
The Work From Anywhere Accelerator – Christian Martin

(6 customer reviews)

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The Work From Anywhere Accelerator - Christian Martin1The Work From Anywhere Accelerator – Christian Martin

I kePT thinking “this can’t be it”

I’ve never felt that I fit into the corporate lifestyle.
I’ve been there and I feel your pain…

I remember when I graduated from college and got a
“real job.”

I went from snowboarding everyday in the mountains of Keystone, CO, to sitting in a real estate office with florescent overhead lighting, on Colorado Blvd in Downtown Denver, wondering if neckties were always this tight… turns out they are!

As I stared out the window at the 300 days of sunshine a year in Colorado, I just kept thinking, this can’t be all there is to life….

I was pretty desperate to find something that allowed me the freedom to be me.

See, it wasn’t the hard work that I had a problem with. I love hard work.

It was the lack of flexibility.

I hate being told when I can and can’t take a break, eat, go to the gym, take a vacation. I like to work when I feel like it, and live my life, when I feel like it… If I want to sleep in this Wednesday and get up early the next, I want that to be ok.

I like to set my own rules, and I don’t do well with authority.

I needed something that allowed me to help people and get paid for it without feeling like a prisoner, without the hours passing me by, tied to a cubicle while I know there is a world out there waiting for me.

I needed something that allowed me to be me, and do all the things I wanted to do without sacrificing my career. In fact, I wanted to excel in my career. I had ambition, I just wanted to have it on my own terms.

At the time I thought to myself, “Christian, nothing is wrong with having a job right now, but NOT working towards quitting is a problem. Change needs to happen now if you’re ever going to have the life you want. ”

…And so I set out to do something about it.

I tried more than 30
different business models…
I thought about starting a side hustle for a while
but didn’t know where to begin…

At first, I just thought about it a lot… When I got sick of that, I actually started trying things. I Spent years trying to figure it out. Eventually, things started to happen…

After trying more than 30 different business models (for real, I have a list saved on my MacBook’s hard drive), I finally found the one that gave me the freedom to travel, go on adventures, and exercise my creativity all at once… and my life changed forever.

For The First Time Ever, Get A Behind The Scenes Look At The Secret Playbook I’ve Been Using To Get High-Paying Clients While Working From More Than 20 Different Countries… While Living Life On My Own Terms

This 8 Module, 100+ Video Experience Is The Exact Blueprint Of How I Went From Stuck In A J-O-B To Working With Over 100 Clients While Traveling Through 20 Different Countries

Start Your
Marketing Business
Travel The World.

Transform Your Mindset To
A #RenegadeMarketer
So you can make SURE you succeed. I hired a PhD executive coach to develop “the anti-procrastination success formula” that he uses with CEO’s and adapted it to this program
Discover Your Niche and
Create an Irresistible Offer
Want to make the most amount of money without burning out or building a business you don’t like? You have to focus on ONE niche. We’re going to show you how to find the perfect niche for your lifestyle.

What’s Inside Module I – II

Why top digital marketers care about “idea-extraction” and how to use this little known technique to shortcut your success
The simple survey system that will reveal the deepest desires of your market
How to accomplish 2 years of market research in two hours
95 – power niches on the rise, and how to tap in to automatic growth
How to stop blindly trying the latest “schemes” and build a real, lasting business that provides for you and your family
The two things in your business that if you get right, everything else will be easy, if you get it wrong, it will be almost impossible to succeed

The forgotten power of a little known thing called the Pygmalion effect
A real look at what actually creates RESULTS, and the simple way to stop doing things that don’t matter
The 5 biggest mistakes newbies make when it comes to their offer and how to avoid them
The most profitable decision you can make at the beginning of your business that will make everything else easier
How to manage the feeling that you’re an imposter, and confidently get paying clients

The Script You Need To Get A Client… And Keep Them!
How do you actually get to the point where a client says “do you take AMEX?” I’ll show you how to have a simple conversation on the phone that involves you asking questions and listening that will lead the client to the sale, so you can close clients even if you’re an introvert and you hate sales!
Bring The Clients To You With Lead Generation
Clients, clients, clients. In order to make money as a digital marketing consultant, you need to find the right people to help. I’ll show you 12 different ways to get clients, so no matter your personality type and situation, you have a way that works for you.

