
Austin Belcak – The Dream Job System

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Austin Belcak – The Dream Job System


The Dream Job System is a proven, all-in-one system for landing a job you love without connections, without traditional “experience,” and without applying online.


Are you stuck in a job that doesn’t make you happy, doesn’t pay you what you’re worth, and doesn’t have any opportunities for growth?

Are you ready to make the jump to a new career that challenges you, pays you what you’re worth, and offers you opportunities to grow while giving you the flexibility you need to live your life?

Whenever I ask people this question, the answer is an emphatic “YES!” However, most of them never end up making any progress.

Why? The answer boils down to one simple reason…

Everyone goes about the job search process the exact same way. Check this out:

In a recent LinkedIn survey on talent trends, 1 in 3 employees said they were actively looking for new work. The population of employed people in the US was 124 million. That means that, at any given time, 41 MILLION people are actively searching for a new job.

But not everyone who applies gets the job. In fact, less than 0.5% of people get hired.

The other 99.5% are stuck in the vicious cycle of application, conversation, rejection, repeat.

I know all too well because I was one of those people. Part of the 99.5%.


I’ve helped thousands of job seekers from different backgrounds and levels of experience lands jobs they love without applying online.

A few years ago I was stuck in a job I absolutely hated. I was waking at 3:30am six days a week to be at work on time. My boss treated me like complete crap. I was making next to nothing and, as a result, I racked up over $10,000 of credit card debt.

I had to get out.

I started applying online to 5 companies every day. Soon I had upped it to 10. I figured that if I threw enough applications out there, one of them would work out. I didn’t even care if I liked the job or not because I would have taken anything that got me out of my current situation.

Not a single company got back to me. Not one.

If I finally made it to the interview phase (by dumb luck or through family friends), I was consistently told that they were moving forward with another candidate.

By the end I applied to over 100 jobs and didn’t land a single one. I didn’t understand why until months later…

It was because I was going about the job search process like everyone else.

The cookie-cutter strategies simply don’t work.

It may sound crazy, but everything you’ve learned about getting a job in the past is wrong. It’s a tough pill to swallow because we usually get advice from people we care about and look up to – our friends, families, and teachers.

Even the advice that so-called “career experts” give is completely off base. For example…

They tell us to “find our passion.” Wrong.

They tells us that we need to “pay our dues” before we can move up. Wrong.

They tell us that if we “work hard” that everything will work out. Wrong (what does “work hard” even mean in this context?).

Then, after you’ve busted your ass and still haven’t seen results, they tell you to try harder – send out even more resumes, apply to more jobs. Wrong, wrong, wrong!

The worst part is, we’ve been conditioned to take this advice as gospel. After all, it’s the advice that our parents, our friends, and the “experts” all give. Who could blame you for thinking that you were on the right path?

Nothing is more frustrating that believing that you’re doing everything right and not getting any results.

But what are you supposed to do instead?


After spending several months following everyone else’s advice, I decided to try something different. Thus, my personal mantra was born: “Only take advice from people who already have what you want.”

I started by writing down the criteria for the career I wanted to have, the one I knew I deserved:

Working at a world class company like Google, Microsoft, or Facebook

Making over

Living in a big city like New York or LA

Achieving these goals before the age of 26

Over the next 6 months, I found as many people I could that fit the criteria. I reached out to them and picked their brains. As I spoke to more and more of these top performers, patterns started to emerge.

I began to see that these people weren’t necessarily smarter than their peers. They just had a different approach. They completely ignored the traditional advice. Instead, they forged their own rules for how the job search game should be played and it completely set them apart from everyone else.

Using the knowledge I gained, I developed a job search strategy that allowed me to go from a medical device salesperson making $42,000 with 1 year of professional experience to getting interviews and offers from Google, Microsoft & Twitter along with a salary of $160,000+ after being in the workforce for less than 3 years.

Hang on…did you catch that?


You apply for dozens of jobs online, but never hear anything back (except for the occasional rejection)
You feel “stuck” in an underpaid job with no opportunity for growth, promotion, or development
You want to change industries but you feel like you don’t have enough “experience” or that you’re not “qualified”
You have no idea how to make “connections” or network with the right people (and you hate “networking events”)
You just don’t know what you want to do with your life or career yet
You feel like you’re doing everything “right,” following all of the expert advice, but you’re still not getting any results
If any of those hit too close to home, it’s time to take action. I’m going to help you break through that barrier right here, right now.


