind of bullets tap deeply into your prospect’s greatest wants and needs, stimulate all the right hot buttons, and leave them practically salivating to place their order. You’ll master my simple shortcuts for writing sizzling bullets that work like crazy to put money in the bank.

bullet How to write a powerful guarantee that reverses the risk, pulls in stacks of orders, and reduces your returns to next to zero. One of the greatest barriers to making the sale is your prospect’s natural skepticism. They’ve been lied to, cheated, and burned by unscrupulous businesses more times than they care to remember. I’ll show you how to overcome this serious problem by creating a compelling, “shift the risk” guarantee that can easily double or triple your sales.

Killer Copywriting Simplified — Volume 2
How to Write High-Profit Email

bullet The Killer Copy Cheat Sheet Templates for Email. Email marketing is one of the best and least expensive forms of marketing there is. But it’s a lot trickier than it looks. You’ll discover what really works — and what doesn’t — to create emails that get the results you really want.

I’ll give you three powerful templates (one for short copy email, one for long copy email, and one for “sales chain sequencing” emails) and show you how to use them to create emails that sell like crazy. Each template is explained with block-by-block breakdowns of some of my own most successful emails to remove all the guess work for you. Any time you need to write an email, just open up these templates on your computer, choose the one you want, and you’re ready to create powerful email messages in just minutes.

bullet How to write subject lines your readers can’t resist opening. A subject line is similar to a headline — it must rivet your reader’s attention or you lose them. However, because of space limitations and the spam filters, writing a great subject line can be a lot more difficult than writing a great headline. I’ll show you what works, what doesn’t, and give you my foolproof technique for writing subject lines readers can’t ignore.

bullet The “stupid” email secret that increases sales by 50% or more — every time. The few people I’ve shown this secret to have been amazed by its simplicity — and even more amazed by the results it pulls in time after time.

bullet IMPORTANT: How to use email “sales chain sequencing” to identify your hottest prospects and increase your sales by 100% or more. This has to be one of the simplest, most effective techniques I’ve ever seen — yet no one is using it or teaching it. Quite frankly, if for no other reason, you should do whatever it takes to get a copy of this course just to pick up this powerful technique alone. I guarantee that it will pay pack the entire cost of the course many times over — and keep putting cash in your bank account for many years to come.

bullet The best days to send out your emails — and the worst. You’ll be surprised to discover which days really work best — both for selling to businesses and consumers.

bullet Short or long emails — which work best for your business? I’ll show you which circumstances are ideal for longer emails and when you absolutely must use a shorter email message. Plus you’ll get templates for both formats that makes writing them a breeze.

bullet Beating the spam filters. It doesn’t matter how compelling your email message is if you can’t get it delivered. These days, the spam filters are more aggressive than ever at blocking your email. Don’t worry — my process lets you write emails that are packed with selling power and completely “filter friendly” at the same time.

bullet List segmentation. This is one of my personal favorites — because I’ve made so much money with it. I’ll show you how to create simple, but extremely powerful emails that get your prospects to tell you exactly which products and services they’re most interested in. This allows you to write deadly accurate follow-ups focused on what your customers truly want, that rack up more sales than any other approach I’ve ever used. Don’t miss this one!

bullet Email copy cloning. This is one of my favorite techniques. I’ll reveal the secrets of a powerful “copy cloning” technique you can use to create breakthrough email copy while cutting your writing time to the bare minimum. Discover which sections of your email can easily be “cloned” from your previous successful emails. If you think we’re going to cover just the obvious, small sections of copy that immediately come to mind, think again. I’ll show you power tips for creating some of the most valuable sections of your copy at a blistering pace that will save you days of writing.

Killer Copywriting Simplified — Volume 3
How to Write Web Pages that Sell

bullet What’s the difference between web copy and sales letter copy? There are a number of significant differences that can flatten your sales if you don’t get them right. At the same time, there’s more bad advice on writing web copy than any other form of copy. Find out what works, what doesn’t, and how to write web copy that runs circles around your competitors.

bullet The simple, 5-minute change to your web copy that increases response by over 300%. This is the exact same technique I told you about earlier in this letter. The secret that my clients have paid $8,500 and more to get a peek at. You’ll get more than just a peek — you’ll get the entire technique laid out with step-by-step instructions for plugging it into your own web site and ramping up your sales in minutes. This single technique alone is worth the entire cost of this course many times over.