What’s Inside Module III – IV

The internal money “block” that keeps most people from getting paying clients
How to “offer to help” instead of using sleazy sales tactics
What you need to do to make your sales process “Effortless”
“The power of words” – understanding your client better than they understand themselves
The most important thing you need to do to build momentum and make things easier in your business

The “one-call close” – do away with follow-ups and proposals forever
Becoming a sales ninja, one question at a time
How to become “The trusted adviser” in your niche
Why most people struggle to even get started working with clients and how NOT to be that person
The big lie we tell ourselves about getting started in business

How To Make Your Clients Money With Facebook & Instagram Ads, So YOU Make Money
The main attraction – I’m going to show you how to build profitable campaigns from scratch to get you and your clients great results.

My clients and I spend hundreds of thousands a month on FB ads, so you can be sure you’re getting the battle tested, “what’s working TODAY” approach to highly profitable ad campaigns.

I’ll also give you proven ad campaigns to copy in to your account, so you don’t have to start from scratch.
The 20+ Funnel Clones
That You Can Customize
For Your Business
PLUS, how to create expert level funnels from scratch.What’s the right funnel to use?

What copy should you use? What’s the most effective way to get someone to go from stranger to paying customer?

You’re going to learn how to answer these questions no matter who you’re building a funnel for, PLUS, you get 17+ already built funnels that you can plug and play for clients.

Scaling With Webinars

Not for everyone, but if you’re at the point that you want to launch your own course, get more clients through webinars, or even build webinars for other people, I’m going to show you the exact process some of my clients have used to build seven figure businesses with one pre-recorded webinar.
If you’re ready to take things to the next level, you don’t want to miss this.

Systemizing Your Business

Time is the most valuable resource that we have. When it comes to business, usually you’re either paying with money or time. I’m going to give you back your time in return for your investment in this program by showing you how to systemize your business and serve more people with less hands on work from you. Prevent burnout, make more money, and get a business that you actually LOVE.

What’s Inside Module V – VIII

How to setup your own funnel from scratch, no matter what industry you’re in
The 3 biggest mistakes most people make when launching a funnel and how to go from failure to success
The “double down” technique – how to call out your hottest leads and turn them in to buyers immediately
How to setup tracking to know exactly which ads are producing leads and sales, and which are not
How to Start An Ad Account From Scratch, AND How To Request Access To Your Client’s Page and Ad Account
The easiest way to get free, high quality images for your campaigns without spending hours searching through limited free stock image sites
The “Launch, tweak, troubleshoot, repeat” guaranteed profitability formula
“The Perfect Testimonial Template” – how to turn happy clients in to more money for you, time and time again

12 tried, tested, proven funnel stacks including targeting, ad copy, images and more
How to create irresistible offers that attract leads like a magnet
“5-minute ad hacks” – how I come up with winning facebook ad copy in 5 minutes or less
The #1 most important part of a Facebook ad and how to get people to stop and read what you have to offer (you don’t want to mess this up)
The client intake forms that will save you hours with client onboarding
The spreadsheet you can hand over to your clients to have them track their sales without you having to check in on them every week
The marketing strategy that took my client’s business from zero to $120,000/month in under a year
The “one-chapter-ahead” mindset that will not only make your life easier but will make your clients happier
How to NEVER pay out of pocket for Clickfunnels again


20+ Pre-Made “Funnel Stacks”
I’ve pre-built funnels in 20+ different niches including sample ad copy, targeting and recommended images, to take a lot of the guesswork out of launching new campaigns, and to save you hundreds of hours!

Plug and play these proven winners and be up and running in no time.

20 different niches included PLUS new funnels each month!

The “Rescue Marketing” Client Attraction System
Years and years of testing has brought out proven winners when it comes to getting new clients. I give you the scripts you need to make it happen, so you’re never wondering, what do I do next?

Instead, use these proven scripts in your business to attract your perfect client and close the deal.

The “Hidden Language” Sales Script
I paid thousands of dollars and traveled across the country to attend a top marketing event this year. In one of the presentations, a couple showed how they had gone from zero to $10 million in only ten months with their marketing company.

Their niche? Helping gyms get more members. That’s what’s really possible with this business model at the top end. They shared their “2-questions close,” which are the two questions they used to close clients for $18k each.

I’m going to share with you for free as a bonus, exactly what those two questions are, and how to use them to close your next high-value client, along with the full “hidden language” sales script.

New Client Checklist, Forms and Templates
What information do you need from a new client to get started?

What steps do you need to take to setup a new funnel without forgetting everything?