The Dream Job System is a proven, plug-and-play system that can be used across industries. I developed it by:

Applying to 300+ jobs and going on 50+ job interviews, A/B testing strategies throughout each part of the process: application, interview, salary negotiation, etc.

Taking social & behavioral psychology courses to understand how recruiters and hiring managers think in order to find loopholes that I could exploit.

Spoke to over 30 people who met my 4 criteria: making $100k+, lived in a big city, were under 25 (if they didn’t have 5+ years of experience you don’t need to either), had the flexibility to work anywhere.

This experience gave me a deep understand of the hiring process from end-to-end, and allowed me to develop a formula that actually gets results instead of following the beaten path you’re “supposed” to take. By the end, I knew:

  1. 01.Exactly what to put on my resume to make sure that it not only got read, but made recruiters excited to reach out to me
  2. 02.Build relationships with high profile influencers who referred me into roles and advocated for me throughout the entire interview process
  3. 03.The exact answers I needed to use to make interviews love me – not only what to say, but when and how to say it
  4. 04.How to spin my non-traditional background as a HUGE advantage (I didn’t have the “right” college degree, a good GPA, or industry experience. I was an outsider.)
  5. 05.Negotiation strategies that the best salespeople in the world use to close hundreds of millions of dollars of business each year in the most competitive industries, which allowed me to increase my salary 200%+


When Jared reached out to me he was living in DC and fed up with his current job. He was working as an individual contributor in customer service and had hit a ceiling. There was no more room for growth at his company and he was being paid way less than he deserved.

His dream was not only to change job functions and cities, he wanted to jump straight into a management role (with no prior management experience) AND score a raise while he was at it.


DJS comes with 9 modules, 70+ videos, 2 bonuses, and 25+ hours of content. Here’s a breakdown of what you get with each module:

Module #1


  • Introduction & what to expect from the course
  • Discover why 99% of people fail to land jobs they love
  • Reveal my 7 step “Dream Job System Blueprint
  • Leverage my “Find Your Why” formula to discover the right career path and role for you (even if you have no idea what you want to do!) [Templates Included]

Module #2


  • Learn how to transform your resume into an interview generating machine
  • Revealing my proprietary process for writing highly effective resumes that both ATS systems and hiring managers love
  • Discover how to choose the right resume template, identify the right resume keywords, leverage formatting, & writing value-driven resume bullets [9+ Templates Included]

Module #3


  • Answering the question of “do Cover Letters still matter?”
  • Learn my 3 step framework for writing a crazy effective cover letter in 30 minutes
  • Breakdown of real Cover Letters from real people who landed jobs at companies like Google, etc.
  • Access to my proven Cover Letter Template [2 Examples Included]

Module #4


  • Discover how to statistically guarantee yourself a job offer using my “Pipeline Technique” [Template Included]
  • Use my “Dream Role Profile” to score the roles you find vs. your values and your career goals [Scorecard Included]
  • Learn how to identify target companies that will be scrambling to hire you
  • Learn how to identify contacts who can influence your ability to get hired at those target companies
  • Deep dive into my research process for learning everything about public & private companies

Module #5


  • Discover my 5 research-backed relationship building principles
  • Leverage the 90:9:1 Rule for starting strong relationships
  • Learn my process for become a highly effective cold emailer [Templates Included]
  • Break down the 5 most effective relationship building strategies, including my “Goal Getter,” “Show Me You Know Me,” & “Testimonial Method” tactics
  • How to use the Dream 50 technique to turn total strangers into referrals and advocates [Worksheet Included]

Module #6


  • Discover the single most effective tactic for landing a dream job (this is my “secret sauce!”)
  • Create a project that makes your value irresistible and crystal clear to recruiters and hiring managers
  • Learn 5 unique ways to come up with a killer Value Validation Project idea
  • Break down my process for creating an high quality Value Validation Project for free!
  • Deep dive into 5+ Value Validation Project Examples from real students at companies like Microsoft, Instagram, AirBnB, Twitter, & more [Projects Included]