bullet The single biggest mistake 95% of all businesses and entrepreneurs make with their web site copy. This one is cheating you out of tons of sales, day in and day out. Find out what it is, exactly why it’s flattening your sales, and how to prevent it from ever stealing your sales again.

bullet The Web Copy Cheat Sheet Template #1 — Home Pages. Need a great home page without wasting a lot of time to get it? Just plug in this paint-by-numbers template and you’ll have a powerful home page in the shortest time possible.

bullet The simple secret offline direct marketers use to create web copy that trounces conventional internet marketing every time. Big, successful direct marketers are quietly making tens and hundreds of millions with a simple secret they guard like Fort Knox. Many of them are my clients and I’m going to bust this secret loose so you can take advantage of it and make money like the big boys.

bullet The Web Copy Cheat Sheet Template #2 — Landing Pages. Just like a great headline can outpull an average headline by 400%, a great landing page can increase your sales exponentially. You’ll never have to worry again about having powerful landing pages — all you have to do is plug in this template and you’ll have knockout landing pages every time.

bullet My “unconventional credibility” technique that can easily double the profits of your web site. What most so-called experts tell you about how to establish and use credibility is flat out wrong. Put it this way — if it really worked as well as they promise, you wouldn’t be reading this right now! Find out how to leverage my “unconventional credibility” format to lock in more sales than you’ve ever thought possible with your web copy.

bullet The only real way to know which are the hottest “hot buttons” for your prospects and customers. Find out how to determine the precise benefits your prospects want most then use them to lock in higher levels of profits on your web site.

bullet The Web Copy Cheat Sheet Template #3 — Sales Pages. Sales pages are one of the hottest way to sell more of your products and services on the net. Yet most people make so many mistakes with their sales pages, they think selling online is next to impossible. This template gives you a simple, foolproof formula for creating sales pages that do exactly what they’re supposed to — maximize the sales of your products or services. Just follow the simple block-by-block instructions to add serious profits to your bottom line.

bullet Why the conventional formula for writing bullets is actually harming your sales. Take a look at most web sites and the bullets all follow a conventional “fantasies” formula developed for direct mail over 60 years ago. If that’s the formula you’re using for your bullets, you’re leaving a lot of money on the table. Find out how to write powerful, compelling bullets your customers can’t resist — bringing your copy and your profits into the 21st century.

bullet A powerful web device for building a massive list as quickly as possible. If you’re using a web site to build your list, you probably know that 20% or more of new subscribers give you bad email addresses, resulting in tons of undeliverable emails. Find out how to use a simple, but powerful, web device to make sure 98% of all email addresses are valid and deliverable.

bullet How to build an “unbalanced guarantee” customers can’t resist. Want to make more sales? Then create a guarantee so tilted in your customer’s favor, they’d be foolish not to take you up on your offer. I’ll show you precisely how to do this — and how to use your guarantee to lock in more sales and dramatically reduce refunds and returns at the same time.

Killer Copywriting Simplified — Volume 4
How to Write Powerful Sales Letters

bullet Cashing in with sales letters. With so much attention being focused on Internet marketing these days, direct mail sales letters are one of the most overlooked ways to make massive sales in a short time. Find out exactly what it takes to write powerful copy that motivates people to pull out their credit cards, order on the spot, and keep buying from you for many years to come. bullet The A-B-C formula for doubling your sales overnight. Not all prospects are created equal — and if you treat them equally, you’re seriously limiting your profits. Find out how to sell more instantly to your “A” prospects, graduate your “Bs” from just looking to eager to buy, and move your “Cs” up the sales chain to real buyers instead of losing their business.

bullet How to use “pre-emptive strike credibility” to double your sales. The biggest roadblock to making more sales is getting prospects to believe you. They’ve been burned so many times by fa

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6 reviews for Bob Serling – Killer Copywriting Simplified

  1. Christopher Barnes (verified owner)

    The interactive elements kept me engaged throughout. Loved it!

  2. Aiden (verified owner)

    I found the course to be very informative and useful.

  3. Jackson (verified owner)

    I learned a lot from this course. Highly recommend!

  4. Justin Gonzalez (verified owner)

    The practical examples made a huge difference. Great course!

  5. Olivia Hall (verified owner)

    Good service.

  6. Sarah Alexander (verified owner)

    The examples and case studies were very helpful.

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