I give you the exact forms and checklists I use for every new client campaign to make sure that I have everything that I need, and so that I can deliver a consistent result every time

“Behind the Scenes” Client Campaign Walkthroughs
Watch me launch a brand new client campaign – every single step – that brings in $2,000 every single month like clockwork.

I show you how to do all of this in detail in the program, but you get to watch over my shoulder as I set up every single step in order.

The good, the bad, and the fun stuff. I took it one step further, and recorded another campaign, live, where I show you my tried and true “5-minute ad hacks” method where I write a winning ad right in front of your eyes and go live with the campaign on FB.

Weekly FB Live Q&A Sessions & Funnel Reviews
Just like you, I invest in coaching and training programs. I recently joined one for $21,600! I’m going to share with you every week, something that I’m learning in my high end coaching program.

At the same time, we’ll go over any questions from week and make sure you always have answers so you never get stuck. Constant updates, advanced strategies and the newest tactics will all be covered each week.

The $56k/Month Interview
The average household income in the US is $52,029. What do you think it feels like to make more than that in ONE month? I interview Grayson Carter after he had his first $56,000 MONTH with his marketing company.

You won’t believe what his niche is! We break down how to scale your marketing business past the $50k/month mark and make more in one month than most people do in a year. You don’t want to miss this.

It Might Also
Be For You If…

You don’t want to build and create all the necessary tools, scripts and funnels from scratch
You’re not sure how to get started if you’re starting from scratch with no previous results.
You want to know exactly what to offer clients, how to package your offer, what to sell, what’s included, how to price things.
You want to understand how to sell “value” instead of time or deliverables (this is why you can’t charge a lot of money right now).

You’re overwhelmed with all the possible ways to go…
You’re sick of going through courses that give you “part of the process” but not everything you need to succeed.
You’re feeling overwhelmed, lost, scared, confused or paralyzed when it comes to figuring out what to do next.
You’re used to trading time for money instead of results.
You’ve been feeling like you’re busy, but at the end of the day, it feels like you haven’t actually accomplished anything…
You want access to a community of amazing like-minded individuals to “be in it together” with.
You want access to a professional who is out in the field everyday, spending tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars a month on advertising, testing what works, figuring out the pitfalls to avoid, and growing real businesses.
You want to stop information overload and analysis paralysis in it’s tracks and follow a proven, step-by-step system.

The Work From Anywhere Accelerator™ Will Give You Every Piece Of The Puzzle…
To run a successful business from anywhere around the world

The easy-to-follow step by step process to become a professional marketing consultant… or a consultant in your field and get paying clients to replace your income.
Pre-made funnel “stacks” and swipe files with funnels, targeting, suggested images and ad copy…
The process and ability to launch profitable funnels no matter what business you’re in
The skills to get clients at anytime for your own business, or your clients
Get answers from a true professional anytime a question comes up to make sure you stay on track…

Only having to serve a couple clients, instead of thousands, in order to make a full time living
Time saving templates, scripts, processes and systems
Know exactly what you need to do next to get results, so you don’t have to second guess yourself
Uncover the best way to package your service in to a simple to understand offer that you can charge premium prices for
Finally learn how to standardize your offering so that you are building SYSTEMS that make you money…
The knowledge to free yourself from the “time-for-money” trap by leveraging systems…
Finally take action to change your life for the better.

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  • We’ll Bear The Risk, You’ll Take The Results…
  • Within 30 days of purchased |Christian Martin – The Work From Anywhere Accelerator |, if you don’t get anything out of the program, or if your order has any problem, or maybe for some reason, you just don’t like the way it is. Please contact us and we will do our best to assist. Thank you for your understanding.

Proof Content

The Work From Anywhere Accelerator - Christian Martin2

Sale Page: https://christianmartin.org/funnel-cloning-signup
Archive: https://archive.ph/Soxl7

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– After your purchase, you’ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.
– Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed, we’ll also send you a download notification email separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from imcourse.net.
– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC+8).
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6 reviews for The Work From Anywhere Accelerator – Christian Martin

  1. Heather Edwards (verified owner)

    I appreciated the hands-on approach to learning.

  2. Patrick (verified owner)

    This course is a great resource for anyone looking to learn this topic.

  3. Sarah Brown (verified owner)

    The course exceeded my expectations. Very comprehensive.

  4. Hayden (verified owner)

    The content was high-quality and well-organized.

  5. Max (verified owner)

    Great pacing and easy to follow. Perfect for busy professionals.

  6. Sarah Brown (verified owner)

    The content was high-quality and easy to understand.

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