Module #7


  • Revealing the science behind my research-backed interview preparation strategy
  • Discover the 7 core interview questions you’ll be asked in 90% of interviews
  • Learn how to craft and deliver interview answers that will blow your interviewer away [Examples Included]
  • Proven frameworks for answering trick questions like What’s Your Biggest Weakness?, Tell Me About Yourself?, and How Many Golf Balls Can Fit Inside of a 747 Airplane? [Templates Included]
  • Learn the secret to “turning the tables” and using your non-traditional background as an advantage over other candidates

Module #8


  • Learn how 3 simple principles of behavioral psychology will allow you to get inside your interviewer’s brain and help you build a strong relationship with them
  • Utilizing Conversation Ratio to leave a positive impression on your interviewer down to the molecular level (seriously…I’ll show you the science behind it)
  • Illustrating how The Recency Effect can allow you to choose exactly what our interview remembers about you
  • 5 psychologically-rooted questions I asked every interviewer and the breakdown of why they are so powerful [Templates Included]

Module #9


  • Learn the salary negotiation strategies that DJS students have used to boost their salaries by an average of 36% – 44%
  • Leverage a simple framework to control the conversation when your future employer asks about your salary expectations
  • Discover the different types of negotiators and the specialized techniques you can use to be successful with each type
  • Share other forms of compensations that you can negotiate beyond salary (that might actually be worth more!)



As a member of any level of the Dream Job System, you’ll get access to the private DJS Community. Accountability and support are absolutely crucial to success when it comes to job searching and I built both aspects into the heart of this course.

  • Join a community of 500+ like-minded people who are going through the exact same process, with the exact same goals. Bonus: No judgement or outdated advice!
  • Get access to weekly goal setting and accountability checks
  • Help break through any barriers or obstacles you face throughout the job search process by tapping into a network of people who have successfully overcome what you’re struggling with



Dive deep into the stories and strategies that real DJS students have used to land their dream jobs:

  • Paula: From Laid Off To Marketing Director In 17 Days
  • Rick: From Service Delivery Manager To Front End Developer
  • Queen: From Florida To San Francisco With A 300% Raise
  • Joseph: From Microbiology > Finance > Block Chain
  • Heather: From unemployed for 2 years to dream job that pays double!
  • Plus many more!



VIP level DJS students get access to personalized coaching to help them get better, faster results!

  • VIP members get a live, 30 minute one-on-one coaching session with Austin
  • VIP members also get access to 1.5 hours of live group coaching every single month
  • These sessions can be used to cover anything and everything! Resumes, relationships, VVPs, interviews, and more.



Over the years, I’ve hosted several virtual summits where I brought together some of the biggest names in career development, entrepreneurship, & leadership. These people sat down & shared their stories, strategies, & secrets to success. As a VIP DJS student you’ll have lifetime, on-demand access to every single session including:

  • How to build a $100,000+ business on the side (even if you don’t have an idea)
  • Strategies from a money expert on growing your net worth and rapidly paying off debt
  • The secrets to landing a six figure job as an immigrant in the United States
  • Professional Jet Setting – how to get paid to travel the world without quitting your job
  • How to use your non-traditional background as an advantage to beat the competition
  • 25 more game changing sessions you can watch any time, anywhere


Paula is an immigrant from Brazil who had made her way to the US and was working at an SEO agency. The job was OK, but Paula didn’t feel like her work truly made a difference in people’s live. She wanted to work at a company thatprioritized tackling humanitarian issues as well as profitability and she felt stuck.

After we met, Paula flawlessly executed the DJS process to land her dream job at a company that sold water bottles and, for every bottle sold, provided 5 years of clean water to people in developing countries.

Paula worked at this company for a few months before taking her first vacation. When she got home, she found an email from her boss that said “we need to talk.” The startup was having funding issues and the CEO was laying off the entire workforce. Paula’s last day was 3 days later.

Sale Page: https://cultivatedculture.com/djs-course/
Archive: https://archive.ph/wip/ZDaBQ

6 reviews for Austin Belcak – The Dream Job System

  1. Richard (verified owner)

    The instructor’s knowledge and passion for the subject were evident.

  2. Nicole Ward (verified owner)

    The content was engaging and easy to follow.

  3. Melissa Rivera (verified owner)

    Well-structured and engaging. I feel more confident in my skills now.

  4. Patrick (verified owner)

    Good quality.

  5. Heather Murphy (verified owner)

    This course is a great resource for anyone looking to learn this topic.

  6. Kyle Perry (verified owner)

    The course materials were top-notch. Excellent quality!

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